Conversation – 18
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 18 out of the series. I created and started this thread 9 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Where Did Your Heart Go?
Song by Wham!I spend my nights down on the wharf
In unlit alleyways
By the church downtown
Where Sally prays
Come down sometime
We’ll share a rusty can of corn, yeah
And listen to the radio
I love you, I love you, it says
Where did your heart go?
Did you put it on a train?
Did you leave it in the rain
Or down in Mexico?
Where did your heart go?
Did you put it on a train?
Did you leave it in the rain
Or down in Mexico?
You cried but I don’t know how
I’ve heard it all before
There it goes it again, the slamming of the door
Sometimes the river calls me
And at night it calls my name
Says “Put your troubles down beside me”
Things have always been the same
And rock ‘n’ roll won’t teach me
What the river said that night
I jumped into this beauty
And drifted out of sight
Where did your heart go?
Did you put it on a train?
Did you leave it in the rain
Or down in Mexico?
Where did your heart go?
Did you put it on a train?
Did you leave it in the rain
Or down in Mexico? -
Peace Out Peeps have a great evening. ✨✨
Sheba, Poppy must be very happy with his grooming and care. I would love a dog but still hope to travel some. It was fun popping in on trivia. Thanks for the welcome!
Did some yard work very early this morning and ran a few errands.
Take a look at Connie Craig Carroll’s Cassidy earrings. They are really pretty but most likely too big for me. Free shipping and on sale. Still on the fence.
Good evening I had a very busy day running here and there and while Poppy was being
groom I had some grooming of my own it was a high end mall and this is where I go to
get a facial and eye brow threading everything worked out really well.Poppy was so good. ✨I know what you mean about animals and traveling even
hubby was smiling when he saw Poppy my baby sat in my lap in the car.Taci I will refresh the CCC Thread I think I have those on there. I also own some of her
pieces I have to refresh HD Thread as well. Taci having Covid-19 did slow me down just
a bit so time for me to catch up. 😘✨Taci it was good to see you in Trivia and Oodiebom is a great Hostess and have been
for many years. 🌹💕 -
Sheba, Please get some rest and don’t worry about updating the CC or HD threads. You still need to rest after having covid. Glad you got in some pampering today. If I bought those CC Cassidy earrings then they would be my largest pair. I usually go for a smaller type earring.
Have a great evening! -
You cannot imagine how excited I was to see your post in Trivia last night. You made my day.. I was thrilled. And, I was hoping you played the game. After all, 200 points for each correct response is a total win win for me. So happy that you took the time from your busy schedule to say hello.
Yes, I am starting to feel better with hubby showing a remarkable improvement after months of not being able to do things for himself. I stopped at Aldi’s this afternoon and one of the purchases was a half gallon of ice cream. Actually, make that two. One was vanilla caramel and the other cherry. I decided to bring it to him this afternoon. I found a small plastic container that had a cover and decided to add a small lava cake along with the cherry ice cream. I didn’t use the new sandwich cooler, but rather the large one that I purchased from BJs many years ago. I picked up a ready made salad for myself and some fresh fruit which I washed. Put everything into the cooler with three ice paks. The ice cream stayed firm when I took it out in hubby’s room. Unfortunately, he was napping. It took an hour for him to fully awake and boy did he ever enjoy it. Tomorrow I will be bringing him some dim sum and other treats. It’s too bad that this restaurant is not opened for a full day. They are opened from 11 am to 2 pm and then reopen from 5 pm to 8 pm. Unfortunately, they do not have an on line menu.
Tomorrow will be back to the cleaning. I took this week off to pay bills and do file some paperwork. I am in the process of redoing the kitchen. I took everything out of the cabinets and now dishes, pots and pans are all over the place. I want everything spotless before hubby returns home. There are tons of boxes everywhere. I will have some fun cleaning and putting things where they belong and of course, my motto, if I haven’t used it in 6 months, donate.
Have a great hike. Stay cool and keep your distance from those creatures.
Oodie, thanks for being the hostess and for the warm welcome!
I played a few games and tested my trivia knowledge, so good thing people help out with answers. I spelled Lyndon’s name wrong.
Get some rest. -
Hello and good Saturday to you, hubby and groomed Poppy. I hope Poppy didn’t get to frustrated getting groomed, most pets don’t like it.
I have been taking advantage of all the good prices on HSN. My niece is having a birthday coming up so I got her the Wolfgang Puck 11-piece Stainless Steel Cookware. Something she can have to remember me way after I am gone.
For the hurricanes and light outages, ordered the rechargeable light bulbs.
Restocked on the Clean Boss Multi-Surface Disinfectant, and for the first time got the multi surface foaming wipes.While on Facebook I heard a song Frank Sinatra recorded I believe in1967 called The World We Knew. Went on YouTube and found it, along with a movie called Beloved Infidel starting Deborah Kerr and Gregory Peck. Went on Amazon and ordered the movie, I liked it. I hadn’t heard the song nor seen the movie before.
I hear thunder in the distance, hopefully it comes this way and brings some gentle rain 🌧 .
Enjoy your weekend Sheba and take care 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹-
Good evening rain is about to start in OZ as well. Poppy had no problem at being groom
he gets groomed all the time I just don’ talk about. WE did have a very cold season and his
hair grew when I picked Poppy up he looked like a different dog just beautiful. ✨🌹I was the one who was anxious I had to leave him for a few hours and the place had lots of
dogs. We had a great groomer and I tipped her really good. Poppy is happy I am happy so
all good. 😎On the Wolfgang Set I did post that here on this thread it is at a great price and I believe
free shipping I have that set along with two others every cookware in my kitchen is Wolfie. ✨
One reason I like SS and my mother uses SS so the set is beautiful and your niece will love
it. 😘This is Wolfgang’s 25th year here on HSN. I would grab those bargains. ✨
Enjoy your movie I am waiting to see Guess Who Is Coming To Dinner.
I hope we all will be singing in the rain. 😘✨
Love the discussion here and some of the sayings. Here is one I heard at Toastmasters yesterday..
“Rivers do not drink their own water; trees do not eat their own fruit; the sun does not shine on itself and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature. We are all born to help each other. No matter how difficult it is …. life is good when you are happy, but much better when others are happy because of you.”
Stay well and B good 2 others. DrBetterBreath
Congrats on the great game last night!✨👍✨ One more to go.
Another very nice afternoon, we still haven’t had any rain for 20 days, but some is supposed to come next week.🙏 That has to be pushing a record for the ‘burgh. Tired of carrying the hose or watering can around.
Leftovers for dinner. I got some fresh mozzarella so will make a Caprese salad.🍅🧀 Gentle hugs to you and clean, fluffy Poppy.🤗💖
Good evening I hope you are enjoying the Game.
I think this is the only thing you need to end the night. 😘😎
What a great surprise hearing from TACI. I hope she played the game and got to win some.
I decided at the last minute not to drive to see hubby. I really wasn’t feeling that well and a couple of times I just felt tired. So I took the time to rest and then to enjoy Trivia.
Hubby started the antibiotic Tuesday morning. He will be on it for 5 days, so he should be finished prior to his appointment. Not to worry on this one. I had constant contact with the Urology group and they knew what was happening. The problem was their pharmacy and not with them or the rehab.
I had a great time at Costco. I purchased the cooler with the two ice paks. It also came with a container and lid for sandwiches, or salads, or whatever. It also included a small tumbler with lid. I surmise this could be filled with salad dressing, ketchup, etc.. Hubby keeps asking for ice cream and I will honor that request tomorrow. Must give the ice paks a chance to freeze.
The reason for our lower prices on veggies and fruit is that the market purchases from the local farmers. The produce is so sweet and delicious. What we see up North are veggies and fruit that are picked long before they have ripened. And, of course, the prices are higher as well. They have fresh sirloin for hamburgers this week for #4.49/lb. Now, I know this is less expensive in the Northeast, but for now, good price for Florida. Today they have an all beef hotdog for free with the bun. I was all set to go there, and then realized that they would be taking up an entire row. Not good when you have a small lot to begin with. Since they are closed on Sundays, will go Monday.
Well, best be getting ready to do some serious shopping. Not sure what I will bring hubby for dinner. Lately, he has been eating the rehab food. If need be, I can try the Asian Dim Sum or something nearby. Have cell will travel.
Bet Poppy will be strutting up a storm with his fur cut. So precious to see them prancing to show off. then, of course, we don’t help the matter when we dooh and ahhhh.
On the orange juice. About a year or two ago there was an article that really got me. That was how the warehouses make their orange juice. The description sounded so awful that I stopped purchasing. And one thing I have learned since is that it does havoc to the kidneys. That could be one of the reasons why hubby has a problem now. I will learn more in two weeks if they are able to do the procedure on Wednesday.
Good evening I hope you are in home in bed. 🌹✨
So glad to hear about hubby and may he continue to improve and come home.
Poppy looks and smells so good after his grooming. 😎
Here is to sweet gentle rain. 🌹
Good day in the beautiful ‘burgh. How are things going today. I know you may have
the Melch down in yards and doing this and that.I am taking Poppy to the Groomer to have the works. 😎🌹
Oz is raining off and on and I am fine with that.
Hey blowing a gentle hug to you and Jake’s Canvas. 😘✨
Enjoy some Tea on National Tea Day. 😘🌹😎
Good Morning in S. California. Taci what a nice surprise seeing you in Trivia last night. ✨😎
How are you today? OZ is raining off and on today and I will take it. The grass and the flowers
are happy campers for that gentle rain. ✨🌹Hey duty calls and Mr. Poppy must be groomed so off hubby and I will go today.
Happy Trails To You. 🎶🎶
Enjoy a nice glass of tea after your venture. 😎😘
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6,375 Replies
07.18.23 7:56 PM
14 Participants