Conversation – 18
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 18 out of the series. I created and started this thread 9 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Peace Out Peeps enjoy your evening. ✨✨
Another chilly day but things will start to get better tomorrow. My friend and I warmed our innards with a hearty Italian lunch. I could eat pasta and cheese for the rest of my life.🍝🧀
May go to the nursery tomorrow and check out the flowers and baskets.🌸🌺 Looks like the 70’s starting this weekend and all next week so planting should be safe. We better not get anymore freeze/frost warnings.🥶
Hope you are feeling well. Sending hugs and love to your house.🤗💖
Deeper Meanings
It is not always for us to know, the deeper meaning of everything that occurs in our life.
All of us who seek to be conscious and aware regard our experiences as teachers, and we try to discern what lessons we are learning from the things that happen in our lives. Sometimes the lesson is very clear from the get-go, and other times we have to really search to understand the deeper meaning behind some event. While this search often yields results, there also comes a point in the search where what we really need to do is move forward. It is possible that we are not meant to know the deeper meaning of certain occurrences. Answers may come later in our lives, or they may come as a result of letting go, or they may never come.We are all part of a complex system of being, and things work themselves out in the system as a whole. Sometimes we are just playing a necessary part in that process with a result larger than we can understand. It may have very little to do with us personally, and while that can be hard to understand, it can also free us from overthinking the matter. Sometimes it is best to see it in terms of karma, a past debt we have been able to repay in this way, or as the clearing of energy. We can simply thank the event for being part of our experience and let it go. This completes the process that the occurrence has made possible.
To make this letting go official, we can perform a ritual, make a final journal entry on the subject, or sit in meditation with the intention of releasing the event from our consciousness. As we do so, we summon it one last time, honoring it with our attention, thanking it, and saying good-bye. We then let it go out the door, out the window, out the top of our heads, or into the earth through the bottoms of our feet, liberating ourselves from any burden we have carried in association with it. AMEN! ✨✨
Good day in the beautiful ‘burgh. Poppy is wagging his tail as I type this post to you. 😎😘🌹
I smile when I type posts and Poppy can sense my feelings. 💕💕I think today you are having lunch with a friend I hope you both enjoy it. I am going across
the street to my lady neighbor who is a professor and we will have a snack and some tea.
I love hearing her talk and let me tell you she has been everywhere. Lady she is from your
neck of the woods. 🌹Sending a Wednesday hello to your mother and sister. 😎
I hope your Hockey Team is doing well. ✨
Good day on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Oodie I did read your post last night.
I love you talking about your cats. MEOW! ✨I hope today is a good one for your husband. Please let us know how things go today.
I don’t know how you do what you do you seem to have boundless energy. I mean that
in a good way.Let me know how the house repairs are going they should be almost done. Well one can
always dream. ✨I hope it is all that you want it to be.I hope you are taking some good food to hubby and room mate. I know if it were me I would
be looking forward to your visits everyday. 💕💕When you and hubby go on your next cruise this is what I would do. 😎✨🌹😘
Good afternoon in Florida. ✨😎I find your morning dreams interesting as I have them too.
Sometimes I feel like I can control parts of the dream and some are so good I hate to leave
them. Do you remember the time I told you about the dream where I was in a high rise Condo
near an Ocean of beautiful blue water. I can still vividly recall that dream. Those are the ones
I like. 💕My mother cook her bread with yeast right as I am typing. Mom has always used yeast in
her breads and some pastries she does everything from scratch. I never knew you could
get cake mix and such in a box until I was off to College. ✨Mom is an expert seamstress
as well we always had a Singer Sewing Machine and my could sew anything. 😘🌹
I am making plans to go see my mother in Colorado. 😘🌹Hey enjoy your baking sorry hubs is tired but I see Florida is a big State. My husband has
a 20 minutes drive to work that can be exhausting if the traffic is heavy and the weather
is not so great.Oz is windy but we have the sun and rain is coming tonight and tomorrow. 😎
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6,375 Replies
07.18.23 7:56 PM
14 Participants