Conversation – 18
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 18 out of the series. I created and started this thread 9 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
UPDATE: As I was walking down the hallway leading to hubby’s room, I noticed a lady in a wheelchair who had a tray with food that was not eaten. A nurse was talking to her. The meal looked like what you put in a dog or cat dish…..MUSH WITH GRAVY. I am not exaggerating. Evidently, the nutritionist wasn’t there or she/he was not watching. the ongoings in the kitchen. This rehab center believe it or not had a 5-star rating on food. Wonder if that was ever true. So glad that I brought almost a whold Italian grinder to hubby along with a garden salad and a fruit bowl of grapes and honeydew melon. I also included a Granny apple which he loved. He must have been starved. He ate almost the entire grinder. Just a few bites left. I brought the salad home and will bring it tomorrow. As bad as the rehab was in Savannah, this one is worse. At least in Savannah you had three or four choices for each meal (except weekends of course) But here, there is no menu, not even one item to give you an idea of what you will have during the day. There were many people walking the hallways with takeouts for their loved ones. Unbelievable. Tomorrow, I will bring enough for both of them. I am now paying out of pocket and to see this happen —-oh well, what can I say. Not to worry, I will be taking this up with the Administration Dept. To think everyone gets the same meal no matter the illness.
Sheba. Hope you and Poppy had a great walk. It’s so kind that you help feed the cats. Around here, they would never be safe. Hiked with hubs today since he is prepping for his hike with our son and it was cool, may mid 50’s (loved it). I had to delay my JD call in for tonight as I had an unexpected thing pop up. It’s good as this was a busy month anyway.
Have a good evening! -
Shoelady, glad your sister is back in town to help with the celebration.
A very Happy Birthday to your Mom and many more….
👯 -
Sis got back with no problems. I will run up tomorrow for a couple hours for tea and talk.☕
Another beautiful weather day, hubs cut the grass for the first time this year. I could tell by the look on his face that he’s already sick of it.😣🌿
Trying to decide what to do for mom’s birthday (also your dad’s). Definitely going out for dinner but mom hasn’t picked a favorite restaurant yet. Plan on getting some balloons and a cake.🎈🎂
The weatherman just said we may have a couple snow flurries next week, wow! Right now it is 81. Enjoy your warm evening with Poppy and/or the cats. Always sending hugs.🤗💖
Hello Sheba, and here’s to you and Poppy having a great afternoon.
So glad you are feeling better and enjoying those beautiful kitties outside.We still have a good breeze, the Sun goes in and out. I did hear a few drops of rain but it was like a blink of an eye and then no more.
I am making another batch of bread🥖🥖🥖 Started the dough last night, today just form the small rolls and proofing. No noise there, later I want to make Pita bread, I got homemade Hummus in the refrigerator.
I did take advantage of the coupons sent by HSN along with free shipping. I stocked up on the many scents of Nakery Beauty SkinRestore Body Wash. I have received a body butter of their in a Beauty Box. I usually prefer Perlier, now I found another brand that I like. Did I mention I brought the Shark Stratos Upright Vacuum duo cleaning hair pro.a while back? It’s really good, hair doesn’t stick to the brush.
I still bottles of the Clean Boss, purchased lots before. And for the cleaning towels and sponges I still have unopened packages from the very first, I got before the Pandemic when it was on clearance. When I see something I like and use on sale, clearance or just a good price I tend buy lots😀.I hope you are having a wonderful afternoon 😊
Take care Sheba 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 -
Hi and thanks for the pep talk. I have a feeling that hubby does not like anything breaded or that he likes it, but swallowing may be difficult. There are times that the breaded stuff does bring a cough on and it’s not too pretty. So I can sympathize that way. However, I did bring a pizza and the ham salad from the Farmer’s Market. The veggies were nice and crisp just like the first day they were purchased. Today I will bring another salad and will check the freezer. I did buy a thermos wide mouth so I can make my Winter Melon Soup which he loves. I also have the Healthy Choice Soups which he enjoys from time to time. The only thing, they add cornstarch which I cannot eat. Borth cornstarch and corn syrup are considered sulfites. It’s a good thing, because that adds sugar to the mix.
I also ordered the towels along with the Clean Boss. I wanted to try them out today, but the phone kept ringing and messages had to be answered. I am in the midst of doing one huge load of wash. For some reason the clothes make my skin itch, so redoing without the detergent may help. I will be cleaning the bureau drawers before putting the clothes away. Yes, I am still in the kitchen, but last night I decided to do the master bed from scratch. I will be vacuuming the mattress and spraying it and then will revacuum. I always due this prior to a change in linens. I have a feeling that hubby could be home by the end of next week or soon thereafter.. Thanks also for letting me know that your hubby sprayed the Tv with Clean Boss and it came out more than OK. I also read that you can use it on furniture. I also will try it on the tiles in the shower. It will be fun to see the outcomes.
Well, guess it’s time to get the clothes into the dryer and for me to make a run for the mail. Our mail is delivered to an area where there are boxes for each household. I surmise it is easier for the mail person to do it this way, rather than going door to door which could take a long time to finish the route. If hubby was home, I would probably take the mile hike eacj way to get it, but, for now, I will use the van.
Our day is bright and sunny with wind. Temp is in the low 80s. “There is also an air quality alert. Maybe that is the reason why I am sneezing and wheezing. Well, I must be off. Must get a move on. Have no idea what I will make for the car package. Take care and remember to take your allergy/sinus meds so you can stay away from those awful, debilitating headaches. Have a great day and enjoy the moonlight this evening.
Energetic Motion
In the span of a single second, our lives can change, as energy moves at a pace more rapid than anything we can fathom.
Since our lives are constantly in motion energetically, change is a constant element of our existence. As dynamic as that energy is, it is not random or haphazard in nature — the shifts in energy that are constantly taking place are the result of our choices. The formulation of intention, a change in perspective, or the creation of a goal can transform our lives in blink of an eye. We think positive thoughts and the world becomes a brighter place. Or we decide who we want to be and become that person. With each passing moment, we are given innumerable opportunities to create change using nothing more than our awareness.
In the span of a single second, our lives can change immeasurably because energy moves at a pace more rapid than anything we can consciously fathom. Though we may not at first be sensitive to the vibrational shifts taking place, our choices are ultimately at the heart of these transformations. We can typically recognize the consequences of key decisions because we anticipated the resultant energetic shifts. But many, if not most, of the choices we make each day are a product of instantaneous reactions, and these still have a significant impact on the energy of our existence. It is for this reason that we should learn to wield what control we can over these shifts. If we bear in mind that all we think and all we do will shape the existence we know, we can deliberately direct the energetic motion of our lives.
Each day, you make an infinite array of decisions that cause energy shifts in the world around you. In many cases, these transitions are almost imperceptible, while in others the change that takes place is palpable not only to you but also to those in your sphere of influence. Your awareness of the immediate energetic consequences of your thoughts and actions can guide you as you endeavor to make the most of the autonomy that defines you as an individual. The myriad choices you make from moment to moment, however inconsequential they may seem, represent your personal power, which sanctions you to transform the energetic tide of your existence with nothing more than your will. AMEN! ✨✨
Good afternoon in the ‘burgh. ✨😎 Welcome Home to your sister. 💕✨
Your sister was missed I am sure by everyone. 😘✨💕🌹
Oz is windy today but beautiful. Almost time to plant again. 😎
Good morning in S. California ✨Taci hubs is really busy these days you have to do
what you have to do. 😎I think it is sweet your hubby and son are going camping for a few days. I would curl up
with a good book after a good hike and just have time for myself. 💕🌹✨😎I take the same medicine as you do as needed seems like I need everyday as well.
Our pollen count is very high here in Oz.
I am still going out and walking a mile with Poppy. 😎✨
Hey Happy Trails To You. 🎶🎶I love singing that to you. 💕😘
Good day on the Gulf Coast of Florida. ✨Oodie I read your post from last night.
I am very concerned about your husband’s eating habits. Why did the nurse not call
you to say he is not eating? Oodie you sounded very upset on your post. I am so sorry
this is happening off and on with his eating. I will be glad when you can talk to his
doctor.Your house is helping to make you tired and being pollen season does not help.
So be sure to take some time for you. 🌹✨Oodie I brought JM TS too and I also brought the towels months ago. I love it and the
smell does not bother me it does not last all day. Hubby used it to clean the TV screen
and it was amazing so it does work on multi surfaces. I think Xango uses it too.✨✨Oodie let me know how things are going today and I hope you can finally finish your house
that storm really did a number on your home.Better days are coming hang in there my friend. ✨✨
Good afternoon in Florida. 😎✨🌹I this afternoon will be a good one for you and hubby.
Oz is beautiful today the weather is very nice.I am feeling much better I am enjoying playing with the cats the ones that will let me
play with them and rub their bellies. ✨✨I know you are cooking something good. 💕😘
Good day in Ohio and may this day be a good one for you and your family. Miss ya. 😎😘🌹
JM by Julien Macdonald Set of 2 LED Glitter Candles
768-068 -
JM by Julien Macdonald Mirrored Heart-Shaped Jewelry Box
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6,375 Replies
07.18.23 7:56 PM
14 Participants