Conversation – 20
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is number 20 out of the
series. I created and started this thread nearly 10 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe. 🌹✨😎
This week’s harvest moon will be the last supermoon of the year
There’s a full moon risin’.
Starting Thursday evening, a brilliant supermoon will be visible in the sky.
Supermoons occur when a full moon reaches perigee, or the nearest point to Earth on its elliptical orbit around our planet.
They can appear as much as 14% larger and 30% brighter than the faintest moon of the year, according to NASA.
The moon will begin to appear full Thursday evening, and reach the peak of its full phase around 6 a.m. ET Friday.
Since it’s occurring close to this year’s autumnal equinox on Sept. 23, it’s also known as a harvest moon. That’s because historically farmers harvesting their summer-grown crops were helped by the bright moonlight shining shortly after sunset, according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac.
Harvest moons typically take place in September, though they can also happen in October depending on the lunar calendar.
This week will be your last chance to see a supermoon this year, Space.com reported.
Sheba, Hello, and yay to your plans. I am excited it’s just a lot to plan so once I arrive at the 1st stop I will relax and will probably want to stay longer.
Love the pictures!
Have a great evening! -
Xango, hope you continue to feel better. Glad you are able to eat more now.
Oodie, thanks for the suggestions. Yah, my carry-on has a lot of vitamins, wipes and masks.
We will leave un-vaxed for the latest covid shot. Me because I am leaning towards skipping it, and hubs because he doesn’t want any side effects as it’s too close to our vacation. He usually has one thing pop up anytime we go away. Last year, I left for a few hours when he was sick (maybe for 2 days and we did get him tested in Paris and it was negative) ,and I bought my purse.
It was one of my best days except for hubs being sick. I am not planning to buy another on this trip because I navigated there, and back and saw the sights along the way.
Hope hubby’s PT went well and he is able to enjoy the goodies you brought for him. -
Good evening to you. Hope all is well in Oz. Sis leaves this Saturday for her week cruise to Mexico.⛴ I know she will enjoy it and not have to worry about mom.
Had to do blood work this morning and stopped to get my flu shot.💉 I think I will pass on the other vaccines. Haven’t been sleeping well so I hope I can tonight to get ready for mom Friday.😴 Raining here now and getting back to summer this weekend.
Have a nice evening, hugs and love to you and Poppy.🤗💖
Hi, thank you for all those suggestions 😊.
Some medications works better in my body and motrin is one of them.
Slowly but surely I am getting better.
How is your husband doing today? I hope and pray he will be getting his operation, get better and be able to go home soon in the future.Take care Oodiebom 🌹
Autumn your favorite time of year, I hope you are having fun 😊.
I too am glad hubby was with me. And that I have a hubby that takes such good care of me. Feeling slightly better today and had a meal. Mostly what I was eating soup and fruit, but today had a good meal. Slowly but surely I am getting better.
I read in one post you are making plans to visit your mother, how wonderful.
I was thinking about that, if you were going to be able to see her before Winter gets started.Take care Sheba 🌹
Thinking of you. Hope you are feeling better. Just take each day as it comes. You will start feeling better soon. Can you take Tylenol or Excedrin. These two may help the pain more than Motrin. Hubby uses Tylenol for the knee pain and I take Excedrin for the migraines and back pain. There are different doses you can look at that may be comparable to Motrin.
Sometimes a pillow helps where it hurts the most. You can also try a pillow or two under your body to give you a less sinking in the middle feeling. Getting the support you need will certainly help. If hubby is at work, you can try his office chair. Usually there is some support that also could help. And, if it has wheels you can scoot anywhere. I think the next time you go shopping, you should look at those electric carts. Hubby uses them even when he feels he can walk. If there is a pool in your community, the warm water will make you feel better and the buoyancy will enable you to move around a bit better. Getting in, just try sitting on the steps and do the same when returning to a standing position. Definitely have your husband’s walker handy.
I will now get ready to do some shopping at the Farmer’s Market. Hubby is back at rehab and had his first Physical Therapy today. It’s been months since anything has been done. Now our medical insurance will need to know if for some reason it goes by the wayside.
Be well. Take it easy and please do not try to do everything at once.
Really unhappy with the meals at rehab. Evidently last night hubby turned down dinner. I know he ate a good breakfast in the hospital but since he was being released I am sure they did not provide lunch. He was eating junk food as if it was going out of style. Funny, at the reception desk as I was signing in one of the overseers of the kitchen mentioned that one of their cook’s returned and the meals are once again wonderful. If so good why were all the main dishes still there in the hallway????? I again made it known to the head nurse/unit mgr. I think it went on deaf ears.
Hubby was supposed to start therapy today. Cannot wait to hear how it went.
I am on my way, well, within the next 45 minutes to the Farmer’s Market. They have corned beef on marble rye with all the fixings on sale. Good backup along with other things in their take out area. I will also be looking at their fruit for something that can be swallowed easily. Dragon fruit is on sale for $2.99/lb. They used to sell this item by the piece. Will also look at blueberries to go with it and maybe strawberries. I will be looking at many items since hubby needs something to counteract the no eating.
Also concerned with xango. Not good to have a fall such as hers especially in a market. This has happened to me, but luckily, at home. Getting up is a problem when you are either hurting or in a position that is far from anything to help the situation. This is why I won’t use a stepladder until hubby returns. As I type this I am thinking of the many candles I have on the top shelf of a closet.
No, the A/C is not repaired and I will be calling some people to see if they can check the crawl space and other areas. I think with the tech people I have been using, I am being taken for a ride. There is no reason why this area cannot be repaired. Meanwhile, running the fans is costing me more than the A/C.
It is cooler in Florida and I am loving it. No sun today. Cloudy. Temp is in the low 80s but with 90+% high humidity. Guess it will rain at some point though my back is fine. Go figure.
Have a great walk with Poppy. I will be there in spirit.
The Energy of Honesty
Speaking our truth may involve risking rejection, but when we allow ourselves to follow the flow of life, we are supported.
As children most of us learn that honesty is better than dishonesty, and we may not question this beyond whether or not to do what we’re told. As adults, however, we can go deeper to examine our choices as investments of energy with predictable risks and returns. When we speak the truth, we affirm what already is. This is like using a paddle when the stream is already moving the same direction. We are already supported by the universe and its energy flow, so we don’t need to exert much energy, leaving more for other pursuits. But dishonesty redirects a portion of our energy against the flow, which requires extra effort. In addition, it creates an alternate reality that requires further energetic input to be maintained. So we can easily see that we are best served when we work with the flow of the universe.
Life is not always clearly defined, so we may find it useful to follow our choices to their logical conclusions. We may feel that little untruths are harmless, but they can be like small cracks that weaken an overall structure over time. Even giving someone a compliment or trying to protect them can create problems later when the alternate reality we’ve created becomes the basis for further actions. Even if the actions that follow are honestly done, the underlying unstable foundation of dishonesty will threaten to topple things eventually. This can lead to further energy being spent on keeping things hidden, working to remember the tales we’ve spun and fearing the consequences of being found out. Life doesn’t need to be this draining, but we can make the choice to free ourselves from the bonds of dishonesty at any time.
Speaking and living our truth may involve risking, among other things, the possibility of rejection. But when we allow ourselves to follow the flow of life, we are supported. We can then use our energy to cultivate physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being and to create our dreams, rather than leaving ourselves too drained to even maintain our existence. Today we can make honesty our choice in every interaction, bringing the nurturing power of the universe’s energy into our lives to bring positive, lasting results. AMEN! 😎
Good day in the ‘burgh. 😘💕I hope you and your husband are doing better.
I know it’s a drag being under the weather.Relax today and tomorrow being Mom Friday will have you on your feet in no time. 😎
How is your sister I am thinking she is on her Cruise by now. 💕Hey sending healthy vibes to you and Jake’s Canvas. Be well dear friend. 💕
Good Morning in S. California. I wonder if you are really excited soon you will be on the move. 😎
I wish you a wonderful trip and be comfortable.All I can say is Happy Trails To You. 🎶🎶
I will miss you and yes I am making my own plans. 😎💕
Good afternoon on the Gulf Coast of Florida. 😎💕Oodie glad to see your husband is
safely back at the Rehab. So much is going on.Did your A/C get fixed? I know you are working on the lanai being fixed once and for all.
I can’t wait for you to see the Rugs you brought for that area.I have been using my Joy Clean Boss I could not clean without it. Hey Joy will be on
Saturday so will be interesting to see what she has to offer.Oodie good luck with all your shopping and move very carefully. 💕😎
Let me know how things are going today.
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
2,056 Replies
10.23.23 3:37 AM
8 Participants