Conversation – 18
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 18 out of the series. I created and started this thread 9 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Well, this time I fell asleep in bed, and awoke just a few minutes ago. I had to shut some lights in the back of the house which overlooks the lake. Before doing so, I swept the kitchen floor and there were not too many remnants of the critters. The only place was under the sink which now has two things with peanut butter. I am debating about the refrigerator delivery scheduled for Thursday. I may put it off for another week.
I went a little early today to see hubby. And yes, I did see the nutritionist. The main thing is to stay away from citrus fruits and everything else is the same as my sulfite diet. I also mentioned that the meals on the weekends leave a lot to be desired. Mentioned about the mud pie look of Friday’s dinner with no veggies. It was some kind of meat with a biscuit.
Tonight’s dinner was meat and carrots. They are watching the carbs as well. Hubby loved it and couldn’t down it fast enough. But, I could tell he isn’t eating th at well. He found it difficult to get in and out of bed to use the bathroom. One point he ended up kneeling on the floor and hanging over the seat of the wheelchair. The nurse helped him to his feet and then wheeled him to the bathroom. He stayed with him. I decided to fix the bed since the sheet and covers were all over the place. Finished just in time for his return. He also had a whopper of a back pain and then he kept putting his hands to his head. I asked if he had a headache, the answer was no.
I ordered a pizza as well tonight because it was our anniversary. He had one piece and so did his roommate. I found it very salty and before I left, offered it to the nurses. I think I’ve had enough pizza for a long, long time. I am not a happy camper tonight and I’m very concerned. Not sure what is going on, though the nurses think he is doing well. Very worried.
Funny, when I leave the rehab I see many stars and no moon. If I’m up around 3 am the moon is out and it is like sunshine out back (well actually, to the side of our home). I do not venture out when it gets dark. Too many critters, especially the slithery kind.
Time to return to bed. Hope you have a great Tuesday. The weather will be changing here also at the end of the week. The weather people are predicting some rain for Saturday and temps will be back to normal for the season, though the evening may see cooler temps. Sure hope we get some rain. We really need it.
Thank you I am going to get some rest now. Please don’t catch a cold again while out.
Take care. 😘💕Goodnight.
Finian’s Rainbow – Old Devil Moon – Petula Clark
I look at you and suddenly
Something in your eyes I see
Soon begins bewitching meIt’s that old devil moon
That you stole from the skies
It’s that old devil moon
In your eyesYou and your glance
Make this romance
Too hot to handleStars in the night
Blazing their light
Can’t hold a candle
To your razzle-dazzleYou’ve got me
Flying high and wide
On a magic carpet ride
Full of butterflies insideI wanna cry, wanna croon
Wanna laugh just like a loon
It’s that old devil moon
In your eyesI look at you and glory be
Something in your eyes I see
Soon begins bewitching meIt’s that old devil moon
That you stole from the skies
It’s that old devil moon
In your eyesYou and your glance
Make this romance
Too hot to handleStars in the night
Blazing their light
Can’t hold a candle
To your razzle-dazzleYou’ve got me
Flying high and wide
On a magic carpet ride
Full of butterflies insideI wanna cry, I wanna croon
I want to laugh like a loon
It’s that old devil moon
In your eyesJust when I think
I’m free as a dove
Old devil moon
Deep in your eyes
Blinds me with loveYeah
Yeah -
Sheba, Hello! I have heard we are having the coldest winter in 25 years. Not sure that is correct but sounds pretty accurate. It was 56 degrees during my walk/hike and it is great weather for me. Hubs was back on the roof today. Basically pulling up tile and then laying paper and doing it in sections. Then he will have to put the tile back as well. I never knew anything about roofs.
My son will have to help with clean-up.
My passport is still processing. They say 8-11 weeks from when they start which is March. However I sent the docs early Feb and my check was cashed fairly quickly. I don’t get the hold up as I already have a passport but maybe they are just busy with post covid travelers.
Have a good evening! -
Another nice day in the ‘burgh but it will be chilly all week. Below freezing at night and the 40’s during the day. We had spring in February, now winter in March.😒
Dentist and hair appointments tomorrow, doc on Friday and probably a trip to mom’s so a busy week. Sunday will be gown night.🥻
Praying for your loved one and the family.🙏 I hope your mother can handle this, seems like it never ends.😥 Relax this evening, sending hugs all around.🤗💖
I love the way you wrote your post. I like details. I am between cooking and walking.
I have boneless skinless chicken in the oven and some broccoli with another veggie.I think my heart jumped into my mouth when you wrote about the bobcat. Holy Smokes!
I am glad you stayed inside be careful. The moon was the last thing I wrote to you about
last night it was beautiful even in OZ. I wish I could have seen that bird. All kinds of
creature are coming out with the moon.I forgot your husband eat different then you but both meals are just as good.
I pretty sure he had no problem working from home traffic is busy on a Monday.I have to be careful when I walk at night we do have four legged creatures out so I have
to protect Poppy.✨💕I will be looking at the moon tonight and I will wave at ya.😘🌹
I am seeing really bad weather in all over with snow people are stuck in their homes.
Oz will have rain in a few days. -
Hello Oodie, how are you doing?
So glad your house is coming together.
That is good news about your husband. So glad no more Catheter, slowly but surely your husband begins to approve so soon he can be home.I wrote what looks like a book to Sheba, take a look I got two surprises today.
You are a busy lady, please don’t feel you need to answer this post. I read your posts to Sheba.
Please be careful and take care of yourself too.
Sending hugs and Brazilian kisses. -
Hello Sheba, how are you doing today?
We are having another dry and Sunny day.
My cousin in Brazil is having lots of rain, she complained about it and I reminded her of the dryness we are having here.Sorry I didn’t explain my hubby’s cooking correctly. He wasn’t cooking for me, I don’t eat the type of food he cooks. It’s hot and very spicy, it’s his and all his😀😀😀 His diabetes of course places him in a certain diet. So he cooks his Indian food, what he cooks is all vegetarian. Sometimes he cooks shrimp or fish. He doesn’t cook chicken, he may eat a little when I make some chicken. Or when I put some Italian sausage in the oven, I included one for him. The most he eats is one, while I easily down two with my Brazilian Farófa. Hubby deat red meat, beef. Me, I love my steaks, oxtails, roasts etc.
Well it turned out his appointment is on the 16th and not today (6th). The person who made the his appointment was out of his regular eye doctor for a specialist in Glaucoma. That person said it was today, but when he called the specialist office this morning to confirm (why he didn’t call before today I don’t know) they said it’s the 16th.
So he just worked out of the house today.Well today I have had two big surprises. I didn’t couldn’t sleep last night, around 3AM I thought I heard some kind of noise. So I got up out of bed and looked outside through the patio glass door. Sheba the Moon was so beautiful, it illuminated the entire backyard. All of a sudden I see this giant and I mean giant bird flying just above the tree line. It looked like one of those birds from Jurassic Park movie 😄. Big enough to grab a person. I couldn’t believe my eyes, in the middle of the night, never did I have seen it anything like that before.
The second surprises is I am looking at the backyard this afternoon and I see a face poking out of the woods. At first I thought oh it’s a kitty cat, then it fully showed itself and it was a Bobcat. A beautiful, large Bobcat and that too I have not seen it before, for all four years living here. I suppose I can’t put food out anymore, it’s attracting to many creatures
Since I have my very small garden out there I can’t take any chances to get attacked by a Bobcat while watering my plants. I don’t want to place a fence, the HOA requires a white fence. That means I wouldn’t see a good portion of the woods and that would defeat the reason why I chose this lot to build our house on.I didn’t mean to write so much, take care Sheba and be safe.
Using Your Psychic Gifts
People often have difficulty accepting that they have been blessed with psychic abilities.
Psychic experiences are a natural part of our everyday lives. People often have difficulty accepting that they have been blessed with psychic abilities because without a frame of reference it is almost impossible to identify an extrasensory experience and to distinguish psychic sights, sounds, and sensations from the projects of the unconscious mind. To some extent, every human being on the planet is clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient, although most people discover that they are naturally adept at one more than the others. When you trust in and take steps to hone your innate clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience, you will enter a new realm of being in which the universe, your higher self, and your spirit guides lovingly conduct you toward a more aware existence.
Clairvoyance, or clear seeing, is the ability to see with the mind’s eye. An individual who has honed their clairvoyant abilities may be able to see in their mind’s eye events in a remote location; to witness incidents that have yet to occur; or to perceive shapes, colors, and other images that are physically invisible. Clairaudience, which means clear listening, is the ability to hear sounds not physically audible. A person with the gift of clairaudience perceives psychic information as auditory resonance and may hear angelic voices, music, or other sounds. A clairsentient, or clear feeling, individual is able to sense physical, emotional, and spiritual energy in the form of seemingly unearthly scents, touches, and movements. Each of these psychic abilities can manifest themselves within us voluntarily or involuntarily. It is natural for us to have these abilities; we need only practice.
Developing your psychic talents is a matter of releasing your fear of seeing, hearing, or feeling inexplicable or disquieting stimulus. Before you attempt to consciously tap into your gifts, ground yourself to anchor your mind in the present to disconnect from any involuntary psychic experiences you may be having. Concentrate on your intuitive responses to the world around you and notice any sights, sounds, or feelings that enter your mind. If you trust your perceptions, you’ll discover that each psychic impression you receive will be in some way relevant to your experience—even when that relevance may not be immediately recognizable. BELIVE! ✨✨
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6,375 Replies
07.18.23 7:56 PM
14 Participants