Conversation – 21
Good Day Peeps in our Wonderful Community this is Thread number 21 of the Conversation Series. 😎😉
I created and started this thread nearly 10 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please stay safe. 🌹✨😎
The electricity was shut off while in the shower. I could not understand why the hot water started to turn cold. There was no reason why and nothing in the e-mail notifying us of any problems. Since it was still off when I was leaving for the appointment I shut the power off completely in the panel. When I returned it was still off.
Hubby’s appointment was wonderful. Love this physician. He answered all our questions and took his time with us. Hubby can now enjoy Florida’s citrus fruits, but in moderation. Juice is out of the question because it is fermented and not good for the kidneys. It’s one of the no no’s for me as well because it is considered a sulfite. Also, he saw no reason why hubby could not have a total knee replacement. He did well with the anesthesia last week. However, I was told it was a different type. The urologist could not believe what we were told. I will look into this next week to get more of a perspective. His next appointment is in March shortly after our anniversary. I was totally amazed of the outcome from this surgery. He also was able to bypass the prostate. Hubby has had absolutely no pain from day one.
I did manage to visit our Farmer’s Market. It was a madhouse. Wall-to wall people. Glad someone mentioned this as I left the van. Grabbed my mask and put it on just before entering the store. I picked up a couple of red oranges and a package of mandarins. I shopped for an hour and when I arrived home, still no electricity. I had lots for the frig and freezer. I unpacked everything and grouped freezer and frig separately and then opened the door and threw everything inside. The freezer paks were still frozen. At 4 pm, grabbed Kindle, put a flashlight near the door and put some things into a freezer bag with two freezer paks and left. It wasn’t until I got to McDonald’s that I noticed I forgot the recharger for Kindle.I lad less than 10% left.
I returned home around 10 pm. Still no electricity. It came on shortly thereafter. I have a feeling that things were not completed and we may lose it again on Monday. Oh well. The plumber will be here along with the handyman. Should be another fun day (I’m being facetious).The new mattress is here and the old one is in the guest bedroom. It is low enough for hubby, but it is difficult for me to get out of. It is also bad for sinuses in that it is closer to the floor. It is also not as firm and now wonder if the box spring made it feel harder and therefore better for lower back problems. I will test this a few more days before making any decisions.
Lovely set.
Sheba, Hello! No more games huh? Poppy really missed you. Wonder what the cats do during the day? Around here there are feral fosters. Gotta hand it to all the people who take care of all the animals.
Picked up my hairdresser and postal workers gift cards today and had an awesome hike.
I am going on a different route and a bit earlier to avoid being out after 3ish. Best way to avoid the critters and snakes are hibernating so s/b mostly ok there.
Have a great evening! -
Oodie, Happy Hanukkah! Great news about your husbands test!!!
Checking in while I’m cooking dinner. Pasta, what else is new.🍝 Finger is okay, took the gauze off yesterday and put a band aid on. This afternoon took the band aid off and used some New Skin. Feels alright, just don’t want it to start bleeding. Yes, I will be more careful.
Hockey team has been horrible, losing a lot and not playing good.😣 Oh well, nothing I can do except turn the channel. Football team doing terrible also. I will be watching and rooting for KC on Sunday.👍✨
Beautiful day today🌞, rain and snow coming Sunday.🌧❄ Timer is going off, dinner is ready. Hugs to you and Poppy.🤗💖
No power. Will not be on until late today or tomorrow. Using McDonalds. Hubby did amazing. Best MD report ever. Thank you for all the prayers and then some. Next is PT to get him on his feet and walking. Cannot write now. Forgot the WiFi plug for Kindle.
Good day in the ‘burgh. Lady how is your finger doing? I know it’s just a cut but it
can be annoying when you are trying to do your normal routine.Lady good luck with your Hockey Team Game tonight. We all get excited over our
games. I will let hubby and son watch the football game this weekend I will be doing
something else. I am almost done with some projects. 😉😎💕Blowing a nice gentle hug to you and Jake’s Canvas. 🎈
Good morning in S. California. I hope you are enjoying the trails again. 😎🎈😉
Oz is alright today not too bad and we have the sun. All this beautiful weather will
change over the weekend.Poppy is so glad to have me back home he still have not left my side except when I have
run errands. LOL! I love my dog. 😘💕The cats even happier because due to the cold I am giving them a little bit extra food.
I notice they are taking turns eating I like that.Taci Happy Trails to you. 🎶🎶 Hope your son is looking forward to another get-a-way. 😎
Good afternoon on the Gulf Coast of Florida. 🎈😎😉Oodie I know today is an important
day and I am praying for all the best with your husband’s medical report.4 you and your husband.
Please let us know something as soon as you are able. I am thinking and praying for you
and hubby today. -
Good afternoon in sunny Florida. 😘🎈😎How are you doing my friend?
I hope the Holiday Season is going well for your family. 💕🎈Xango I wish I were back in Colorado for Christmas with my mom and family. 💕
I had such a great time there for Thanksgiving I can’t wait to go back.I miss looking at the mountains in the early morning hours. The only thing I don’t
miss is the traffic yeah Colorado traffic can be a challenge especially during the
Holiday Season. I know if I attempt to go around Christmas the traffic would be
worse than Thanksgiving so I will wait for better weather and a time when no so
many are out and in a hurry.I hope you are enjoying your fresh and coffee. Let me know how you are feeling. 😘🎈
This is just a Holiday Shout out to let you know I am thinking of you.
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
2,046 Replies
12.15.23 3:35 PM
7 Participants