Conversation 24
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is number 24 out of the
series. I created and started this thread 10 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe. 🌹✨😎
May the Fourth be with you each year on National Star Wars Day. Or is it, “May the force be with you?” It all depends on whether you like using puns or not.
Thousands of Star Wars enthusiasts celebrate this day each year with parties and celebrations around the nation. If you are a fan, then National Star Wars Day allows you to dress like your favorite character, say your favorite lines from the series and catch a movie or read a book.
Star Wars fans didn’t first introduce the often-quoted phrase on May 4th. It was 1979, and Britain elected the first female Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. On May 4th, the day she took office, the Conservative Party placed an advertisement in The London Evening News, which read, “May the Fourth Be with You, Maggie. Congratulations.”
Star Wars creator, George Lucas, was asked during a 2005 interview on a German news TV channel to say the famous sentence “May the Force Be with You.” Upon doing so, the interpreter interpreted the sentence into German as Am4 Mai sind wir bei Ihnen (On May 4 we are with you). TV Total captured this and aired it on May 18, 2005.
On May 4th National Orange Juice Day recognizes America’s most popular breakfast drink. Orange juice holds a large margin over second-place apple juice, too. People have been waking up to a glass of orange juice for many years and enjoying the health benefits it gives them.
One 8 ounce serving of orange juice has 124 mg of vitamin C and also supplies potassium, thiamine, and folate. That little bit of sunshine in the morning can add a boost to your day. Get your orange juice fresh squeezed, bottled or in concentrated form in the freezer section. You can also enjoy orange juice blends for delicious combinations.
The United States is second only to Brazil in the production of orange juice, and they’re second only to Canda in consumption.
Another excellent way to add orange juice to your diet if you are watching your sugar intake is to include it as an ingredient in a recipe. Orange juice adds great flavor to smoothies, whole-grain waffles or french toast.
We honor our feathered friends on several holidays called Bird Day in the United States. The day celebrates birds of all kinds across North America.
With over 2,000 species of birds in North America, birdwatchers and nature lovers alike will appreciate the beauty and variety of these winged friends offer. From songbirds to waterfowl and domesticated birds, they come in every color of plumage and wingspan.
During the spring, migrating birds move to their summer nesting grounds. It’s an excellent time for those new to birdwatching to learn to identify birds by species. Enthusiasts also know that birds will migrate through backyards and stop for a rest, a bite to eat, and a drink if the right habitat is provided. They stand prepared by their windows with binoculars and watch as new visitors arrive daily. Whether it’s an oriole, a tree swallow, the ruby-throated hummingbird, or an American Finch, you’ll want to make sure you’ve prepared food, natural habitat and water sources for your guests.
However, it’s not just the passersby that get birdists excited. It’s the long term residents and those of the greater outdoors. Year after year they watch robins collect their nesting material or chickadees caring for their brood. They wander through nature preserves seeking a glimpse of a varied thrush or a prairie warbler. When they do, they are often graced with a privileged view of a bald eagle soaring above them.
National Self-Employed Day on May 4 honors the dedicated individuals that bravely venture out to create their own business to support themselves, their families, and their community.
Self-employed business owners are amongst the hardest working individuals you’ll ever meet. They continuously strive to meet their goals to be successful. The self-employed business owner never quits and faces every obstacles they encounter head on. In fact, there is very little that can stop a self-employed business owner from succeeding.
What Does Self-Employed Mean?
Being self-employed means a person does not work for a specific employer or business. Instead, they work for themselves and earn their income by doing business directly. Even though self-employment provides more job flexibility and freedom, it also requires a lot of commitment and dedication. A self-employed person must devote valuable time and energy to earn their wages and pay their bills.
Controlling Your Destiny
As a self-employed individual, you are in complete control of your destiny. Your passion to move forward and become an independent employee enables you to take your dream as far as you want. You have creative control over your ideas and how you want to implement them. In fact, you choose your own work environment, which includes whether or not you want or need employees to help you on your journey.
Establishing self-employment allows you to grow your knowledge and fine-tune your skill set. Your learning curve never ends because being self-employed gives enough variety in your daily routine to allow constant growth. In fact, self-employment helps you build and create your own network of clients.
Network building when you are self-employed is an important piece of your success. By increasing your network, you learn more about business than your realize from your peers. In addition, you learn from their successes and failures, which help you make better decisions for yourself in the long run. A good, strong network brings a group of like-minded people together, yourself included, that encourage, help, and assist each other as your businesses grow.
National Fitness Day on the first Saturday in May offers an opportunity to be inspired and try new ways of becoming fit and healthy.
The day is dedicated to everyone – not just health enthusiasts. Step out and try a class that looks interesting. Zumba? Yoga? Yes, try it for a day. Perhaps you only want to get out and stretch. Do it!
Maybe you already have a nice routine but want to try something new. The day is an excellent way to shake up your routine. And while you’re at it, bring a friend.
Good morning. Two busy days. I’ve been trying to get to Costco for the last two weeks to no avail.
It’s been one thing or another. So, tomorrow, no matter what, I will go since the last day for this booklet ends on Sunday. I have had problems with the bathtub drain and used a pipe cleaner, an auger and other tools. The drain was clogged. Notice, I said was. Everything I used, up until yesterday worked for a short period of time. Finally did a “google” search and it recommended Hydrogen Peroxide along with Baking soda. But how much. Finally found what I was looking for and used a cup of baking soda which I sprinkled around the drain. I waited about an hour and then added one cup of Hydrogen Peroxide and waited until late morning yesterday to check it out. It was still bubbling, so waited another hour and then ran the hot water. Just before leaving to see hubby, I checked the drain and it worked. I was shocked and surprised. I will do this method again just to be on the safe side. There is a clean odor emanating from that room.
This will be my new method from now on. Only problem, do it before going to bed since it takes about 8 hours from start to finish. I let it go longer. If it didn’t work, repeat the process. It would probably be shorter if you used an auger or a wired coat hanger. However this takes the edge off and ends the stuff you look at with the tools. Less aggravation. Just wish it would work on the garbage disposal. Time to call the plumber………Saw hubby yesterday and today. Brought him homemade cheesecake with strawberries. Might be fattening, but seeing the smile on his face meant the world to me. Tonight he shared my tuna fish salad. Glad there was enough for the two of us. He was in the wheelchair when I arrived which is a good thing since he was able to move around. Next week the car date. That should be fun. He wants a Costco fix. He thinks he can get out of the car and walk to the carts. I do not think so. The therapy stopped due to the weight gain which will prohibit standing on the one good leg. I’m thinking of contacting the YMCA to see if there is a therapist for the pool area. I have a feeling that this could help him regain some movement and also help in balancing.
I have no idea what happened to xango. I sometimes wonder if it was something that someone said to offend her or if she is in pain. As I said prior her last statement was that she wouldn’t be on as much unless she had something to say. I just hope and pray she is OK and her family in Brazil are OK as well. I really miss her. I think all of us feel the same way.
By the way, to change the subject again. Just read online where biologists and scientists are using a person’s DNA to fight against the cancer cells. Best of all, it seems to be working. Somehow or other they get the blood cells to see the Cancer as an enemy and it goes into an attack mode. And yes, hubby’s roommate did have cancer. Up until last week he was OK. He was on his way to have a smoke when he stopped to tell me that he had an awful pain in his side. I had a feeling it was the beginning of the end. He had no one visiting. Not good to be alone. Just wish I had seen that article sooner. I would have insisted that he give it a try. Seems to work on even late stage cancer. Doesn’t matter what type. Good results. No after affects either. I really miss him.
I am a Star Wars Child. 😎💕😘
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
2,041 Replies
05.23.24 1:21 AM
7 Participants