Conversation – 16
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 16 out of the series. I created and started this thread nearly 7 years
ago. I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread.
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Pretty gif! Thanks. Hope all is well in your world. I need to take an hour or so & just look at all the gifs & images you’ve posted! And I need to experiment & see if I can post some.😊🙂☺❄⛄❄☃️🎁🎍🎄
Hello this tues afternoon,windy day in socal but sunny and cool.I am staying safe because I want to keep covid-19 away..and anything else lurking out there! So good to see fellow so-californians on this thread! Hello to all and xmas greetings from me to you😎ha ha
Yes we see our lil gdaughter often,I am so pleased to say and just today received the sweetest handmade ornament painted by our gson💕🎄 our 2 gchildren are only 3months apart in age(almost like having twins) lol.It is the best gift just having them both in our lives.!!
Glad to hear your healthy & warm sheba,thx for the nutcracker pics.One of my favs around the xmas holidays🎅🎄🕊 bye bye for now dd -
Sheba, you are accomplished with all the art and fashion and cooking skills!
I enjoyed reading about you and Shoelady’s animal artwork.
My walls downstairs have pictures from places we traveled. We bought the prints and framed them once home, except for one from the States that we bought framed (all quite a while ago).My clean up that you asked about has been going on for the last year and a half. I am keeping the things to pass down in the family. Fashion styles and tastes and needs change over time and I don’t need as much. It feels great to see and find everything. I am the only one in my house like this, maybe someone will catch it 🙂
Thanks for mentioning how much you like the eye vitamins. The essential has some but not all and I am sticking with that for now. Have a great day. Stay safe all!
Welcome ddshoppy! hello from another S Ca (at least for now).
That’s my picture along with the Class Reunion one side by side. I bought it matted and framed with a gold plate showing the name of the print along with Jim Killen’s name. I have had them for a long time and will never get rid of them.🤗
Getting ready for tomorrow’s snow storm. First they said 2-4″, then 3-5″, right now 4-7″ so we will probably have a foot.😱 We have a snow blower but it is not huge so hubby may not be able to use it as they are predicting heavy wet snow. Just keeping my fingers crossed we don’t lose power or any trees come down. I hope Jake can make it through without hurting a paw, leg, hip, etc.🙁 Wonderful winter in the northeast.❄❄
Good Afternoon in Maryland wishing you a great week and Happy Holidays. 🌹
May your world light up with joy.
Happy Holidays to all in the HSN Community.
True compassion recognizes that all the boundaries we perceive between ourselves and others are an illusion.
Compassion is the ability to see the deep connectedness between ourselves and others. Moreover, true compassion recognizes that all the boundaries we perceive between ourselves and others are an illusion. When we first begin to practice compassion, this very deep level of understanding may elude us, but we can have faith that if we start where we are, we will eventually feel our way toward it. We move closer to it every time we see past our own self-concern to accommodate concern for others. And, as with any skill, our compassion grows most in the presence of difficulty.
We practice small acts of compassion every day, when our loved ones are short-tempered or another driver cuts us off in traffic. We extend our forgiveness by trying to understand their point of view; we know how it is to feel stressed out or irritable. The practice of compassion becomes more difficult when we find ourselves unable to understand the actions of the person who offends us. These are the situations that ask us to look more deeply into ourselves, into parts of our psyches that we may want to deny, parts that we have repressed because society has labeled them bad or wrong. For example, acts of violence are often well beyond anything we ourselves have perpetuated, so when we are on the receiving end of such acts, we are often at a loss. This is where the real potential for growth begins, because we are called to shine a light inside ourselves and take responsibility for what we have disowned. It is at this juncture that we have the opportunity to transform from within.
This can seem like a very tall order, but when life presents us with circumstances that require our compassion, no matter how difficult, we can trust that we are ready. We can call upon all the light we have cultivated so far, allowing it to lead the way into the darkest parts of our own hearts, connecting us to the hearts of others in the understanding that is true compassion.
Thinking of you and your family during this time. I hope your grandson is doing well. 🌹
Please stay safe in California.
Good Afternoon in the burgh. 😘🌹I love Jim Killen and Barbara Keel work.
You will not believe it but I also have works by British Wildlife Artist Alan Hunt.I love the Ducks you have. 😘Please stay warm turn the hit up and have a relaxing
day with Jake. Sending warm OZ hugs. 😘🌹😎I want them all. 🤣
Howdy in Texas. You are missed on this thread. I am wishing you and your family
a nice safe and happy Holidays. I think you may be in New Mexico. If so party on.Give Jewell and Little D a nice chilly Oz hug. 😘Be safe. 🌹
Good Morning in California. 😘😎I hope things are going well for you.
I am making stew in my slow cooker today. We are at 27 degrees right now.No worries I have the heat on. 🤣I hope this is a good day for a nice hike.
My walk with Poppy this morning was short and sweet. 🤣 Enjoy the view.
Taci I got my eyes checked yesterday and everything looks good. 😎 I still
say Andrew Lessman’s Eye Supplement’s had a good hand in my eyes doing well.Enjoy the view today. 😘😎Have your mom finished her shopping? Looks like relief
from this Covid-19 is on the way. We still have a ways to go. I am looking forward to that
day. -
Good Afternoon in Florida. 😘🌹💕Oodie during our eye exam yesterday the doctor said
both our eyes were in great shape. I feel Andrew Lessman Eye Supplements which I take
every single day has something to do with that. 😎If I had a choice to take only one Andrew
Lessman Product I would never give up the eye supplement.My eyes are back to normal that dilation last for hours. I am sorry about the week you have
been having. I do hope you find the right comforter set. 💕😎 My husband likes a lot of
cover I am very warm blooded and all I need is light cover. So I put both on the bed and I
let him get under both and I throw back the heavier comforter and get under the lighter one.
If it is a super cold night well I get under everything. 🤣Things will work out. Cold in OZ today and I am making stew in my slow cooker. 💕😎
Hubby will love it when he gets home from his job. 💕I am even going to Poppy a little. -
Good Morning in Ohio. 😘💕🌹Loaf I miss you so much. I want you to know you will always
be a part of this thread. You may post wherever if you are having a problem posting.Sending good cheer to your family and I miss your grandson as he is so funny. 🤣 I miss
the Lady too. 🌹
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
15,174 Replies
11.19.21 4:04 AM
27 Participants