Conversation – 16
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 16 out of the series. I created and started this thread nearly 7 years
ago. I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread.
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
I keep forgetting to mention that the spoonbill has been missing for over two weeks. Well, that was, until yesterday. He/she seemed exhausted. Slept under a bush most of the day. Wonder if he/she made a trip to Maryland. On that note, hope your BIL is doing better. I forgot to mention bananas are a great source for electrolytes besides being easy to swallow and digest. I have a friend who was diagnosed Stage 4 liver cancer a few years ago. He is in remission now and hopes to stay that way. As far as the doctors can tell he is virtually cancer free. Maybe this can offer some hope to your BIL.
When we made our reservations for the trip North, I took into account the weather situation at this time of year. Well, there is a storm trying to get it together in the Caribbean that could impact our trip Monday. Right now the weather people seem to feel that the cone of this storm is a direct hit to Florida. It will definitely be a hurricane by the time it reaches us. Right not they are not sure the direction. If it goes to the Atlantic side it could impact our drive to Georgia. If it goes to the Gulf Coast, it will be just as bad as we head North. It could make a turn off the coast of Tamap thus hitting the panhandle, Alabama or slide over to Louisiana or Texas. It’s a good thing when making these reservations that I took this into consideration. We will wait and see what develops and hopefully we will be OK. We could use the rain, but…….
Good afternoon. We had a nice shower this afternoon. The sky in the distance is still dark, so there is a possibility of more rain. I am doing my happy dance in the laundry room. We will take some time off later today to pickup the Anti Freeze for the house. It took Walmart over a week to let me know they had none in stock. They had the best price. Thank goodness I didn’t wait until the last minute on this. Will make a run to Auto Zone. Not sure about Aldi’s. Definitely need to stop at Sam’s for the garbage bags and detergent for the laundry. May look at books if hubby doesn’t mind.
Hubby is doing good. His mind has returned and is still relearning some things. I am simply amazed at his progress. And, yes, he knows what day it is and the year. The date, well, we both have that info at our fingertips with that info at the bottom right hand corner on our computer screen.
I made a list of things that must be done prior to our heading North. So far I managed to cross off one thing. I contacted Spectrum and we are now in seasonal mode. The person I spoke with just happened to be in New York and we chatted for five minutes. I had asked the question about the shut down during the Covid crisis. For your info, their seasonal runs up to 9 months. Last year, they gave their customers a full year. Comcast was only able to give us three additional weeks. Now, you see why we turn our equipment in when we leave. Sorry, we didn’t do that last time. As I mentioned before, Comcast is out for the $$$ without good quality customer service. I now want to know why we must pay over $200/mo for their service when they are offering a 2 year contract for as little as $89/mo. Seems they want their $$$ equivalent to a year’s contracet in 3 or 4 months time. The TVs in both houses are not smart. Will look for a HDMI port.
That’s it for now. Back to the laundry room.
Personal Power
Power is not about exerting our will over others, it is about being in complete truth with yourself.
Many of us have do not understand what personal power means. We have been given the false notion that power is bad — that it is something we use to exert our will upon others. In fact, when our personal power is intact, we are neither overbearing nor meek. We have a clear sense of our strength and the impact we can have on others. This actually enables us to be more sensitive. Personal power is what permits us to work on behalf of our dreams and desires. It allows us to realize that we are worthy and deserve to be heard. In addition, our personal power lets us extend the respect we know that we deserve to the people around us. There is no reason to be afraid or ashamed of fully owning your power.
In the chakra system, the solar plexus is the seat of personal power. One way to evaluate your sense of power is to breathe into this part of the body. If it feels tight or nervous, it is an indication that you may not be fully expressing your power. You can heal this imbalance by expanding the area of the solar plexus with your breath. You can also visualize a bright yellow sun in this part of your body. Allow its heat to melt any tension, and let its light dissolve any darkness or heaviness. Repeating this exercise on a regular basis can restore and rejuvenate your sense of power.
Another way to nurture your personal power is to honor your dreams and desires by making concrete plans to manifest them in the world. Start by making a list of things you want, and let yourself think big. Choose one goal from the list and commit to bringing it to fruition. In addition, break the goal into tasks that you can work on each day. Know that you deserve to have your dreams come true and that you have the power to bring them into being. 😘😎
Good morning in California we are all thinking of you. Just stay safe and give
the cats a kitty hug Kitten. 🌹 Welcome to the month of July. -
Good Morning in S. Cali welcome to a new month and may you have new blessings.
Miss you and the children. 😘🌹 -
Good day in the ‘burgh. 😘💕🌹How are you feeling today? I know you are looking
at Jake’s Canvas. 💕Well tomorrow your workmen should be there to finish the work they should have started.
I know how you feel not being able to invite people over this will be over soon. 😘How is mom and sister doing? The weather should be cooler today hopefully for you.
We had a hard rain this morning we should dry out by the weekend.
I am thinking of you and Poppy is wagging his tail I think he misses Jake too.
Good day in Texas or New Mexico we all miss you very much on this thread. 😘💕🌹
Welcome to a new month give the fur babies a nice OZ pet even if it is wet. 🤣 -
Good Morning in S. California. Taci it is always morning when I post to you.
You are two hours behind OZ right now it is not even 11:00 a.m. yet. I know you
are around almost 9:00 a.m. in S. Cali that is how much time difference there is. 😎🌹Welcome to a new month and you and hubby keep having fun on the waters and the
land. 😘😎 Here’s to life.Enjoy the trails wherever they lead you. 💕
Good day on the Gulf Coast. I did see your post on the Heidi Daus Thread. 😎🌹
I will keep the thread updated as new dates are added. 🌹I know you are excited about heading back to the North. I cannot believe tomorrow
night is Trivia Night the week went fast. 😎 This is HSN 44th birthday anniversary I hope
we have some nice surprise in store. 🤣Oodie don’t overdo anything Oz has had so much rain we need a slight break. The
flowers and yard are looking great. 💕🌹Welcome to a new month and new adventures. How is your hubby today?
Welcome to a new month in Maryland make it a great one. Please drop in and let me
know how things are going for you. 😎 -
Good morning in S. Cali wishing you a great month in July. 😘🌹Hope to see you
in Trivia tomorrow night have a great and safe day. -
Good Morning in the rock and roll capital. Loaf wishing you a nice and healthy month
of July. 😎😘 You are so missed on this thread please be well. 🌹 -
The beautiful Heidi Daus catch here today on HSN. 😎🌹
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
15,174 Replies
11.19.21 4:04 AM
27 Participants