Conversation – 18
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 18 out of the series. I created and started this thread 9 years ago.
I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread. ✨😎
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Good morning Peeps enjoy your Wednesday and stay safe. ✨😎
Sheba, Will take a look at your postings on the HD thread and see what new items were loaded.
The one thing about living here in SoCA that is so different from other places I have lived is that no one cuts their own lawns and cleans their own house. Of course we do and that’s the only way I would want it. The housekeepers are paid very well and get bumped up each year by their employers. Then, those housekeepers drop other clients because they don’t have to work in as many houses. Quite interesting. Oh, and lastly, here everyone fences in their yards. When I lived in the Midwest, yards were wide open and no fences, and Saturdays everyone was outside working on their yards, with men in those golf styled pants.
I will try to watch HD tomorrow and know you will be. Let me know if you get any goodies! -
Peace Out Peeps enjoy your evening. ✨✨
Competing with Yourself
When we are satisfied with our life, we do not look for experiences of winning and losing to define our self-worth.
The urges that drive us to compete with others tend to be straightforward. Years of both evolution and societal influences have shaped us to pit ourselves against our peers. The needs and desires that inspire us to compete with ourselves, however, are entirely personal and thus far more complex. A need to outdo our earlier efforts—to confirm that we have grown as individuals—can motivate us to reach new heights of accomplishment. We are capable of using our past achievements as a foundation from which we venture confidently into the unknown. Yet if this drive to compete with our former selves is the result of low self-worth or a need to prove ourselves to others, even glowing successes can feel disheartening. Examining why we compete with ourselves enables us to positively identify those contests that will enrich our existence.
There are many reasons we strive to outdo ourselves. When we are ambitious in our quest for growth, we are driven to set and meet our own expectations. We do not look to external experiences of winning and losing to define our sense of self-worth. Rather, we are our own judges and coaches, monitoring our progress and gauging how successful we have become. Though we seek the thrill of accomplishment tirelessly, we do so out of a legitimate need to improve the world or to pave the way for those who will follow in our footsteps. Be careful, though, that your competitiveness is not the result of an unconscious need to show others that you are capable of meeting and then exceeding their standards.
Consider, too, that successful efforts that would be deemed more than good enough when evaluated from an external perspective may not satisfy our inner judge, who can drive us ruthlessly. In order to attain balance, we have to learn the art of patience even as we strive to achieve our highest vision of who we are. When we feel drained, tense, or unhappy as we pursue our goals, it may be that we are pushing ourselves for the wrong reasons. Our enthusiasm for our endeavors will return as soon as we recall that authentic evolution is a matter not of winning but of taking pride in our progress at any pace. AMEN! ✨✨
Good afternoon in the ‘burgh. Wishing you and hubby a nice day.
Oz is sunny today but we have a cold snap coming in a couple of days.
I have no problem with that. Wait until those dog days of summer comes. 😎Enjoy your mother and sister. Best of luck to your nieces I hope they win it all. 😘✨
If you like Heidi Daus I have posted new items on the Heidi Daus Thread. ✨💕
Blowing a gentle hug to you and Jake’s Canvas. 😘😎
Good morning in S. California. Hey it will not hurt to look but I have done double duty
today and posted new items here on HSN for Heidi Daus.I am looking forward to her presentation tomorrow. ✨🌹
So the Heidi Daus Thread is updated and as new items are added by HSN I will post
them. I am missing Fairemaiden. 😎💕Happy Trails To You. 🎶🎶
Good afternoon in Florida and I hope you got a little more rain. 😎💕OZ is fine today
we have the sun but will be on the cool side in a few days. I am fine with that.Here is to a good Tuesday for you and hubby I hope you are baking. ✨😘🌹
Enjoy you day you and hubby. 💕
Hello Sheba, I hope you had a good day. No more rain, but a beautiful day filled with sunshine.
I put some more bread out along with lettuce for the bunny this afternoon. He/she visited this afternoon and doesn’t run away anymore. There were two out there in the middle of the night around 3AM last night.I made me Brazilian Pastel today. The filling was chicken and green olives with parsley. Turned out delicious, they are fried in mild olive oil.
Wishing you a lovely Wednesday, filled with good vibes. Enjoy your walks with Poppy. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Good afternoon on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Oodie I did read your post from earlier
today and all I can say is OMG! I can’t believe you had to do 20 pages that you could
have done sooner. I can’t wrap my head around that.Alright as long as things are moving in order to help your husband recover and get out
of that place. Oodie do what you have to do. I see you have so much going on the house,
the hospital when do you have time to shop?I would crawl into bed whenever I felt the need. I don’t like the footprints or the critters
in your home. I am glad you were not home. Holy Smokes. Oodie you need a break.Oodie when this is over and your home is complete with repairs from the storm and your
husband is on his own two feet you will have a moment and go what the HAY! ✨😎 -
The reason for so many pages is because some were not only in Spanish but other languages as well. Some areas I had to read to or three times in order to understand what was implied. They actually went into Florida’s laws pertaining to health and physicians. I have never seen anything like it. But, in the end, getting the right physician does help and fingers and toes cross that he will not disappoint. Most of the doctors in this State are not as good as those in OZ, California or even New England. Even their medical background and knowledge are different. Some continue their education even after they have their own practice. The one we have not only keeps up with new ideas, but does go to seminars and actual classes to bone up on the new and the old so they can be intertwined when needed. I was absolutely thrilled when he told us his name because up to then I had no idea who we would be seeing. At least the Rehab did listen. If everything works out, both hubby and I will be forever grateful.
Today, I actually thought I could return to the kitchen to do super cleaning. I love the Clean Boss and the scent. At least it does everything in one swipe and gets me doing the next step sooner than later. But, bills beckoned along with answering e-mail. You are so right, no time to shop and do some of the things for relaxation. I take time for hair appointments and food shopping . That’s it. Yes, I will be happy when all this is behind me.
Now to decide what to bring as a care package for hubby. Not knowing the menu for the meals really doesn’t help matters. Hubby’s meal last night was delivered just as I entered his room. I took the cover off and it looked amazing. Tried one string bean, it was iced cold. What happens from the dining room to a patient’s bedside is anyone’s guess. I did bring a little something yesterday. It was a cold salad which I left for him since he was tired from the adventure which lasted two + hours from start to finish. I have no idea if he had lunch when he returned. Next week’s appointment for the ultrasound isn’t that easy for him. Prior to showing up he has to drink 32 oz. of water and also has to poop. Hubby does not drink that amount per water per day, though some of the food he eats does contain liquid. When he doesn’t eat, he misses you know what. This is just one of the reasons I am letting the rehab monitor him. Hopefully, he will be able to do what they ask.
Well, I need to do come to a decision of what to bring with me as a care package. I am thinking of angel hair with veggies and meatballs. A stir fry comes to mind and to add it to the angel hair. Take care and enjoy your afternoon and evening. There should be some shooting stars this week. Not sure if it’s early morning or evening or both. If y ou see one, do not forget to make a wish…….
I was too tired to add what I ended up doing for the care package. After thinking for a long time I decided to make angel hair with meatballs. Thought a stir fry would be just as fast as making the angel hair, which it was. I made the meatballs and added frozen veggies to the mix along with tofu. I have to admit that the tofu tasted real good. Tha angel hair was enough for 3 and I put everything together into a paper bowl and covered with aluminum foil. It was still hot when I arrived at the Rehab a half hour later. But, the dinner was good and no one was hungry, hot even for dessert. So now I will make it into a salad for tonight’s feast. I will be going to the Farmer’s Market this afternoon and then will return home to put everything away.
I checked out the Heidi Daus show for tonight and purchased the horse. I have three others in favorites.. I now need to watch and not buy since I am paying out of pocket for the rehab.
Jay King
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6,375 Replies
07.18.23 7:56 PM
14 Participants