Conversation 24
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is number 24 out of the
series. I created and started this thread 10 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe. 🌹✨😎
I am going to try to get something one and done. I may just do the front yards first
and then the huge back yard perhaps on Sunday. I will take my time because I want it
done right and only hubby and I can make that happen. 💕🎈One of my nieces in GA is going to her high school prom she looked so pretty. 💕
Thank you for mentioning my brother he is back to work. I’d rather he be at work
than being sick and we never saw this coming. Total shock especially to him.Here this should cool you down a bit with your temps being high. OZ have more rain
on the way. So that is one reason my planting is going to take minute. 💕Hey enjoy your treat. 💕😘
LOL! LOL! I love what you wrote. 🎈💕
Peace Out Peeps enjoy your evening and stay safe. 😎
Good afternoon to you. Hot today🔥, right now 86, heavy rain tonight and all through the weekend. About a 50% chance everyday next week.⛈ We had more than enough in April.
Did some errands early and spent a couple hours at mom’s. Picked up dinner on the way home so no cooking today, yay!😊 Don’t think I’ll be planting flowers until sometime next week between all the raindrops. No big plans this weekend so will do odds and ends inside and take it easy.
Hope your brother is doing well🙏, sending hot hugs from me and Jake.🤗💖
I’m making this official!!🐶🍷🐶 And it can be more than one day!!✨
Finding Nature in Your Neighborhood
There is much we can learn from the ocean, as we have a similar inner landscape within us.
Both cities and tightly packed suburbs offer wildlife bountiful nooks and crannies in which to hide, which can make it difficult to spot the animals that live in our midst. Many animals thrive among paved streets, sidewalks, buildings, parking lots, and high-rises. There are animals in abundance burrowing in the soil of center medians and tiny backyard gardens, making nests in the trees that line broad and busy avenues, and buzzing around the flowers that beautify our parks. To find these creatures, we only need to stop, look, and listen. Nature’s drama is continually playing out on the window ledges where weary birds stop to roost, in the shadowy places where cautious nocturnal mammals wait for night’s mantle to fall, and in the fountains where playful waterfowl splash and frolic. When we observe the animals that share our habitat, we become a part of their beautiful, complex, and exciting world.Season by season, cities offer diverse ecosystems for you to explore. If your search for urban and suburban wildlife is challenging, try to look at your community with an animal’s eyes. Where there are shrubs and flowers, insects such as butterflies, ladybugs, beetles, and spiders can usually be found. The insects, in turn, attract the birds that feast upon them. Even the smallest green spaces are hosts to squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks, and moles. Decorative awnings offer falcons a place to raise their young. At night, a different community of animals awakens to the world. Raccoons, skunks, and possums emerge to examine our human leftovers. Even our pets feel the call of the wild. It’s not uncommon for well-fed cats in colorful collars to stalk the streets in search of prey. Signs of habitation, like nests or hives, and audible evidence, like chirps, will help you find them.
Recognizing that you share your city with a wide range of animals can make you feel like a part of the grand circle of life and help you appreciate the importance of a healthy urban environment. You can admire the hardiness and adaptability of the urban animal while developing a sense of stewardship that inspires you to become their champion. The shrill calls of birds, the hum of bees, and the sweet squeaks of city-dwelling mammals can be a symphony that helps you develop a deeper connection with the natural world. 😎🎈
Good afternoon in the ‘burgh. Enjoy the weekend. 😎
I know we both will be planting over the weekend. 😎🎈
Send warm hugs to you and Jake. 💕😎
Good morning in S. California. Enjoy these cooler days. 🎈😎💕
Poppy is not scared of thunder he does not mind being out in the rain.
Sorry about the mishap with the return my goodness I think we all need to check
things out real good when shopping. Glad you were able to get a refund. 💕Enjoy the trails today if you can. Poppy and I were out and about early and it was so
nice we have the sun. 😎🎈 -
Good afternoon on the Gulf Coast of Florida. 😎🎈I hope this day is a good one for you
hopefully you have had some good rest.Enjoy the Markets and have a good visit with your husband. 💕
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
2,041 Replies
05.23.24 1:21 AM
7 Participants