Conversation – 20
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is number 20 out of the
series. I created and started this thread nearly 10 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe. 🌹✨😎
Happy Autumn to you 🍁🍁🍁 I hope you are doing well.I am not sure how to start, our anniversary was in the middle of last week. Hubby had taken the week off but had to have online class for his new position next month. Thursday started our weekend, we traded and purchased a new vehicle. One that is easier for me to get in and out, not so high off the ground.
That left Friday through Sunday to celebrate. I wanted to get some fall plants, and go to two different supermarkets.
So we went to the first supermarket, walked all over buying vegetables/fruits and different cheeses.
There was only one register open and a big line. As we stood in line, an employee called us over to a different register I placed some items on the conveyor belt than hubby took over. I walked behide and around hubby, between the two lanes to take the bags we brought with us to bag our groceries. There was other people walking there too so I went closer the the right closer to the lane partition, and tripped over a mop handle that was sticking out just enough on the floor to make me fall.
There was a cleaning bucket and what I can conclude is the mop fell forward thus sticking out part of the handle into the isle. I tripped and went forward and had a bad fall. Landed on my right side and on my right knee. It knocked the air out of me. Hubby didn’t see me fall, but the people standing in line did. Several gentlemen came to help. There was one gentleman that had me wingle my toes as I was on the floor. Later he got me a frozen peas bag f9r me knee. The gentlemen and hubby had to actually lift me to me feet.
I couldn’t stand on my right leg, so someone got a chair to me right where I had fallen.
And one gentleman pointed out to me that the mop handle was sticking out. He also said he placed the mop back where it should have been.
The manager came over, and decided to call an ambulance. Filled out an accident report. By the time the paramedics got there I was in pain. They took me to the emergency room, I convinced hubby to drop off the groceries at home before going to the hospital. He must of flew home and then to the hospital because he got there not long after I was in my room.
They did blood work, IV wanted to give me a morphine drip. I refused, if I took that, then they would have to give something for nausea and so forth. My body wouldn’t take such strong medication. I didn’t want to make the situation worse. The nurse said she couldn’t give me anything else for pain. So no pain medication, no water, no food, all afternoon and night. Finally the doctor came in, after talking with me ordered X-rays and a CT-scan. Meanwhile I needed to use the rest room, but all nurses were busy with people coming in with drugs overdose. It was one after another and it kept the nurses very busy. They took me for X-ray, then brought me back to the room. I must of pushed the nurse button several times and no one showed up. Hubby went to the desk and was told everyone was busy.
Then I was taken to the CT-scan, rolled into a waiting room and just left me there while she went into another room to get something to drink/eat or sit and rest. After about 10 minutes I asked someone that was walking by to get the lady who came and got me from my room. Told her I really needed the restroom. I pointed to one I could see from where she had parked my bed. And she says, “that’s for employees only I have to take you down the hall”. Thank God she was a tall, strong thirty-something. She had to practically carry me into the restroom. I couldn’t place any weight on my right leg and no pain medication, it was excruciating and exhausting. My whole body just shivered. After returning to the room, I asked if I could have some water. Nope, the doctor needed to see blood work results along with the imaging results, there went the night.
Results was nothing broken thank God. But damaged my knee, muscles. My knee, extremely swollen.
At discharged I was given a knee brace, introductions no weight on leg what so ever. Getting from the car to the house was challenging. We still have the walker hubby used last year after his surgery and it is handy. For days my whole body shivered, it took a shock. I have to sleep on the sofa, can’t get up on the bed. Was so hard to get to the bathroom, so we got a bedside commode, only it’s sofa side. Hubby is taking excellent care of me. He has been cooking, cleaning, washing, giving me sponge baths and pampering me. Ice pacs every other half hour, food makings sure I eat. Although I have lost a good portion of my appetite, nothing tastes good. From shoulder to foot it hurts on the right side body shivers and feet sweat cold, even with a hot pad. I have been taking motrin, but being careful not to over do.Here’s wishing you, your hubby and Poppy cool crisp walks and 🚴♀️🚴♂️ bike rides.
Take Care 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂 -
What beautiful gifs you are sharing. Wish I could be there.
Just received a phone call from the Case Manager at the hospital. The rehab will be picking hubby up at 4 pm. This will save me some $$ from using a med something or other for the one mile ride. At the same time I asked about the C-Pak which seemed to really help hubby and some other things as well. Since I need to make a stop at Lowe’s that will put me near the Interstate and possibly a stop at Costco. Hubby may need a hotdog fix since the food at Rehab is usually cold by the time it’s delivered. As soon as he can go for a ride in our van, we will make a stop at the hospital’s cafeteria for either lunch or dinner. Food is excellent. I have a feeling they are spending $$ for a good, well trained chef.
I have a partial OK for a dog. However, I forgot to ask the doctor for a note. I will place a call to his assistant on Friday since there are no office hours that day, just paperwork.
I did rest today. Decided to start the housework tomorrow. However, I do not dare put anything off since I have a strong feeling that once hubby is able to maneuver on his own, he will be returning home. That will probably be with the catheter. This will probably mean a visiting nurse to come two or three times per week to check on him. If all is well, we should be able to start thinking of our northward trek sometime either in December or January. Weather permitting, of course. Or, to see if reconstruction of the knee is possible. If so, that would put us into spring. Not a good idea.
Fresh Mind
Balance must be created when taking in news media, not allowing ourselves to BECOME the bad news.
There is a lot of information available to us at this time in history, more than ever before, and it travels fast. We are able to learn in the blink of an eye about something that happened halfway around the world, and it’s natural for us to want to know what’s going on. However, it’s also fair to say that we don’t want to become so caught up in one way of looking at events that we lose perspective. Often, the news comes to us in a very fear-oriented format, and when too many of us get caught up in fear, the balance of the whole is disrupted. It helps to remember that we have a much greater and more positive impact on the world when we maintain our inner sense of peace and joy.
We are aware enough to know when we are eating something that is not good for us, because we don’t feel well after we’ve eaten it. In the same way, we can determine for ourselves whether the sources in which our information comes are ultimately healthful. News can be presented in a way that inspires us to take positive action to help the world, or it can be presented in a way that leaves us feeling powerless and sad. It is up to us to seek out and support media that empowers and informs us, and to say no to media that drains our energy and our hope.
For a time, it may even be of benefit to commit to a media fast, in which we stop taking information in for a time to give ourselves a rest. When we return to the task of taking in and processing the information all around us, we will come to it with a fresh mind. This will enable us to really notice how we are affected by what we hear and see, and to make conscious choices about the sources of information that we allow into our lives. AMEN! 😎
Good day in the ‘burgh. Lady I hope you and your husband are feeling better.
How did the tests turn out? I would rest and mask up when out.Wishing you both days to come. Fall is beautiful right now. 😎😘
Sending healthy vibes to you and Jake’s Canvas. 😘
Good Morning in S. California and may this be a good day for you. 😎💕😘
I hope there are no rattlers on the trail when you are hiking.
How is your son doing? I hope he is back to be 100% well.
Taci I have a lot going on so I will say Happy Trails To You. 🎶🎶😎
Oh I had a nice conversation with my friend who is the Head Pharmacist at a CVS
here in OZ. I was wondering about all the new vaccines I am on the fence about some.
I think I will talk to my PCP about some of them. -
Good day on the Gulf Coast of Florida. 😘😎 I see you are busy. I am glad your husband
is getting better and eating good food.Oodie when do you rest? I hope you are sleeping real good right about now.
I did see your post from earlier and you are so funny. Poppy will go with us but our son
is coming down to take care of the cats and the house. You know in my world things don’t
always work out so the back up plan is if I can’t take Poppy our son is here to watch and walk
him. 😘😎You should see the face on Poppy when I leave to go even to run an errand.Fall is so nice here in OZ the sun looks and feel different almost like a dream. 💕
Heidi Daus have some beautiful things so beautiful. 💕😎
Let me know how things are going for you and hubby today.
Good afternoon in Florida. 😎Hey how are things going? I hope all is well in Brazil.
Enjoy this beautiful Fall Day. 💕I hope your coffee and fresh bread are yummy. 😘
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
2,056 Replies
10.23.23 3:37 AM
8 Participants