Conversation – 18
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 18 out of the series. I created and started this thread 9 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
AMEN! 😎🌹
Hello Sheba, Rain and Hail are unusual for us so it’s a nice change from the very hot summer. We have rain in the forecast for another week, off and on.
We can’t fix the roof for a few weeks since everything will have to dry out.
Hope you feel better soon. -
Don’t really know about her but this is fabulous!
Hello Sheba, I am glad your cold is almost over and you are feeling better.
Last night the crescent Moon was just beautiful, with the two bright stars slightly ahead of it. We had a nice sunny day, somewhat breeze.
Those storms across the country did much damage. Lots of people lost their homes, this weather is so crazy.
February certainly went fast, and we down here this Winter got lucky. We didn’t have many Winter days.
I hope you had a nice long walk with Poppy.
Take care Sheba ❤️❤️❤️🌻🌻🌻
I am feeling under the weather I will write tomorrow. Please take care and remember to set
the clock for those early morning visits. Oodie you have a day tomorrow. -
Peace Out Peeps enjoy your evening and be safe. ✨✨
It’s a beautiful day on the coast. Sun is out and the temps will be in the 80s during the day and the mid 60s at night. Tomorrow is a busy day and it all begins around 8 am. The waterproof vinyl flooring will be installed tomorrow. They will be here between 8am and 8:30am. Terminix is scheduled between 8am and 10 am. The boudoir chair between 8am and Noon. Guess I will set an alarm for 6am or so for last minute things to put in order. After taking the weekend off to rest and relax and also to bring care packages to hubby I am finally doing chores. I am in the kitchen and will see how much I accomplished around 4 pm. I intend to see hubby today and will bring another care package. I hope they have an answer as to why he needs the catheter and why so much pain without. I hope and pray that invasive surgery will not be needed. If so, I will insist on my first choice of hospitals and not the one he was in. I feel the hospital is the place that caused this problem and the virus we both had. I am almost 2 mos. late for my mam and will be making appointment very soon so it can be scheduled. Not sure if I should wait a while longer in case I had Covid. Last time I didn’t wait and ended up having a biopsy that probably wasn’t needed.
Tomorrow morning I will be taking all the pillows off the loveseat in the den and taking a plastic table outside for a huge wash. It will fun bringing everything back so it will be a total relaxing room once again. As soon as our MB is completed I will call Spectrum.
I also like the multi colored butterfly plant on HSN. Not sure if you get 2 pots or 3. But I do remember that it was only a 2 star because the plants were dead and also because of the size of the pots. They were rather small for the price. Lowes does carry the same thing in a gallon container. Last year I was too late to purchase. I may take a ride after my hair appointment on Thursday. It also was less expensive. I may also purchase the Dragon Fruit Plant. Just not sure how it will hold up if I am not here to water. That’s the big question. Though we so have showers in the summer, last year we didn’t get that many and so a drought situation became apparent. So far we have a similar problem now. I wonder if all the rain and snow in the West will help the Colorado River and Lake Mead.
Both you and your hubby will miss Charlie. He adopted both of you from day one. Maybe someday, you will see a kitty that will be right for you hubby and Poppy. Keep your eyes and ears opened. You can never tell who just might pop in or what you will find at your local shelter.
I do not feel the cancer caused anything. I think he caught something from his humans and it gave him a fever that spiked. So sad and yet now, he has no diabetes, no cancer and he is with friends. Maybe he will meet Sheba and Jake. Just take one day at a time. -
Sharing Peace
Having strangers in our homes can be difficult, but we can choose to treat their energy as an exchange of gifts as well as an exercise in acceptance.
When we have created a sanctuary in our home, it can be jarring to have the outside world come in. It is easy to share our space with those we know well, but often strangers are asked in as household help, contractors, or technicians that help us make our homes more comfortable. Acquaintances of our spouses or children also bring something new and different into our space. If we resist their presence, treating it as an intrusion, we restrict the free flow of energy and may miss the gift they bring. Instead, we can choose to treat their energy as an exchange of gifts as well as an exercise in acceptance.
Before their arrival, we can prepare by envisioning light surrounding our bodies and radiating outward from the core of our homes. We may want to create a calm and welcoming environment by playing meditation music or lighting incense. We can remove tension for all involved by putting away our valuables. Then when they arrive, we claim our boundaries by guiding them through their visit—asking them to remove their shoes, offering coasters or a place to set down tool boxes, and indicating by example to speak softly or not use harsh language. If something still causes stress, we can remember that what begins as an irritation to an oyster becomes a pearl. After they depart, we can burn sage and clear our space if we like but not without first finding the pearl.
Finally, remember that we learn about life by relating with others. People may have been sent to our homes because we ignored some of the universe’s messengers outside. Our homes need not be a way to keep people out but can be the place where we are ourselves while accepting and allowing other’s choices. When we share the joy of our homes, we radiate our light rather than hide it behind closed doors. The more we do this, the more the outside world can become like the sanctuary we’ve created inside. AMEN! 😎🌹✨
Good day in the ‘burgh. What a beautiful post you did yesterday. Thank you for your kind
thoughts. I know we will see our fur babies one day. ✨🌹😘I think I cried off and on all day it comes in waves. I will miss him in the moonlight and the
sunlight in the summer he always like to sit on the couch with me. ✨Charlie spoiled my
husband he had to sit on his lap and even sleep when hubby went to sleep. I think my
husband heart is broken he refuse to talk about it. I know my husband that is his way of
dealing with grief. 🌹How is your Hockey Team going so far? I am getting over this cold. I guess it is one thing
at a time.Wishing you a great week. Blowing a gentle hug to you and Jake’s Canvas. 😘💕🌹
I love saying this because I really mean it.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6,375 Replies
07.18.23 7:56 PM
14 Participants