Conversation – 18
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 18 out of the series. I created and started this thread 9 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Weather is definitely better today, bright sunshine, very little wind and a bit cooler.🌞 I’ll take it for the beginning of spring. We were very lucky to win that game last night, pretty much gave it away in the third. So many injured players.🙁
You are right – husband was out on the deck today swinging a golf club.🏌️♂️ Already rode past the driving range and the golf league starts end of April. He is tired of being in the house. Nieces are doing fine, last I know, and they will be ready for their tournaments.
Mom had a lunch out yesterday and dinner out today. She doesn’t miss a trick.😄 Always has leftovers so she won’t have to cook. Sis said very little rain the last few days. Sending hugs to you and Poppy from me and Jake.🤗💖
Well, received a phone call early this morning. Seems my frig has not reached the store so the delivery is postponed until a week from tomorrow. Phew…I was hoping that would happen. Gives me a day to breathe. I will start cleaning the frig tomorrow morning and will do a little each day. so all I have to do is unpack for delivery of the new.
I did not see hubby yesterday as you know. I am still trying to get over what happened yesterday afternoon. I now can visualize more clearly what hubby is going through and I may be able to attack his dementia which may not be dementia, but a sleeping disorder. I cannot wait to see him to have this conversation. The neurologist we had one visit with, may have nailed the lid on that cookie jar. I will make a phone call to his office tomorrow and bring them up to date.
While at the Farmer’s Market I purchased 3 salmon steaks. I made one of them for my dinner last night along with the Thai eggplant. I used a touch of olive oil in a pan and put the salmon in that. On top I added my spices. I sliced two or three eggplants and placed them along side of the salmon and sauteed on top of the stove. OMG that was so yummy and I had some left over for breakfast. Still yummy. So good in fact, that I will make another one this afternoon as a care package for hubby. I think the only fish this place serves is Tuna on bread and it is so dry that hubby finds it difficult to chew and swallow.
By the way, for your info and for everyone reading this thread, do not overcook any fish. Cooking in the oven may do it more harm than good unless you watch it carefully. If the fish is fresh, cooking in the oven you could lose the juiciness. This is one reason that I make it on the stove over a low medium heat. When it is a touch of pink inside, try it. You will be amazed at the flavor and taste. My mom (may she rip) used to bake it for 35 minutes or so. It was awful and many a time I would go hungry rather than eat that thing. My dad also. I didn’t learn to make the fish until I met the fisherman on an island in NY.who taught me the hows.
Well, time for a shower and to wash a head as well. When done will make the fish and take a ride. Cannot wait to see hubby. Tomorrow I will be looking at urologists and see if I can get an appointment and then start whatever he/she says and get him home asap. Going North is definitely on the back burner. We will get there. Health is first on all fronts.
Have a great day. Temp is over 80. A/C is off because the vent is not far from the shower. No rain in sight though it’s quite cloudy . Humidity is up there as well. So what else is new????😎😎
Good afternoon in the ‘burgh. I am happy your Hockey Team won last night. 😘😎💕
Good way to start the new week.I did see where you are trying to see if or when you will paint your bathroom. Hmm…💕✨
Oz will have more rain soon like in a couple of hours. I am going to make a quick run
to CVS. I just need a few things.We are getting darker so I am out of here for a minute.
How are you feeling today? How are your nieces in GA.?💕
I bet your husband is about to get back into the swing of things with Golfing. 😎💕
I am sending a shout out to you and Jake’s Canvas. 😘✨ Let me know how your
mother is doing and sister. I hope the weather is better. -
Good morning in S. California and may this day finds you doing well. ✨😎I like writing
that little phase I do that to all the girls because I really mean it. 💕AL has some goodies with free shipping I did post the TS at the top of the page and I have
post info on the Thread that @iamashortdiva made. I hope the information is helpful.Hey enjoy the trails and I know your husband will have the roof done in no time.
Happy Trails To You. 🎶🎶
I typed you a post and it went poof. Well Shizzle!
How are you today on the Gulf Coast of Florida? Are you going to Costco for your
husband today?Most importantly did you get some good rest last night? Let me know how things
are going today. ✨😎This reminds me of you Oodie always on the move. 😎✨
Good afternoon in Florida and here is to a great Sunday. 😎✨I cannot believe you were
in the high 80’s yesterday holy smokes. ✨Oz rained all day and night and we have more later this afternoon. Well Mother Nature
is cleaning the yards and plants and all of her creations. 😘🌹😎I smell some delicious is that bread? Xango I love your cooking and how you do it.
I can’t wait to hear about your spices. Yeah the Spice is Right LOL! ✨You and hubby have a good day. Poppy and my husband are resting we did get some
things done around the house hey there is always a project going on here. ✨✨Sending you some gentle rain. 😘😎✨🌹
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6,375 Replies
07.18.23 7:56 PM
14 Participants