Conversation – 19
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is number 19 out of the
series. I created and started this thread nearly 10 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe. 🌹✨😎
Sheba, Free shipping – Yay! The book I want arrives tomorrow. You sound like you have lots of books. We just don’t have room to keep them all so I give them away, some I keep to read again.
Sounds hot in OZ.
Xango’s Brazilian coffee sounds so yummie. -
Sheba, Sounds like me telling my son every year to always be nice to kids at school, that they don’t have to be your best friend, but you never know what someone’s home life is like.
Good evening I am going to jump in the shower we are still in the 90’s here in OZ.
I pray your storm do not destroy or have major damage with trees if I never see one
again it will be too soon. Oz is still cleaning up after that major storm we are almost
cleaned up.Enjoy a good book and stay safe. 🌹✨
Peace Out Peeps stay cool and safe. ✨✨
Hi to you in Oz.🖐 Another beautiful day in the ‘burgh. We are supposed to get some severe thunderstorms tomorrow.⛈ Never fails, every time my husband goes away that happens. So, of course, I’m already thinking about trees falling and no power.🌳😫
Ran around most of the day with errands and seeing mom and sis. They are getting ready to take a Bermuda cruise the last week of the month.🛳🏖 Hope no hurricanes pop up.
Making some pasta for dinner🍝 and relax on the deck with a book or magazine. You and Mr. Poppy enjoy your walk and try to stay cool with a cold brew.🧉🍹🍺🧊
Taking a Day Trip
We need not go on an expensive vacation to feel we have had time off as your local park or beach can offer a blissful refuge.
We tend to think of a vacation as something that requires an enormous amount of preparation, but small daylong excursions can be just as refreshing and fulfilling as their lengthier counterparts. A short drive can be the channel that transports you into a world of novel experiences and blissful relaxation. Solo day trips can be a wonderful way to unwind from the stresses of routine existence while simultaneously feeding the soul. And when you choose to share your day trip with someone you care about, a leisurely drive becomes a chance to talk about childhood, recall favorite songs, or simply spend time enjoying one another’s presence.
You may be surprised to see how many day-trip possibilities exist within a mere hour’s time from your home. Forests, beaches, lakes, mountains, rivers, and deserts can serve as the perfect spot for a minivacation. The physical and mental rejuvenation you experience in an unfamiliar and engaging setting are enhanced by meditation, journaling, deep breathing, or just being still with nature. Though the cost of gasoline can make taking a day trip seem frivolous, and our commitment to environmental well-being may cause us to hesitate before utilizing our cars in this manner, there are numerous ways we can effectively offset our carbon signature while still seeing to the needs of ourselves on a soul level.
Since day trips tend to require much smaller investments of time and money than traditional outings, you can enjoy a diverse range of experiences day by day. On one weekend, you may be motivated by a need to connect with your natural heritage to explore a vast state park or nature preserve. On another, your curiosity can inspire you to visit a historical site that has long piqued your interest. In the end, where you go will often be less important than your willingness to broaden your horizons by removing yourself from the environment already so familiar to you. Each mini getaway you take will imbue your existence with a sensation of renewal that prepares you for whatever lies ahead. AMEN! ✨✨
Good morning in Cali Kitten wishing you a good day this Friday. ✨
Kitten I will remember. 🌹
Good day in the beautiful ‘burgh. 🌹✨ Enjoy this time and your sister and mom. ✨
I have little projects here and there you know how that goes. LOL!Sending good vibes to you and Jake’s Canvas. 😘💕Enjoy this summer my friend.
Good Morning in S. California. Taci here is to a nice day for hiking and anything else
you like to do. ✨😎🌹Did you get your new book order? I have a sea of books to choose from and I read every one
of them.I am taking Poppy for a long walk I need to get out and move besides housework. LOL!
Happy Trails To You. 🎶🎶this goes for me and Poppy too. 💕😘
Good day on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Oodie I know this is your busy day.
I did read your post from last night and I am pretty sure you may be resting.I hope you are resting tonight is Trivia. I would take my time getting the new Microwave
I want you to have it one and done. 😎I am praying that everything go alright with your husband medical procedures and he
gets everything taken care of that can be done. I hope you both can go on a nice trip
the North would be great. Oodie I hope you hear from your friend on Cape Cod. ✨✨I am missing the cat Charlie how I miss him running around my house after Poppy. 💕
Good afternoon in Florida sending you a Friday Shout Out. I hope things are cooling off there.
OZ is still very warm. I do have the A/C on and it will be on all weekend. Shizzle! 😎🌹Hubby and I will be working on a few projects this weekend nothing major.
Hey enjoy this day I hope your flowers are doing well. 🌹✨ I hope we get a good rainfall
soon. 🌹✨My flowers and plants are doing well.I hope your Brazilian Coffee and treats were delivered may you be enjoying a great cup
of coffee and fresh bread. 💕💕 -
Missing you much. 😘😎🌹Be well my friend.
My day in OZ. ✨✨Very warm day.
Aratta Colorado’s Court Maxi
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
2,059 Replies
08.24.23 4:45 PM
8 Participants