Conversation 24
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is number 24 out of the
series. I created and started this thread 10 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe. 🌹✨😎
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Good Morning Peeps and welcome to our wonderful community on this lovely
Friday. 😎🎈 -
To All 4 of our children. 😘💕🎈😎
National Provider Appreciation Day, also known as National Child Care Provider Day, is annually celebrated on the Friday before Mother’s Day. The special day recognizes child care providers, teachers, and other educators of young children everywhere.
Child care providers deserve a big “Thank you” for their dedication, commitment, and compassion. Less than one-third of the children in America have a full-time stay-at-home parent. Since the child care provider is a partner in raising children, parents carefully choose their child care provider. It may be a private home daycare, a daycare center, an in-home provider, or a live-in nanny. Parents put their trust in their childcare providers as they share child-rearing responsibilities with them.
Each year on May 10th, National Shrimp Day recognizes America’s favorite seafood. Americans eat moreshrimp than any other seafood, and this is the day to celebrate this delicious seafood.
We use the word “prawn” loosely to describe any large shrimp, sometimes known as “jumbo shrimp.” Some countries use the word “prawn” exclusively for all shrimp.
Preparing the shrimp for consumption usually involves removing the head, shell, tail, and “sand vein.” There are many ways to cook shrimp. Standard methods of preparation include baking, boiling, broiling, sauteing, frying, and grilling. Cooking time is delicate for shrimp, and they are at their best when not overcooked.
Ahealthy food, shrimp, is low in calories and high in omega-3, calcium, iodine, and protein levels. Shrimp is also known to be considered good for the circulatory system.
Popular North America Shrimp Dishes:
Seafood Gumbo: A stew or soup that probably originated in southern Louisiana during the 18th century. Seafood gumbo typically consists of a strongly-flavored stock, shrimp and crab meat (sometimes oysters), a thickener, and seasoning vegetables. Cooks categorize Gumbo by the type of thickener used: okra, the Choctaw spice, file powder (dried and ground sassafras leaves), or roux, the French base made of flour and fat.
Shrimp Cocktail: The Golden Gate served shrimp cocktails before any other restaurant. Their menu listed shrimp cocktails for .50 cents in 1959. It is now a Las Vegas cliché. Called the “Original Shrimp Cocktail” on the menu, it is a favorite among tourists and the locals. The original Shrimp Cocktail consists of a regular-sized sundae glass filled with small salad shrimp and topped with a dollop of cocktail sauce.
Shrimp DeJonghe: A specialty of Chicago, it is a casserole of the whole, peeled shrimp blanketed in soft, garlic, sherry-laced bread crumbs. Restaurants often serve it as an appetizer or a main course. It originated in the late 19th or early 20th century at the DeJonghe’s Hotel and Restaurant.Shrimp Scampi: This dish has its own day onApril 29,and it is cooked in butter, garlic, lemon juice, and white wine.
Shrimp and other shellfish are among the most common food allergens.
Always the Friday before Mother’s Day, National Military Spouse Appreciation Day recognizes the significant contributions, support, and sacrifices of the spouses of the Armed Forces. National Military Spouse Appreciation Day is also sometimes known as Military Spouse Day.
Along with the tremendous strength and patriotism they have, military spouses endure frequent change and unexpected developments in their lives. They prepare for many unknowns during military life, often unable to make a plan for more than a few days in advance. The hold down the home front during deployments, training, and many other circumstances while their husband or wife serve their country. Depending on the length of service, they may move many times and often all over the world. Military spouses also spend many months apart during stressful deployments with limited communication or for training.
But they bear these responsibilities by caring for and relying on family. With every move, they find a new job, help their children adjust to new schools and friends. They learn about a new community and its culture. During separations, they celebrate holidays at unusual times or host long-distance birthday parties. By supporting our service members and ensuring a sound home, our military is stronger and more prepared.
Spring cleaners get their wish granted each year when National Clean Up Your Room Day arrives on May 10th. Children often dread this parent-appreciated day. Though, some years, the observance arrives with perfect timing for Mother’s Day!
However, the observance doesn’t only target kids. It is also about picking up, straightening up, and cleaning up the whole house. Adults take spring cleaning seriously, and homes get aired out. They organize, de-clutter, and rearrange. It’s time to fix the broken and match up missing parts, like with like. We tackle cluttered closets and donate or throw away those things we no longer use. Help your children make their beds, clean their rooms, and eliminate the toys and clothing they have outgrown.
The day helps garages, sheds, and cabinets see the light of day. Drawers, closets (did we say that already), and under the bed get thoroughly organized. Find ways to repurpose items around the house, too. Look at old things in new ways:
Use an old towel bar on your potting bench and hang S hooks to store your tools.
Broken dresser drawers become bookshelves or under-bed storage.
How many ways can you repurpose an unused wine rack? storage for towels in the bathroom take it to the craft area for all the small tools, glue and yarn store water bottles and travel mugs
Tissue boxes make terrific storage for plastic bags, but they also work well for used dryer sheets. Reuse the dryer sheets to wipe down the washer and dryer to keep it dust-free and clean out the lint trap.
Use old magazine racks to store cutting boards, baking sheets, and other flat kitchen items. -
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
2,041 Replies
05.23.24 1:21 AM
7 Participants