Conversation – 18
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 18 out of the series. I created and started this thread 9 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Had fun in Trivia and so glad I was able to be there tonight. Last night I brought Chinese Take Out for both hubbie and roommate. As it turned out both men enjoyed the Rehab dinner. Roommate could not eat another morsel. Hubby could not turn it down. There was still quite a bit left over for today, but again, they were full so I brought it home.
When I was completing the paperwork at the doctor’s office, I noticed that a paper authorization was needed. Therefore, as I completed a page and if hubby needed to sign, then I explained or read everything to him. I’m getting the feeling that even the beginnings of dementia means that the person/patient needs to have someone authorized to complete the paperwork. I actually detest that thought. Most people, hubby included, think they are Ok with some minor problems. I try to the best of my ability to instill self confidence and to let him know that it’s OK to take a few steps back and then try to proceed onward and upward. Going through my nightstand the other day, I came across a puzzle book with logic problems, sudoku, and other mind games. I am thinking of bringing this book with me tomorrow.
I kept saying it had to be one of the prescription meds that were giving him problems. Our own primary doctor in Florida didn’t think so. The sales people selling the new drugs do not mention side effects. However, there is usually a pamphlet that does mention all aspects as well as the ingredients. It’s so sad when a pharmacist does not take the time to find a way to enter the info into their computer. Thank goodness I was able to put two and two together.
I am now about ready to call it a day. There is still lots to do in the house. However, most important is to head for Lowes to find someone with experience and expertise to redo a bathroom and to also repair the lana area so we do not see another something in this house. So, I now bid you adieu and hope you have a great evening. Me, I think I’ll play a game or two in the Arcade. Talk to you tomorrow. Oh, before I forget. Tomorrow we will be in the low to mid 90s. Talk about a drought……..
Oodie, glad to hear your hubs is doing so well. I can’t wait for you to let us know if is home.
It’s so sweet that you bring food and treats to him and his roommate. -
Sheba, Feliz Cinco De Mayo! We had some rain again, wow what a treat. I hardly feel like this is the SoCa I knew and in a good way. What seemed like a Spring Shower became a brief rain. It was nice and cool. I am trying to work harder on my hikes. Yesterday, saw a juvi rattler on the trail and it left quickly. The day before a young coyote was howling (farther away) and a dog from one of the houses that line the pathway was barking back. It was pretty funny and I think this goes on often.
Sad to hear Gordon Lightfoot passed. We are listening to some of his songs tonight. I miss that era.
My Colleen bedside organizer arrived and went to work right away. Btw, I have my grandmothers old jewelry box I inherited. It’s very old and damaged now but I love it. My guess is it’s from the late 50’s or 60’s.
What is going on with you? Hope you have a great weekend! -
Peace Out Peeps have a safe and wonderful evening. ✨✨
Good afternoon in the land of Oz. I hope you have been well .
The weather has been warm with days of partly cloudy and sunny towards the late afternoons.
I read your post from the 3rd, my mom wasn’t a baker. I don’t recall her making bread, or cakes in the oven. I don’t think she had the time. When she worked, most of the time she worked six days a week. I remember her making little donuts like from a batter. She would spoon into hot oil and fry, then roll them in cinnamon sugar. It’s great with coffee.But mom was a good seamstress, she started sewing in Brazil, had a Singer sewing machine. I remember it was blackand a large paddle I think both feet fit, but I am not sure. Mom sewed for the army, making uniforms, she would ride how many buses and train need to get bundles of already cut uniforms. She would sew, iron them and take them back the same way.
In the 1980’s she sewed lots of my clothes. I would see something I liked, tell her. Also changing a few things and putting in some ideas of my own. Some times would make a pattern and some times I would buy the pattern.
Hubby and I are watching a movie, RRR. It’s an Indian movie, although very colorful it’s very sad. I may see you in Trivia after it’s over.Here’s wishing you and your husband a beautiful weekend.
Hey enjoy that full Moon 🌝 🌕 🌚 -
Today is one of the few perfect days we get. Partly sunny, around 70, no humidity, no big winds. I am a happy camper outside.😊 Got a lot done, ran to mom’s, stopped to pick up some snacks, talked outside with the neighbor and now doing laundry. Hubs picked up fish dinners🐟 so I wouldn’t have to cook. Tonight I will relax before I lightly clean the house tomorrow. Will have that drink you sent watching the game.🍸
Most of the weekend will be nice so we will grill. Maybe a few showers Sunday afternoon and spotty on Monday. Keeping fingers crossed🤞hubs and nephew get their golfing in. This is marathon weekend, a big pet walk and also baseball each day so it will be very busy.🏃♀️🐕⚾
Have a relaxing weekend with hubs, Poppy, the kitties and all who visit your yard.🤗💖
An Experiment in Gratitude
Awareness of gratitude will allow you to savor and, above all, appreciate your life with renewed grace.
Sometimes we forget to take the time to recognize the richness that defines our lives. This may be because many of the messages we encounter as we go about our affairs prompt us to think about what we don’t have rather than all the abundance we do enjoy. Consequently, our gratitude exists in perpetual conflict with our desire for more, whether we crave time, convenience, wealth, or enlightenment. Yet understanding and truly appreciating our blessings can be as simple as walking a mile in another’s shoes for a short period of time. Because many of us lead comparatively insular lives, we may not comprehend the full scope of our prosperity that is relative to our sisters and brothers in humanity.
If you find taking an inventory of your life’s blessings difficult, consider the ease with which you nourish your body and mind, feed your family, move from place to place, and attend to tasks at hand. For a great number of people, activities you may take for granted, such as attaining an education, buying healthy food, commuting to work, or keeping a clean house, represent great challenges. To experience firsthand the complex tests others face as a matter of course in their daily lives, try living without the amenities you most often take for granted. This can be a great experiment to undertake with your entire family or a classroom. Understanding working poverty can be as easy as endeavoring to buy nutritious foods with a budget of $100 for the week. If you own a car, relying on public transportation for even just a day can help you see the true value of the comfort and conveniences others do without. As you explore a life without things you may normally take for granted, ask yourself for how long you could endure.
The compassionate gratitude that floods your heart when you come to fully realize your abundance may awaken pangs of guilt in your heart. Be aware, however, that the purpose of such an experiment is to open your heart further in gratitude and compassion. This awareness can help you attain a deeper level of gratitude that will allow you to savor and, above all, appreciate your life with renewed grace. AMEN! I believe. ✨🌹
Good day in the beautiful ‘burgh. Oz is having some gentle rain today. We need it. 😎💕
I know this is a busy weekend for you just enjoy with your family. 😘
Happy Cinco De Mayo Day.
Enjoy the Hockey Games and this drink is all you need to get the party started. 😘😎
Sending a gentle hug to you and Jake’s Canvas. 😘💕
Good morning in S. California and may this be a great weekend for you.
Enjoy Cinco De Mayo with your family.Happy Trails To You. 🎶🎶
Good day on the Gulf Coast of Florida. ✨😎🌹I do hope today is a better day for you.
I know how frustrated you were about your husband’s procedure. I pray that is being
settled and all paper work is signed.Oodie you have so many irons in the fire something tells me you will get through this. 🌹✨
Cinco De Mayo Day so I am making some good Mexican Food for hubby and I this should
last all weekend. 💕😎I am going to do as little as possible. We may go bike riding the weather
will be nice and the temps are going up. We are raining right now and I love it. ✨✨We still have some yard work but we can slow down and enjoy things for a bit. 😎🌹
Oodie let me know how your day is going when you have time. See ya in Trivia. ✨
Enjoy a little tea to get the day started. Are you watching the Coronation of King Charles
tomorrow? I may catch some of it. -
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6,375 Replies
07.18.23 7:56 PM
14 Participants