Conversation – 18
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 18 out of the series. I created and started this thread 9 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Wheel of Fortune Classic TV Show Game Tin
Wheel of Fortune Round Blanket
134-5897 -
Wheel of Fortune Open Front Cardigan by Bob Mackie
Good Afternoon Peeps enjoy this Monday and welcome to a new week. ✨✨🌹
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Wheel of Fortune Umbrella
Sheba, It’s May which is so crazy since they say it is likely to be caught in winter, when everyone is inside the house due to snow or rain. Do you know which strain you have?
Glad you and hubs symptoms are on the milder side. Phew.Did some closet organizing and cleaning today. I’ m slowly thinning out and honing my closet as best possible.
Today’s shocker was on the path I heard a sound like a poof so I blew my whistle lightly
to announce myself and Whoa a huge hawk flew out and across the path to a tree with a little mouse in its feet. Never seen anything like it.Hope those baby squirrels are doing ok.
Peace Out Peeps enjoy your Mother’s Day.
Oz is in a thunderstorm with lightening I am shutting down. ✨✨
The cough starts off OK. You think it’s sinus but may not be. Our physician ordered a cough medicine when I fell ill in January. I cancelled the order and went on Amazon and found one that did the job. It’s called “pri” and it has all natural ingredients including Manuka honey. If it’s any consolation to your hubby, my temp also fluctuated. I had it on and off for two months. It would go between 99 and 101 every couple of days. Your headache could be a temp. All I can say is do not overdo any tasks. One day you may feel great, next day you can hardly pick your head off the pillow. You will accomplish a lot more by doing things in small groups. You may have the energy now, but later in the day you will know to take it easy. Just be thankful that you are not on a 2 wk cruise trying to circumvent the other people on board. Your stepmom really needs to be checked. She has other things going on which covid could interfere with. She is diabetic for one and has a heart problem. All of these could lead to hospitalization and ventilation. She is probably too weak to do things for herself. If there is a way to make sure she is OK, please do so. Covid is not to be taken lightly. The older you are, the worse it can be.
By the way, I forgot to mention that fresh ginger has great healing powers. I try to keep a stem or two in the frig and I do grate it into my cooking. Ginger can be very strong, meaning like a hot spice. So, I just grate a tiny bit on one side of the meat, chicken, pork or veggies. The Asians thinly slice the ginger and use it as a side dish with either an appetizer or a side dish. Also seaweed is good as well.
I am in the midst of doing one load of laundry. I will shower and dress while everything is in the dryer. Hopefully, hubby will be doing better today. Best part he will have no recollection or memory of yesterday. It’s like a dream . And that may be the sleep disorder that the neurologist determined in September. I wish there was a way for him to connect with this physician, but, alas, it is all done virtually. The Rehab is not equipped in that there is no room designated for a virtual talk or for private gatherings. I will know Tuesday when I meet with the Head Nurse and the Administration.
Again, Happy Mother’s Day to you. Hmm, hubby mowing the lawn with a temp that comes and goes. Not a good idea. Bet he is just as stubborn as my hubby. Take care. If you have a temp later, just let Poppy do his thing at the tree.
True compassion recognizes that all the boundaries we perceive between ourselves and others are an illusion.
Compassion is the ability to see the deep connectedness between ourselves and others. Moreover, true compassion recognizes that all the boundaries we perceive between ourselves and others are an illusion. When we first begin to practice compassion, this very deep level of understanding may elude us, but we can have faith that if we start where we are, we will eventually feel our way toward it. We move closer to it every time we see past our own self-concern to accommodate concern for others. And, as with any skill, our compassion grows most in the presence of difficulty.
We practice small acts of compassion every day, when our loved ones are short-tempered or another driver cuts us off in traffic. We extend our forgiveness by trying to understand their point of view; we know how it is to feel stressed out or irritable. The practice of compassion becomes more difficult when we find ourselves unable to understand the actions of the person who offends us. These are the situations that ask us to look more deeply into ourselves, into parts of our psyches that we may want to deny, parts that we have repressed because society has labeled them bad or wrong. For example, acts of violence are often well beyond anything we ourselves have perpetuated, so when we are on the receiving end of such acts, we are often at a loss. This is where the real potential for growth begins, because we are called to shine a light inside ourselves and take responsibility for what we have disowned. It is at this juncture that we have the opportunity to transform from within.
This can seem like a very tall order, but when life presents us with circumstances that require our compassion, no matter how difficult, we can trust that we are ready. We can call upon all the light we have cultivated so far, allowing it to lead the way into the darkest parts of our own hearts, connecting us to the hearts of others in the understanding that is true compassion.
AMEN! ✨✨
Happy Mother’s Day to you in California Kitten wishing you a nice day with your family. ✨🌹
Good afternoon in the ‘burgh. I do remember the first time your husband had Covid-19.
I can never forgot how worried you were and he was very lucky to get the treatment he had. ✨We are feeling alright as you can see I am posting I have not change anything I am doing
the things I always do. I just have not been out and about.Lady one visit caused this so in the future if you have been traveling I have extra new masks
in my house but anyone who enters here will have to wear one. 😎I want to wish you a nice fur mom Mother’s day. 😘✨😎
Please wish your mother a happy one she has two great daughters. 💕🌹
Blowing a masked hug to you and Jake’s Canvas. 😘✨😎
I am doing the thread and taking many phone calls. LOL! 🌹
Good morning in S. California wishing you a great Mother’s Day. ✨🌹
Taci both hubs and I have been Vaccinated and are up to date on all Covid-19
Vaccines. ✨Taci brother had been in OZ with his wife and she has a brother who is sick and they
are trying to find assisted living for him along with all her siblings. Brother did not stay
long in house I let my guard down by now masking up which I always do when anyone
visits or we sit on the Patio. I found out when I called and was told they both have
Covid-19 and were in bed.I was able to get an appointment and treatment within hours of finding out. I was
shocked and so was my husband. It is what it is. If I had gone back with them I would
have taken it right to my mother.I am dealing with it I have energy and I am not sleeping a lot. I have not been around
anyone but even if I did I wear a mask now I will wear it even more. 🌹✨😎Taci enjoy the trails and Happy Mother’s Day. 😘💕✨
Good afternoon on the Gulf Coast of Florida. ✨😎🌹I am feeling better and so is husband.
All that bother’s me is the headache just annoying.I did read your post from early this morning I do not sleep much. I still have energy
I have a large backyard and I let Poppy run with his girlfriend along the fence line.I walk at night with Poppy not a soul is out. ✨ My appetite has not change and my
sense of smell and taste are fine.Oodie I am using the Joy M. Clean Boss I am cleaning everything. The Clean Boss is
said to kill the Covid-19 Virus. I can’t believe I got this but it is said everyone will get
it sooner or later. Oodie it is how I got it my own brother he and his wife were not here
that long. Brother and wife are still in bed but doing alright. Thank god they did not
go near our mother. 💕Our Step-Mother says she has the flu and is staying in I hope she takes a Covid Test because
my brother was over to her house too. I did wish her a Happy Mother’s Day. 🌹Hubby and I are having something delivered from the Cheese Cake Factory.
So far so good and I hope it stays that way.
Please let me know how your husband is doing today. I hope he is feeling better.
Oodie mask up leave nothing to chance. I have taken all your advice and we both
sleep on our stomach. I don’t have a lot of coughing. ✨ -
Good afternoon in Florida. ✨💕😎🌹Here is to a great Sunday for you and your husband.
Xango thank you for your post from last night I appreciate it. So far hubby and I are doing
alright. I have had a headache off and on and it’s just annoying. Hubby temps goes up
and down right now hubby is mowing the lawns and they are not small lawns either. ✨✨I am taking care of the flowers and Poppy. Hubby made a wonderful breakfast for me
today complete with fresh flowers. ✨Hubby could not get out and shop due to having
Covid-19 I told him I have everything I need and it’s true. 💕🌹✨ If I buy something it
is a want and the price is right. 😎All we want right now is our health. ✨I could use Oodiebom’s Soup and your fresh bread. 😘💕✨Thank you for the mother’s day
shout out and Happy Mother’s Day to you too being a fur mom. 😘🌹 -
Good afternoon Peeps and Happy Mother’s Day and may this day be a good one for all. 🌹✨
DG2 by Diane Gilman FLEXstretch Denim Pull-On Capri Jean
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6,375 Replies
07.18.23 7:56 PM
14 Participants