Conversation – 18
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 18 out of the series. I created and started this thread 9 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Good evening and YAY on having a good appointment. 🌹✨
I know it’s late and you have a lot going on. I agree with your post to Oodie.
Hey enjoy your evening.
Peace Out Peeps enjoy your evening. ✨
A great day in the ‘burgh, another one tomorrow, rain coming Friday into Saturday.🌧 Doc appointment was fine, looking forward to our dinner tomorrow.👍
Wanted to give you a quick hi since my computer has been sluggish today. Working good one moment then nothing happening. One of those blue circle days.😣 Sending hugs to you and Poppy.🤗💖
Oodie, what was the main reason your husband was sent to rehab? When my step-father left the hospital and went to rehab, he had many exercises he had to perform each day; walking, breathing, stretching, etc. Why doesn’t the staff have a program set up for him? Leaving him laying in bed is doing more harm than good. Usually when you go from the hospital to rehab some kind of program needs to be followed. Just trying to help.
I did notice there was no goodnight to peeps last night. I thought you had a sinus attack. Thank goodness you are OK.
On the way home some of the lights were out. It was difficult in part following the white lines in the road. Since it was a route I always take to see and leave hubby, it was OK. Then, at the last traffic light, I saw men working and police cars with their lights on. I surmised that this would affect our home, but, did not. Just had to turn the A/C on for the evening.
Hubby would be doing better if he was experiencing no pain in the knee. I really hate seeing him in bed all day. The Head Nurse is wonderful and we had a chat about the house in Ct. and that helped me somewhat. We both felt that hubby would go downhill if for some reason I was not there for him. I think, we will make the decisions on a day by day basis. I will be happy when the surgery is over and done with and we get the results. Meanwhile, the knee needs to be addressed. The head nurse mentioned that he will be contacting the Orthopedist to see what else can be done to get the swelling down and the pain either to go away or be minimal. Surgery seems to be out of the question because of his dementia which seems to come and go with the level of pain.
The house in Ct. is not really on the back burner. I have an excellent contractor and someone to mow the lawn and trim bushes. If things get worse with ongoing traffic on the street, then I may fly home for a few days. My neighbors are excellent and I have found ways to say thank you. At least my backyard does go into other yards and you can see if anything is amiss. There yard goes downward into more of a forest. Having someone camping out back there is real scary. However, what I feel is more threatening is the new area that the City built without anyone’s knowledge until it was done. Now you have young people going there in the middle of the night to play. The question is, are they playing, or having a good time getting high on whatever. I just hope and pray that the police are doing their job. And the other side of this is if I were alone, I would be running scared not only during the day, but at night as well. Darn if you do and darn if you don’t. My only salvation is to get hubby out of rehab and well on the road to where he used to be or close to it.
Earth Chakras
Just as you have energy centers in your body called Chakras, so too does Mother Earth.
As we walk upon the earth, we walk upon a living being more similar to ourselves than we imagine. Just like us, the earth has both a physical body and an energetic body, complete with a chakra system identified by ancient mystics and modern scientists alike. Gaia, as the earth is called when acknowledged as a living entity in her own right, has her own life force and her own path of unfolding, separate from us, but including us. Human beings and Gaia are intertwined on every level, not just the physical, and an awareness of her chakras can help us to acknowledge, heal, and enable her on her path, just as she selflessly returns the favor to us.
It is generally agreed that Gaia has seven major chakras distributed evenly across her body and connected to one another via two lines of energy that intersect at various points on the earth. The first chakra is located at Mount Shasta in Northern California; the second is in Lake Titicaca in South America; the third chakra is in Uluru-Kata Tjuta in Australia; the fourth chakra resides in Glastonbury in England; the fifth chakra is between the Great Pyramid, the Mount of Olives; the sixth chakra is in Kuh-e Malek Siah in Iran, and the seventh chakra is in Mount Kailas in Tibet. In addition to her seven major chakras, she has minor chakras and other vortexes of energy that are significant to her life-energy system, and all these energy centers need caretaking. Just as we can heal ourselves through our own chakras, we can heal and support Gaia through hers.
While it would be a wonderful experience to visit one of the earth’s chakras, you can always participate in loving and healing Gaia wherever you are. Maintaining an awareness of the regions in which her chakras reside can be very powerful. You may place photos of the locales on your altar, sending healing energy to each of her chakras during your meditations. As you consciously connect your energy system to her energy system, the true meaning of groundedness reveals itself—it is a relationship with Gaia in which we acknowledge our calling as the caretakers of her soul. AMEN! ✨✨
Good afternoon on the Gulf Coast of Florida. ✨😎Oodie I did read your post from earlier
and I responded. I am very concerned about your home in CT and this sounds serious.
Thank god for good neighbors. ✨🌹As I posted earlier I don’t like what is going on in the woods it is concerning.
Oodie I think once this house is off your hands you can feel a little weight off your shoulders.
Hubby comes first so much to think about and deal with. ✨Oodie when you know let me know you still have the home on Cape Cod and the Florida
home so one less house will not make that much difference it’s just getting things done
to sell the house I hope you get some real good advice.Oodie I hope you are sleeping right now let me know how you are doing when you can.
Oz lost power for a bit last night. ✨✨
Good morning in S. California. Yes! Vintage is cool and always will be. 😎🌹✨
Vintage is always made well and seem to last forever. Love it. ✨I always go to new Disney Movies I am a Disney Kid and so are our children. 💕
Taci here is to a beautiful Hike today. Oz had a storm last night and we were without
power for a bit. Everything is fine now. What a night. ✨ -
Good day in the beautiful ‘burgh. 💕🌹Lady you are on the run today. Hey that was not
a bad idea mom could have come with them. I think they left in a hurry. I did not know
they were coming my SIL is dealing with a very ill brother and he needs special care.I did not even know he was sick. Anyway she has a lot of siblings and they all had to get
together to work on where to send him for help. I am pretty sure this was all last minute.How I wanted to jump in the back seat of the car and see my mother and the rest of the
family. No worries I will make to Colorado that is all that is on my mind. 💕🌹I was talking
to one of my sisters and she did not know he had been here in Kansas. Sis lives in Colorado
not far from our brother. Go figure. We are a tight knit family but a member or two try to
be all private for no reason. I feel if your mate family is ill just say so and do what you have
to do.I wish you well at your doctor’s appointment and enjoy the luncheon with your mother
and sister. I know you will look gorgeous when you get your haircut Friday.Happy Planting we are still doing a little here and there. ✨😎Sending a gentle hug to
you and Jake’s Canvas. 😘
Good day wishing you a good day for you and the kids. Loaf you are missed on these
threads. ✨😘😎 -
Good afternoon in Florida. 😎✨🌹Glad hubby is working from home and don’t have
to deal with the traffic. If he works well from home that is a good thing.I know he can smell your delicious food cooking. 💕😘 My goodness you do croutons
from scratch now I am really impressed. ✨😎I had a bunny last night in the moonlight running across my yard and into another
neighbor’s yard I know he will be back for the baby carrot sticks I left out for him.
My husband loves to feed the bunnies and outdoors cats. ✨ I love feeding them all. 🌹Oz had a storm last night and we lost power for a few hours. I did not get to close the
thread. No worries the way I did it I don’t think anyone noticed it one bit. LOL!We may have more rain on the way and we need the rain. ✨
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6,375 Replies
07.18.23 7:56 PM
14 Participants