Conversation – 18
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 18 out of the series. I created and started this thread 9 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Peace Out Peeps enjoy your evening. ✨✨
What a day you have had goodness get some sleep if you can. I am glad you were there
but not all the things you went through that was a bit much.Oodie if your husband hands shake when he is hungry and have not eaten that could be
low sugar. I have mentioned my Step-mother who weigh a pound has diabetes.
This woman swims and walks every day. Still if she over do her meals and don’t eat enough
she will shake. Just something to think about and after she eats she is fine.I am doing alright OZ had some nice weather with some sun. Hubby and me worked in
the yards and we both were sore a day afterwards I am fine now. I am about to jump in
the shower and use my Perlier Body Wash and Lotions. 💕Oodie just rest tomorrow is another day I am so glad you posted. I am sure hubby
will be looking forward to your yummy food and I bet his room mate will be looking too.I have been feeding cats chasing possums and walking poppy feeding bunnies etc. LOL!
Goodnight Oodie and I hope every thing works out tomorrow.
You were right on. A real long day. It started when I finally made it out of bed around 8:30 am. There were a couple of phone calls. Funny, I didn’t hear the phone ring. Must have been sound asleep. The first call was from my neighbor.l He will be picking up the paint for the trim of our home and shutters. Hubby and I wanted to change tha t brown to a blue. However, the blue we like is on someone’s shutters on the Cape. So we will keep the color the same until we reach the Cape and knock on someone’s door. The second call was from the ultrasound explaining to go on line to register for the appointment. They called again that they needed my hubby’s Id and Insurance. Then a half hour prior to hubby’s appointment, received a call from a nurse in rehab stating that hubby had no clothes. I mentioned that I left a pair of shorts and a top along with underwear over the weekend. It takes a half hour sometimes to go th e 8 miles to the Rehab because of traffic and the schools letting out . I told her to go the Lab to explain that she was running late, etc.. I get some th ings together and rush to rehab only to be told that they left for the appointment. Get back in the van and drive to the Ultrasound only to find that I was in the wrong area. Backed up and went out and made the correct turn at the traffic light only to find when I made t he left turn at the next light, I was at a school. I then realized t hat the building was not at a light, and so finally made it. I arrived with clothing that I did not need. But they did want to make a copy of his driver’s license and insurance card. Saw hubby and asked what he wanted for dinner. Pizza. Ran home to use our facilities, rested for 15 minutes and then called the pizza place. Picked up the pizza which was supposed to be for him and his roommate, but insead, he was waiting for me in the hallway. He had been waiting since his return. Went to the TV room and had pizza. He ate the whole thing. An 18″ pizza. He had to skip breakfast and lunch. Poor guy was famished. That was my day. How was yours.
While at Rehab, the head nurse approached me. Hubby has an orthopedic appointment for Friday.. His knee is quite swollen and very sore. Funny, I had contacted the surgeon and he mentioned ice packs and compression socks. that reach the knee area. They had tried a brace and compression socks that go to the ankle. Does anyone listen???? I will contact the orthopedist tomorrow to confirm the appointment. The surgery is scheduled for next Wednesday where they insert a camera to see what is going on. In a sense I am hoping that the ultra sound will give them the answers they need. But, if it’s any consolation, today was the first time in months that he was awake and alert. He had been out of bed since early this morning. Maybe my care packages are actually paying off. Or it could be the fresh fruit I bring him. But, I can tell when he doesn’t eat. He hands shake. But, as soon as he starts getting the protein in, everything becomes normal.
That’s it for now. I have an early appointment tomorrow. Hoping to get to Lowe’s following and see if I can make some changes with the vanity as well as having it delivered. Also, maybe Lowe’s has someone that can do the work. That would really be a miracle.
Sheba, beautiful flowers on your thread. Glad you have a nice day in Oz. I know your houses and yards are much larger and there are less people, all great things!
I don’t know when we will go again. It depends what pops up in our area and range which is not a large pool of homes. Today I cleaned and hauled a heavy vacuum all over the place. -
Oodie, wishing you and hubby well and hope he gets home very soon.
Saw the dark clouds towards Tampa as I was trying to deliver clothing to hubby. While at the lab, saw the weather forecast. Hope you are OK. There was some real severe weather on the East coast which also included Ft. Lauderdale. We did not get a drop. Started and ended in Tampa.
Now to order pizza for the two guys. Will write later. -
Make Change Work for You
When we experience change in our life, we can control our response and reaction to the changes that are happening.
Transformation is a universal constant that affects our lives from the moment we are born until we leave earthly existence behind. At the root of all growth, we find change. Occasionally, change and the circumstances leading up to it are a source of extraordinary joy, but more often than not they provoke feelings of discomfort, fear, or pain. Though many changes are unavoidable, we should not believe that we are subject to the whims of an unpredictable universe. It is our response to those circumstances that will dictate the nature of our experiences. At the heart of every transformation, no matter how chaotic, there is substance. When we no longer resist change and instead regard it as an opportunity to grow, we find that we are far from helpless in the face of it.
Our role as masters of our own destinies is cemented when we choose to make change work in our favor. Yet before we can truly internalize this power, we must accept that we cannot hide from the changes taking place all around us. Existence as we know it will come to an end at one or more points in our lives, making way for some new and perhaps unexpected mode of being. This transformation will take place whether or not we want it to, and so it is up to us to decide whether we will open our eyes to the blessings hidden amidst disorder or close ourselves off from opportunities hiding behind obstacles.
To make change work for you, look constructively at your situation and ask yourself how you can benefit from the transformation that has taken place. As threatening as change can seem, it is often a sign that a new era of your life has begun. If you reevaluate your plans and goals in the days or weeks following a major change, you will discover that you can adapt your ambition to the circumstances before you and even capitalize on these changes. Optimism, enthusiasm, and flexibility will aid you greatly here, as there is nothing to be gained by dwelling on what might have been. Change can hurt in the short term but, if you are willing to embrace it proactively, its lasting impact will nearly always be physically, spiritually, and intellectually transformative. AMEN! ✨✨
Thinking of you Kitten have a great new week. ✨
Good day in the beautiful ‘burgh. I want to give a special birthday shout out to your mother. 😎💕😘😘I hope the entire family enjoys her special day this week.
Here is to your Hockey Games and may the best team win. ✨✨
Lady your mother raised two great daughters she is blessed. 💕
Good morning in S. California. Happy House Hunting if you are going again. ✨✨
Oz is beautiful today hey Happy Trails To You. 🎶🎶
Good afternoon on the Gulf Coast of Florida. ✨✨Oodie I know you are awaiting the
results of your husband’s test this morning I hope everything went well. Please let us
know how things are.This is going to be a long day for you. ✨
Best of luck with everything.
Good afternoon in Florida and here is to a wonderful week. 😎✨
I love your cooking and will be right over for some soup and bread. 🌹✨
Here is to a great Monday and new week. ✨✨
RIP Len Goodman may your memory be a blessing. 🌹
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6,375 Replies
07.18.23 7:56 PM
14 Participants