Conversation – 20
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is number 20 out of the
series. I created and started this thread nearly 10 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe. 🌹✨😎
Peace Out Peeps have a safe evening.
@Sheba 🌻🌻🌻🍂🍂🍂
Hello, thanks for the lovely ladybugs. Hubby and I were just talking this afternoon about how I haven’t seen any this year. Don’t know if it’s because of the extreme heat we have this Summer.
The milkweed did have and still does have lots of milkweed beetles.
Looked around today and there’s a few caterpillars on the milkweed. And to my surprise I found two on my Aruda plant. They weren’t eating it, I think it’s going into a cocoon mode into metamorphosis.Hubby and I had a big day today, I’ll tell you about that some other time.
I am concerned about Oodiebom’s husband, praying for him to get better.Take care Sheba 🌹
Hi , I am sorry about your husband being hospitalized. Hopefully your hubby can get the rest and care he needs. Including the tests needed for his operation.
You need to rest, take care of yourself too. Please take that opportunity and do so.
I know you are scared, just place your concerns into the hands of the almighty God.
Sending prayers and good vibes. -
Between 1 pm and 2 pm the head nurse phoned for background information. At that point husband was doing good. I gave her as much health history as I could. They have a C-Pak on him and he is comfortable. I left around 3 pm. Guess it’s still summer in Florida. Road construction and plenty of detours. It took me quite a while to circumvent everything. Tomorrow I will use the same route for the hospital as I do for the rehab. In a sense, it is a shorter drive. I will need to use a similar route next week for my doctor appointment. And speaking of that, they called to confirm the appointment. At least it is an hour later than I thought and that is a good thing. I will be able to sleep a bit longer.
I finally got to see hubby. He is in a room with another patient. His coloring is good, but I have never seen him sleep so much. I cannot begin to tell you how concern I am. I thought I saw a rainbow on one of the computer screens near his bedside, but not sure. The nurse did bring him something for dinner. Looked like egg salad on wheat bread with potato salad and dessert was pudding. The nurse I spoke with says he has been awake several times, but not for long. The best thing is that the head nurse sent him to the hospital. And I am glad he did. He made the right call. And, yes, I phoned him just a few minutes ago and told him so. What happened is not that unusual for him. Hubby has a very narrow esophagus. I assume he was born that way. I also assume as we age, we forget some of the little things we had no problem with. In his case it is eating an apple. He has to learn to take small bites. Chew it well. Then swallow. I reminded him of that when I left last night. He had to be really hungry. And what occurred is that he took many tiny bites and it got caught. He was sent to the hospital to make sure that his lungs were clear and that there was nothing lodged in his throat. The urologist was called in and inserted a new catheter. All vitals are OK. though they are low. Could be because he is sleeping and the room is cold. Guess I will bring my lap quilt with me tomorrow. Maybe a sweater as well. I surmise the cold is to keep the Covid away. Funny, the hospital has the same type of A/C vent as the rehab. Above the head. He knew I was there. He sort of nodded. He tried to speak, and I said “save your energy,” tomorrow will be better.” I hope I'[m right. I will repeat myself. I am really scared. That’s all I can say.
You can start the Trivia Thread in the morning as time permits I can bump it up
as we get close to Trivia no worries. If I write bump it will just pull it up in the Community
where all your players can see it. 😎Take care my friend and check in later when you can.
I am OK. For him to down that bite of an apple he had to be real hungry. This is the main reason why I bring him snacks and meals. I will have a small reprieve while he is being watched at the hospital. I’m not permitted to bring food or drinks with me. I just hope and pray that he is coherent. They will need to keep his sugar in line and I did mention that. I will update at today’s thread when I return. If he is still in the hospital tomorrow I will be able to start Trivia and stay for awhile. The game will keep me alert. If he is back at rehab, I will stay for awhile and get you started before leaving. Either way, I will let you know.
Oh how I wish I could get some sleep. If I sleep now, I will miss the opportunity to see hubby. I need to be out of the room by 7 pm. I need to be there with him. Talk to you later.Promise
I just read it and I responded to it. I had already posted to you when you posted it.
Oodie please check in when you can after your visits.I hate you going to sleep at the computer but I get it.
See your husband and then see your own bed when you can. 💕
I see our minds think alike. 😎
I read your post just now from a few minutes ago. So sorry about your husband.
Good grief i wish you could have five minutes to yourself.Hubby is a priority I wish sometimes they would let you spend the night comfortably.
Oodiebom I think a lot about you and hubby. Please check in when you can I understand. 😘💕
WHAT! I knew something was up. Dear lord please take care of yourself too.
Planting the Seeds of Generosity
One way to practice generosity is to give energy where it is needed, whether that is in the form of time, money or love.
The most difficult time to be generous is when we ourselves are feeling poor. While some of us have experienced actually being in the red financially, there are those of us who would feel broke even if we had a million dollars in the bank. Either way, as the old adage goes, it is always in giving that we receive. Meaning that when we are living in a state of lack, the very gesture we may least want to give is the very act that could help us create the abundance that we seek. One way to practice generosity is to give energy where it is needed. Giving money to a cause or person in need is one way to give energy. Giving attention, love, or a smile to another person are other acts of giving that we can offer. After all, there are people all over the world that are hungry for love.
Sometimes when we practice generosity, we practice it conditionally. We might be expecting to “receive back” from the person to whom we gave. We might even become angry or resentful if that person doesn’t reciprocate. However, trust in the natural flow of energy, and you will find yourself practicing generosity with no strings attached. This is the purest form of giving. Remember that what you send out will always come back to you. Selflessly help a friend in need without expecting them to return the same favor in the same way, and know that you, too, will receive that support from the universe when you need it. Besides, while giving conditionally creates stress (because we are waiting with an invisible balance sheet to receive our due), giving unconditionally creates and generates abundance. We give freely, because we trust that there is always an unlimited supply.
Being aware of how much we are always supported by the universe is one of the keys to abundance and generosity. Consciously remember the times you’ve received support from expected and unexpected sources. Remember anyone who has helped you when you’ve needed it most, and bless all situations that come into your life for the lessons and gifts they bring you. Remember that all things given and received emanate from generosity. Giving is an act of gratitude. Plant the seeds of generosity through your acts of giving, and you will grow the fruits of abundance for yourself and those around you. 😎
Good afternoon in the beautiful ‘burgh. Lady how are things going today?
I hope your husband is fighting the Beast. Please stay safe.Hey I know you are super busy be sure to take care of you too.
Is your sister doing alright? I think your sister has the right idea going on a relaxing
Cruise to Mexico. Go Sis. 😘😎💕Sending cool hugs to you and Jake’s Canvas please stay safe my friend.
Good Morning in S. California Taci. Hey your post yesterday to me had me LOL!
Alrighty on the dream and yeah it’s a zoo here in OZ. 💕I don’t have to feed the
birds as Charlie the cat parents have get this 11 bird feeders in their backyard our
fences line up and the birds come from all over to eat and drink water.So sweet to give your friends a SB luggage.
I hope your son is over his cold and back to basics.
Taci Happy Trails To You. 🎶🎶😘😎
Good day on the Gulf Coast of Florida I hope this day finds you doing well. 😎
I do hope your A/C is working fine by now. I know it’s always something.How are you and how is your husband? I cannot believe today is Thursday already.
So much is going on and that’s life. 💕
I hope you are doing alright and no sinus issues I have had some and it’s annoying.
Here is to better days Oodie. 💕I hope your husband have a nice appetite.
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
2,056 Replies
10.23.23 3:37 AM
8 Participants