Conversation – 21
Good Day Peeps in our Wonderful Community this is Thread number 21 of the Conversation Series. 😎😉
I created and started this thread nearly 10 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please stay safe. 🌹✨😎
Club Sheba Classic Edition 😎
Much nicer day, sunny and warmer🌞, I could actually stand out on the deck for a little while to cut my husband’s hair.✂
It would be a treat if you could catch a glimpse of T & T. Just look for all the bodyguards hanging all around.😄 I bet she’ll be at a few more games.
We always go out for dinner either Christmas eve or Christmas day, that’s what I’m working on today. All depends on the weather. Last year, Christmas eve was snowy and very cold, don’t want mom to get sick.
I bet the kitties are thrilled to see you back home. Mama Doolittle taking care of her clan.🥰 BTW, loved Jake with his Santa hat. Really miss him. Sending holiday hearts to your house.🎄💖💗🎄
Hubby is Ok, well sort of. He has no pain, but refuses to drink water. I didn’t make it to Costco as originally planned, but will do so today. A physician from the hospital dropped in last night to check on hubby. Hubby was quite pale and the doctor noticed and asked about liquids. He said he wasn’t thirsty, so he gave h im an ultimatum. Don’t drink water, you will need an intravenous. Not sure that raised any eyebrows. I think the nurses let him know that it was like pulling teeth. Might because he is wearing pullups since he cannot walk to the bathroom. Whatever the reason I am on it.
I ordered a pizza and meatball grinder last night. The place I order from is about 3 miles from the rehab and the food is delicious. Less costly than the one from the Bronx area in NY and tastier. Hubby loved the grinder. We used to compare the grinders in Florida to the ones we ordered on lunch break in Ct.. This one beats th em 101% and hubby agreed. There hasn’t been one takeout or delivered that we didn’t like. Best of all you can order on line and have it delivered by a certain time.
Have a wonderful afternoon. It is sunny here. No rain in sight. Going to get a move on.
Good afternoon in the ‘burgh and may this day find you doing well.
Yay to mom and sis going on another Cruise. I love it. 💕😘😉🎈😎
T&T will be near me during her stay in our area. 💕😎This is getting serious.
A little chilly in OZ but alright we made back in the nick of time now the areas
we had to go through are having some weather issues.I am going to put the tree up this weekend with our son here he can help. 😘😎
Wishing you a great day and sending warm holiday hugs to you and Jake’s Canvas. 😘💕
Good morning in S. California. 😉😎🎈I am so glad you are back to hiking and I am back
to walking I am doing a mile a day. 😉My family told me I have lost weight I never gain weight even with four pregnancy I never
gained more than ten pounds with each child. I cannot eat when pregnant food just makes
me sick. The way I walk and work around the house and yards I do burn anything I eat off.Taci I take Andrew Lessman’s products and they work well for me. Hey check out Diva’s
Thread on December’s Special there is ChocoNuvo coming up.Taci I am sure you are thinking of your beloved mother during this season. My heart is
with you I just want you to know that. 😘💕Happy Trails To You. 🎶🎶
This is OZ and Colorado. 😘😎😉💕
Good afternoon on the Gulf Coast of Florida. 🎈😎 I hope you are nice and warm.
Have a great day visiting your husband I pray he will stand and walk right out that door
soon from the Rehab.Oodie it’s been a long time and needs to come home. I know you are bringing good eats
for him and you enjoy the season. “Hanukkah sameach!” 😎💕😉Thinking of you guess what Poppy and I are back to normal. I have to put on coats
to feed the cats outdoors they are happy to see me. My favorite is one who is black and I
have taken care of him going on three years. I made sure our son gave him plenty of food.
We are trying to build a winter home that he can feel safe in during the cold winter nights.I call him Kitty Kitty and he knows his name. 💕
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
2,046 Replies
12.15.23 3:35 PM
7 Participants