Conversation – 18
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 18 out of the series. I created and started this thread 9 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
I feel very strong about this and many do all over the world ✨✨
Sheba, Hello! We had multiple places that were wet. Hubby got a meter and now most spots are dry. Came home yesterday and he was inside the house at the base of the steps, on a 12 foot ladder. We had a wet spot there. He glued something and nailed a piece of wood to help it stick together to dry. This morning he pulled out the nail and wood block plus a chunk of the piece he was repairing. all were glued together. I don’t know why but it was funny. Looks much better now.
Sheba, on our trip one of the places we went was to Anne Frank House.
Hope your cousin is doing better.
I left Oodie a note. -
Nice post Sheba.
Oodie, thinking of you and your husband. Glad he has a room and is being well treated.
Hope you feel better soon and get your voice back. -
Peace Out Peeps stay safe and warm. ✨✨
I went right by you to see if my note earlier took. Then saw your note. Thanks for everything. I was unable to go to the hospital today. I have laryngitis and a scratchy throat. Manuka honey has been helping me through this. I do not think it is a cold, rather a reaction to the air conditioner in the ER that went on full blast around 4 pm. Also on Tuesday and Wednesday did some running around looking for a washer and dryer which I found yesterday, on sale at Lowe’s. No frig yet, but suspect within a couple of weeks they will be on sale during President’s week/day. I know the one I would like which is a blessing. Doing searches online really helps keeping the gas mileage down.
I didn’t leave the house today. Contacted the hospital to let them know that it would be best to remain at home. Actually, hubby would be really troubled if he heard my voice which is below an alto and sometimes a whisper. I would like to take care of a few things when I’m en route. I seem to think I can leave early, but do not get out before 1 pm. Hope tomorrow will be warmer than today. For some reason, the cold really gets to me. Guess I’ve been in Fl. too long. And speaking of this, probably will remain here until Easter or the week following. Not in a rush anymore. Hubby’s health is more important.
Hi Oodie, that is good news. Your hubby has a room, took a shower/bath and feels better. Also glad he will go to rehabilitation and get his pain under control.
Hopefully the doctors will be able to locate the problem he is having with the different spells that happens off and on.
Know I am thinking of you, sending prayers your way Oodie.
A big hug and Brazilian kisses. -
Hubby was almost his old self yesterday and I was happy. The nurse yesterday was great and we had some conversation as to where he was mentally at this stage. She said that everything changed when he was able to bathe and that is when he was able to chuckle and laugh. So, he is doing good and the case management at the hospital phoned twice today to go over what is happening at this stage. He will not be going to a convalescent/nursing home. Thank goodness. He will be admitted to a rehab facility for pain management and for regaining strength in both legs. They also let me know that the ones they will be recommending are all 5 stars. She also gave me an update that hubby is now in his own room and I have access to the nurse’s station for updates. Right now I am very tired and not sure if I will drive to the hospital. Visiting hours are now 7 am-7pm. Visiting hours while in the ER was non existent. When I stayed beyond the daylight hours I asked for someone to walk with me to the parking lot. Instead. the
security guards gave me a ride in their vehicle to my van. They do have a shuttle, but you have to be there to obtain a ride and that lasts only during the morning hours. The hospital has a parking garage and a walkway on the second level that brings you to the main floor and for your visitor’s pass. And yes, directions to the elevators and to the room the patient is using.Aside from being tired, I now have laryngitis from the air conditioner that was right on top of us in what you call a room in the ER area. I have taken some Manuka and that is helping. Will now make some tea with Manuka and Ginger. And that reminds me to pick up fresh ginger and lemon to make my own concoction. I contacted our Insurance company and gave them an update. I am going to try to get some rest, though I need to go to Aldi’s and UPS to return some things to you know who.
Tonight is Trivia. Not sure if I can make it, and if not, someone will take over. If I can, will get you all started. Take care and most importantly for you and everyone on this thread, STAY SAFE.
When We Don’t Take Action
Our actions shape our lives, but what we don’t take action on can be just as powerful.
Life is sculpted on a moment-to-moment basis. Every one of the thoughts we think, the words we speak, and the actions we take contributes to the complex quality and character of the universe’s unfolding. It simply is not possible to be alive without making an impact on the world that surrounds us. Every action taken affects the whole as greatly as every action not taken. And when it comes to making the world a better place, what we choose not to do can be just as important as what we choose to do.For example, when we neglect to recycle, speak up, vote, or help somebody in immediate need, we are denying ourselves the opportunity to be an agent for positive change. Instead, we are enabling a particular course to continue unchallenged, picking up speed even as it goes along. By holding the belief that our actions don’t make much of a difference, we may find that we often tend to forego opportunities for involvement. Alternatively, if we see ourselves as important participants in an ever-evolving world, we may feel more inspired to contribute our unique perspective and gifts to a situation.
It is wise to be somewhat selective about how and where we are using our energy in order to keep ourselves from becoming scattered. Not every cause or action is appropriate for every person. When a situation catches our attention, however, and speaks to our heart, it is important that we honor our impulse to help and take the action that feels right for us. It may be offering a kind word to a friend, giving resources to people in need, or just taking responsibility for our own behavior. By doing what we can, when we can, we add positive energy to our world. And sometimes, it may be our one contribution that makes all the difference. Amen! ✨✨
Good day in your corner of the world. Wishing you a nice and warm weekend in the ‘burgh. ✨😘
Oz will have some single digits as far as the temps goes.I am multi-tasking this weekend many projects in the fire. Lady I think you are doing the
same thing. 😎Keep warm and I am sending a warm hug to you and Jake’s Canvas. 😘✨
I am so glad Oodiebom is keeping us posted with her hubby being in the hospital.
Good morning in S. California wishing you a great weekend. Taci I can’t believe I am saying
this I hope your weather is not too bad next week. I am thinking of your roof. ✨Oodiebom did check in hubby is still in the Hospital.
Hey Happy Trails to you. ✨😎
Good day on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Oodie I hope you got some rest last night.
I know it will be a very busy day for you at the Hospital with your husband. I pray you
get some answers as far as his health goes.Take your time and do what you have to do. Trivia will be fine as I am sure someone will
start the game for you. 😎✨Thinking of you today my friend. 🌹🌹
Good Morning in Florida. 😎✨🌹Here is to a great weekend. I am so glad Oodiebom
checked in last night. Hey perhaps I will see you in Trivia. ✨ -
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6,375 Replies
07.18.23 7:56 PM
14 Participants