Conversation 24
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is number 24 out of the
series. I created and started this thread 10 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe. 🌹✨😎
The National Day of Prayer is observed annually on the first Thursday in May. This day observance, designated by the United States Congress, asks people “to turn to God in prayer and meditation.”
For many, prayer is an integral part of daily life. Prayer offers a rich connection to our spiritual lives, nurturing our relationships and faith. It also provides comfort in times of crisis or need.
National Truffle Day on May 2 serves up a deliciously sweet treat and places the chocolate truffle in the spotlight.
N. Petruccelli of Chambery, France is believed to be the inventor of the chocolate truffle in December 1895. Truffles became much more prevalent in 1902 after the Prestat Chocolate Shop opened in London. In fact, Prestat still sells “Napoleon III” truffles made to the original recipe.
Traditionally, chocolatiers make this sweet confection with a chocolate ganache center coated in chocolate, icing, cocoa powder, chopped nuts, or coconut. Oftentimes, they may fill the truffle with other yummy surprises, too. For example, some candy makers include cream, melted chocolate, caramel, nuts, fruit, nougat, fudge, toffee, mint, marshmallow, or liqueur.
The Truth About Truffles
Apparently, there is a huge misunderstanding among truffle lovers. One group believes the truffle is a sweet treat made by bakers, while another group has a slightly different idea on a true truffle. Unfortunately, this group of truffle experts feel a bit neglected when talking about the truffle. As a result, we are sharing our short list of what a “real” truffle is according to certain truffle experts, obviously.
Truffles are actually a mushrooms that grow underground near truffle oaks.
Real truffles apparently look similar to a small brown rock.
Truffles have been around for about 4,000 years. In fact, documentation says Egyptians eating them coated with goose fat.
Truffles are mostly found in Italy, southern France, and Croatia.
Truffle dogs and truffle dogs are specially trained to find truffle.
Shockingly, a truffle once sold for $3,000.
You can add chocolate to anything and it immediately becomes a delicacy. -
National Life Insurance Day is on May 2nd and marks the anniversary of the first day that life insurance became available in the U.S. The observance also brings awareness of the benefits of life insurance.
Life Insurance has a long, interesting history. Starting in 1760, when the sale of life insurance in the U.S. began. The Presbyterian Synods in Philadelphia and New York City created the Corporation for Relief of Poor and Distressed Widows and Children of Presbyterian Ministers in 1759.
On May 2, 1759, the charter recorded for the Corporation for Relief of Poor and Distressed Widows and Children of Presbyterian Ministers. Episcopalian priests created a comparable relief fund in 1769. Between 1787 and 1837, more than two dozen life insurance companies were started, but fewer than half a dozen survived.
Life insurance can do some pretty amazing things for people. It can buy loved one time to grieve. It can also pay off debts and loans, providing surviving family members with the chance to move on with a clean slate. Life insurance allows families to remain in their homes and pre-fund a child’s college education. When families own a business, life insurance will enable them to keep the business in the event of an untimely death. It also provides a stream of income for a family to live on for a period of time.
Sheba, Wow, May 1st already. How’s your brother doing today?
Unplanned haircut and color today or would have had to wait until June. My hairdresser has a one week Mexico vacation in the mix for May, No time for trails today so I will make up for it tomorrow.
Sounds like more rain is on the way for you. I think we are done for a while here.
Hubs spotted a visiting bunny on the security camera so he and son put out some treats for it.
My son is doing well. We are waiting for some more results from some testing but he seems good and hoping it was just the low potassium that caused the issue. -
Oodie, Is there a patient bill of rights somewhere on a wall there? Sometimes these places forget who they serve and why they are there. Glad you are planning your food for hubs with the plastic bags.
Sorry about your husbands roommate. Very sad. Maybe they couldn’t say much due to hippa laws. -
Not yet, but in short supply.
We have a storm coming it will be rain. I hope you get your husband food safely
and I don’t like the way the nurses are handling the situation.I can’t wait for your husband to come home. 🌹🌹
Drive safe on the way home.
Peace Out Peeps enjoy your evening. ✨✨
Happy May to you. It is the perfect day in the ‘burgh, sunshine, 70’s and no humidity.😊 Rain coming in for the weekend so it will get humid. Trying to not turn on the a/c yet.
Glad Poppy is back to normal, must have been all those nose kisses and love from mama! You two have a nice walk this evening. Love and hugs to you both.🤗💖
I will be bringing the other half of the grinder along with the strawberry cheesecake. It will not be in a refrigerated case. They want to play games, so will I. I am in the process of changing my work clothes to the visiting one. I do not like the idea that I cannot bring something. If he doesn’t eat his dinner I am devastated. I tried to reach the head nurse, he wasn’t in. Will try again tomorrow. The problem is not the food, but his eating habit. If the nurse would take the time to watch, they would see the problem first hand. It takes all my strength at times to get him to take small bites and to chew it well. When he listens there is no problem. I also have blueberries and Dragon Fruit which I will nuke together for tomorrow. Will write more later.
Glad your weather has changed, but still be careful. The storms are not over just yet.
Finding Freedom in No
Saying no to somebody when we’re used to saying yes, can be challenging because of our fear of rejection.
Many of us, from childhood on, were taught that saying yes is right and saying no is wrong. We learned that acceding to demands allowed us to avoid conflict and criticism, please people, earn praise, and prove that we care for the important people in our lives. Yet the right to say no is indelibly intertwined with the ability to make choices. When we sense we are limited in our options, and compelled to say yes even when doing so is not in our interests, we are effectively robbed of our ability to choose. Growing out of this tendency to say yes even when we desperately want to say no can be challenging because we suspect that others will reject us for our assertiveness. But the reward we receive when facing this challenge is true freedom of choice.
When others ask you to take on work or do favors, consider their requests carefully. If you feel pressed to say yes, consider whether you are acquiescing out of a desire for approval or to stave off disapproval. Remind yourself often that the ability to say no is an important aspect of well-being, as it is an indication that you understand the true value of your energy, talents, and time. As you learn to articulate your personal power by saying no, you may feel compelled to explore the myriad consequences of the word by responding negatively to many or most of the requests put to you. The word “no” may even become your default response for some time. When you see that life moves forward without interruption, you will grow more comfortable saying no and will resume making decisions from a point of balance.
There is nothing inherently wrong with acceding to the requests others make of you, provided these requests do not infringe upon your health or your happiness. Keep in mind, it is only when you feel you have the legitimate right to say no that you can say yes with utmost certainty, sincerity, and enthusiasm. While saying yes almost always has a cost, you can feel good about offering your agreement when your reasons for doing so are rooted in your individual values and your appreciation for the appeal before you.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
2,041 Replies
05.23.24 1:21 AM
7 Participants