Conversation – 18
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 18 out of the series. I created and started this thread 9 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Peace Out Peeps have a safe evening. 💕✨
This is it with this game my nerves and everyone in MO and KS will be on edge.
I will pop in if I can if I am not screaming!!
YAY! Your Hockey Team won today. 😎😘
Why did you mention Rib Eye Steak now I am on my broomstick on the way there.
Knock, knock! 😎I don’t eat a lot of food but what I eat I enjoy. Today was get out and walk day which
is every day for me. I keep my body lean and tight and the doctors said walking is the
best work out for me in the summer I swim. ✨✨I am playing some Frampton tonight because I hope to feel good tomorrow Game Day. 😎
Still things going on in the family and that is what I am trying to stay in control with. 💕💕
I want my mother. 🌹
Like you, I am adding points as I type. Also doing the kitchen drawers and cleaning the cabinets as well. Outside and inside. I will be done with this chore by tomorrow sometime. I did see a frig at Home Depot which was the one I had looked at on line with Lowes. The sale ended Wednesday. Home Depot has one for a dollar less along with a washer and dryer. The frig can’t be delivered until February 7th. That’s Ok with me. The washer and dryer is what is needed now and I will have those delivered after the electrician repairs some dead outlets and installs a new panel. I also need to contact the plumber. Looks like a hot water heater is in our future.
As I said many times. The vitamins we purchase from Andrew are tops. The eye one especially has kept my eyes well and healthy. After Covid I started the immune thing. I also just purchased the Energy because of a thyroid problem. This has helped me to do the daily things and still have something leftover for later. Besides, our physician cannot get over how good the blood work has been. I am knocking on wood as I type this.
Have a great evening. Enjoy your walk with Poppy. Oh, that kitty is adorable. He”s MINE. And if it’s a she, it’s MINE also. So cute.
Do You Feel Like I Do
Peter FramptonWell, woke up this morning
With a wine glass in my hand
Whose wine?
What wine?
Where the did I dine?
Must have been a dream
I don’t believe where I’ve been
Come on
Let’s do it again
Do you… you feel like I do?
How’d ya feel?
Do you… you feel like I do?
My friend got busted just the other day
They said
Dont walk, dont walk, dont walk away
Drove him to a taxi
Bent the boot
Hit the back
Had to play some music
Otherwise he’d crack
Do you… you feel like I do?
How’d ya feel?
Do you… you feel like I do?
Do you… you feel like I do?
Yes you do
Do you… you feel like I do?
Champagne for breakfast
And a Sherman in my hand
Peached up, peached pale
Never fails
Must have been a dream
I don’t believe where I’ve been
Come on
Let’s do it again
Do you… you feel like I do?
How’d ya feel?
Do you… you feel like I do?
Bob Mayo on the keyboards
Bob Mayo
Do you feel like we do?
Do you feel like we do…?
Oh… that’s true
Do you feel like we do?
Get back
Do you feel?
Do you feel like we do?
Do you feel?
Do you feel…
Like we do?
I want to thank you
Do you… feel like we do?
That’s alright
That’s alright to feel you’d like
Feel you’d like a good time
We’ll go to bed tonight
Good night, good night, good night,
Good night, good night -
Hi Sheba, I am sure Poppy enjoyed his walk with you. Getting some fresh air is good.
I am enjoying our weather here, it’s been just warm enough not to have heat nor air-conditioning. And I can open up the windows and patio door.I had a cleaning lady here the other day, asked her for a deep cleaning. She pull out stove, fridge etc. Cleaning behind everything. Wipe down the oven, I used the self-clean on it the day before. She came back the next day to finish the house. The house looks really good, and smells great.
Today I received groceries from Walmart, they sent some beautiful sweet potatoes. Their avocados were large and awesome, so said hubby, I don’t like avocados.
I got me a tray of two ribeye stakes. Sautéed one with some onions and garlic for taste and had it with rice and a salad.Don’t remember if I mentioned I got a pizza stone from Amazon. This weekend I will make pizza.
Stay warm Sheba -
I am a Andrew Lessman Girl all the way I am staring at all my supplements and believe
me my eyes are great because I take his eye supplements and I take a lot of his wonderful
things.Oodie I am going in and out feeding stray cats that is what is giving me cold like issues
of course my sinus issues does not help.I am so sorry your husband fell I know it must have hurt just a bit.
I am in Trivia and the Arcade. 😎✨Please don’t do too much.
No workmen yet. Did hear some hammering and hubby thought someone was working on our roof. It got me to look outside through the kitchen window. No one here. No ladders up either. False alarm. Actually, I am starting to reclean again. Since we may be on the road soon, decided to start the spring cleaning process and to start putting things aside that will go North. Earlier today I was thinking of doing some research on people who transport the vehicle from your location to another one North. But then I realized there are quite a few things that go back and forth. And these are items that I do not want to leave behind. So, it looks like we drive. However, in thinking things through, we could leave a vehicle at the Cape and either rent a car from the airport on Cape and drive to Boston or we can bus it to Boston at the commuter lot. Something to think about when we are North.
Tomorrow is a rain event for us and then some cooler air will approach. From what I’ve been hearing it will be cooler through the end of next week. At least we get them in spurts.
Ok, now for some other news. On Wednesday following the doctor’s appointment we drove to Costco. Hubby took what he thought was a short cut. It was around a curb area in which he steps up and then walks on grass and steps down. I was ahead of him thinking he was right behind. I happened to turn to check and saw him do a misstep and fell. I dropped my purse next to him and tried to pull him up. He was dead weight. A gentleman walked by and with his help, we brought him to his feet. Thankfully, it was a soft landing since the lawn was raised a bit and was looking like a pillow. However, when we arrived home, he wanted to help me unload the car. I didn’t buy much and it was something I could have done. Anyway, his right leg gave way, and if it weren’t for wicker stuff that needed washing he would have landed on a cement floor of our carport. This is what frightens me about the trip home. Thank goodness I have a wheelchair and a walker. But the situation on the drive still frightens me. We have a doctor’s appointment next month and we will discuss this .
Well, I see it’s time for the next question. Time to get back to Trivia. By the way, are you taking any vitamins for your immune system. I think your sinuses may be the culprit. Hate the thought that you have another cold. Try also a teaspoon of Manuka. It may hit the spot.
Have some Wine with your cheese. ✨
Hi Sheba, chilly with snow flurries in the ‘burgh. Cleaned some floors this morning and taking it easy this afternoon. Not much planned for this weekend except for visiting mom and sis tomorrow and the playoff games.🏈 Feel free to message me during your game if it gets tense and your brain is razzled!🧠
Getting our nails done on Tuesday and lunch probably at Olive Garden🍝 since it is close. I think mom wants to also go to DSW to look for shoes.🥿👟
Stay warm, blowing kisses in the wind to you and Poppy.🥰
Leaving the Earth a Better Place
It is a great act of love to leave the earth a better place when we leave, than which we found her.
We inherit this great planet from our parents and from the generations that came before. Then, in concert with the surrounding culture, our elders teach us how to care for the land and the sea, ourselves and each other. They model ways of being in relationship with every other expression of life on earth. But whether they act with care or carelessness, compassion or cruelty, generosity or greed, we have the ability to choose our own individual way of relating with the planet and her inhabitants. From our first breath here to our very last, we will find infinite opportunities to influence our environment for the better. We can decide now to act with intention in order to leave this amazing planet brighter and more beautiful than when we arrived.
If we enjoy environmental activism, we might feel moved to clean up beaches or to plant trees. But, we need not feel limited in our ability to contribute positively. There are many ways to leave a legacy of love. We might begin by radiating affirmative thoughts and feelings about how magnificent the earth truly is. We might create and tend a special garden, one that provides an abundance of food and herbs for ourselves and our loved ones. Or we might create a garden filled with sweet smelling flowers to uplift our hearts. We might even honor the earth simply by trying to be the best person we can be while we are here. Such good will can have a domino effect, inspiring others to contribute in their own way as well.
We spend our lifetimes being nourished and enlivened by the rain, sun, soil and wind. Our experience is blessed by other living beings, from plants to insects to birds and humans. We receive so much; giving back just naturally feels good. When we live our lives with intention of leaving this temporary home a better place for generations to come, we are perhaps leaving behind the best gift of all. AMEN! ✨✨💕
Cheese Lovers Day. ✨💕This is how we do it. ✨😎
Good morning in California just sending you a Friday Shout Out. Kitten take care. ✨✨
Well it’s National Cheese Lovers Day. 💕😎
How are things in the ‘burgh? Good luck with your Hockey Team tonight. ✨💕😎
Did you get your manicure with your sis and mom? I got my eyebrows threaded
I love the look. 💕😎I just add a little brow makeup and the eyes really pop.I plan on getting a manicure and pedicure maybe this weekend. This year I am going to
do me. 😎 Lady after my fight with cancer and then some I am so ready to just get back
to normal. I want to feel like myself again.Hubby’s new reading glasses are ready today. I have had mine for two weeks.
Enjoy the day and I am sending a hug to you and Jake’s Canvas. ✨✨
😎✨ -
Good morning in S. California I hope all is well in your neighborhood. ✨✨
I would so get out of the way of those Coyotes. Very smart to go in a different directions.
We have Coyotes out here but I rarely see them and that’s a good thing. I do take something
with me to protect Poppy just a little pellet piece. No one had better lay a hand on my dog.💕I never take my real piece I don’t think it is a good idea.
Happy Trails To You. ✨✨
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6,375 Replies
07.18.23 7:56 PM
14 Participants