Conversation – 16
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 16 out of the series. I created and started this thread nearly 7 years
ago. I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread.
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
I am so sorry for your loss. I do not like saying this but my BIL lost 40 pounds in one week
and is having Chemotherapy as we speak in Maryland.May your family member RIP. 🌹 Oodie stay cool you and your husband. Thank you for thinking of my girls
they had a great time.Tomorrow is your father’s birthday may he RIP! This will be my first Father’s Day without
my father. I love him with every fiber of my being. This too shall pass. -
Thank you for your kind thoughts. This cousin was a smart individual but had health issues from the time he was quite young.. Just feel so sorry that he never was able to really enjoy life and do the things that we take for granted.
I actually took yesterday and today off from working. Will continue tomorrow sometime. We will be making a trip to Costco to look at the indoor fans for our laundry room here and then for our home North. There are a couple of rooms that have the screens on the inside and you use a crank to open the windows. Our A/C will not work, so this is the next best alternative.
Eating out last year was impossible. All the restaurants in our area were closed as were the hotels. We sometimes enjoyed having breakfast out, but there was no place to go until recently. This was also the reason we didn’t head North sooner. I am still apprehensive dealing with staying at various hotels/motels and eating out. Because of my food allergies we do not stop at the fast food areas. We are lucky though, that a brand new Costco opened and we will probably make a stop for gas and food if the construction does not interfere with the timing.
The route we take is very scenic. However, we cross our fingers that the weather holds since we will have a downward and curvy Interstate through the Carolinas and Virginia as well as dense fog. That occurred on our last trip heading South. Trust me when I say we could not see anything in front of us. I think we crawled at 5 mph. Both of us were scared out of our minds. Therefore we are keeping an eye on the weather patterns.Love hearing about your family outings. What’s in store for Friday: Oops, that’s tomorrow already. YIKES !!!
Thanks for the condolenses. He is in a much better place and hopefully in better health than he was on earth. Sadly, we will not be attending the funeral. It’s just too close to the time when we do leave and head North. His brother is looking at using Zoom for the out of towners.
Taci, I just heard that CA. will be in triple digits or close to it. In Florida, we see that during the summer months along with the high humidity. Last year was our first summer in Florida because of the pandemic and returning home to the North was out of the question because of the closures of restaurants and hotels in our path. Our A/C people were here in July and made us turn the thermostat up to 76/78 degrees. I actually balked at this. In the North we put the temp down to 65 during the day and at night 62. But I was told if I didn’t, we could be looking at a $400 bill each month. So, I listened. I set the temp to 78 and put the fans on just to circulate the air. Believe it or not, the house felt cool when we left and when we returned as well. During the night I leave the temp at 74. Could not believe the bill for each month. It was two figures even with the fan.
Going out last night for take out was a bit scary. But the food, 5 stars. And best of all, we are still enjoying the left overs today. Hopefully, we will find some outdoor places to enjoy while on route. If not, take-out.
🙌🙏 for you, your cousin, your dad and family.
Glad you enjoyed your meal. You took that first step and it was worth it. No way could I have lasted as long as you cooking every day, lol! We did a lot of takeout last year. It made me feel good trying to help some of the businesses stay afloat. Many menus were limited but still good.
Good afternoon to you. We had a very nice time at the winery. The weather was perfect, sunny, in the mid 70’s and a tiny breeze.😊 But I definitely ate too much, paying for it today.😣 They have a fountain near the entrance so we took some nice photos with the family.
Did some cleaning today but not too much since the drywall man will be here next week so it will get filthy again. This weekend will be cleaning off the shelves so he has room to work. Other than my kitchen, that is my main pantry/storage in the house so there is a ton of stuff. I hope I will be finished putting it all back by Christmas!!😮
I may sit out on the deck this evening with a book. The weather is just so gorgeous to be inside.🌞 I hope your heat wave is gone soon so you and Poppy can enjoy your walks.
Oodie, Glad you and hubs enjoyed the take out! Sounds delicious.
My condolences to you about your cousin.
It’s hard to be out of town when these things are going on and Covid doesn’t help.Take care.
Last night we did a first for us in over a year and a half. We ordered take out from a new Asian place. The food absolutely delicious. We even used chopsticks. Forgot the tea. We have plenty loose tea leaves and just forgot to make it. Trust me when I say we have enough to last our lifetime as well as for you and your kids.
Some sad news to report. My cousin passed away last night. Family is working on the funeral which looks like it will be Monday or Tuesday at 1pm. Most of the family now live out of state. I think hubby and I are the furthest away, though there may be a few in California. He’s checking to see if he can use zoom for the service where we can all interact. That would work for us and all the out of towners. This cousin has had tons of health issues from the time he was a child. Because of Covid he absolutely refused to see his physician even when he knew something was wrong last year. He lived not even a month following surgery. Never returned to his apartment and his cat which I offered to take sight unseen. But I think his brother already brought him to the humane society even though there may be others in the apartment building who would want him/her.
I hope your daughter and niece had a special day on their birthday. I could tell you were having fun with the birthday wishes.
Tomorrow is Trivia. It would have also been my dad’s birthday, may he RIP. He passed five days following his birthday and two weeks prior to their 43rd anniversary. Yes, I still miss him and not a day goes by that I don’t think of him. Just a bit easier, though there are times when it isn’t.
I think I will now try for a hair appointment for next week. Have a great day. Stay safe.
Sheba, Love the Ocean summer pictures. I did see your posts on the HD thread as well. You are doing a great job over there. If I end up buying the necklace, I will post it there. Sorry about your sinus headache. That happens to me once in a while. When it does, i take out my facial steamer and go a few rounds with it. It helps a lot. Glad you were able to get a great nights sleep.
I have bought a few items, mostly on sale. I bought the Democracy jeans (wanted the midtone but it was sold out so am going to try the indigo) and a G tweed blazer in Navy. Both items are on sale. The G Puffer coat is also at a nicely reduced price. I am thinking about it in the black and copper. All off season but at some nice savings.
Have a great day!
Getting What We Want
If we aren’t clear about what we want in life, it won’t be able to find us.
The best way to get what we want from life is to first know what we want. If we haven’t taken the time to really understand and identify what would truly make us happy, we won’t be able to ask for it from those around us or from the universe. We may not even be able to recognize it once it arrives. Once we are clear about what we want, we can communicate it to those around us. When we can be honest about who we are and what we want, there is no need to demand, be rude or aggressive, or manipulate others that are involved in helping us get what we want. Instead, we know that we are transmitting a signal on the right frequency to bring all that we desire into our experience.
As the world evolves, humanity is learning to work from the heart. We may have been taught that the way to get what we want is to follow certain rules, play particular games, or even engage in acts that use less than our highest integrity. The only rules we need to apply are those of intention and connection. In terms of energy, we can see that it takes a lot of energy to keep up a false front or act in a way that is counter to our true nature, but much less energy is expended when we can just be and enjoy connections that energize us in return. Then our energy can be directed toward living the life we want right now.
Society has certain expectations of behavior and the roles each of us should play, but as spiritual beings we are not bound by these superficial structures unless we choose to accept them. Instead, we can listen to our hearts and follow what we know to be true and meaningful for us. In doing so, we will find others who have chosen the same path. It can be easy to get caught up in following goals that appear to be what we want, but when we pursue the underlying value, we are certain to stay on our right path and continue to feed our soul. 😘😎
Good Morning in California and may this be a good day for you and the family.
Always on our minds and hearts. 🌹 -
Have a great summer in S. Cali you are missed my friend. 😘😎💕
Hope all is well in the ‘burgh. 😘😎Did you enjoy your time with family at the Winery?
I know it felt good to be out and about. Welcome back!Give Jake a nice very warm OZ pet. 😘 Poppy is keeping all eyes on me. 🤣
Here’s to life. 😘😎
Good morning in S. California I hope this is a good day for you.
Taci I did do a Heidi Daus Thread that showed the Necklace you like. 😘😎
I love all things with shells. 💕😘 This is a fave I thought it was just stunning.
Heidi Daus “Shell Shocked” Mother-of-Pearl and Crystal Drop Necklace
769-332I have stopped saying how many pieces I have it is in the hundreds and it took over
a decade to reach that amount I did not buy it all at once. Trust I brought pieces on sale
and clearance and if it was something I had to have well I just sucked it up and paid it. 😎💕I hope you see sea shells today on the trails. 😘 Taci I had a sinus headache last night
and I showed and went to bed I slept like a baby. 🤣Very busy in OZ. -
Good afternoon in the Gulf Coast. 😎😘Oodie you are one very busy lady. Please
be careful in all that traffic heading back to the North.Oodie tomorrow is Trivia already wow this week flew. I had a really bad sinus headache
last night. I signed off and took a nice lukewarm shower with Korres. I felt a lot better
and slept like a baby. Today was trash and recycling day so hubby and I took a lot
of boxes and got rid of STUFF. 🤣 I would hold up ordering anything until you are back
at Cape Cod or your other house. 🌹I hope you have plenty of rain.Your neighbor has gone through a lot with the loss of her husband. So sweet of you to
give her something. 💕I hope you and hubby are feeling alright today and if you hit
the market get some delicious fruit. 💕
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
15,174 Replies
11.19.21 4:04 AM
27 Participants