Conversation – 16
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 16 out of the series. I created and started this thread nearly 7 years
ago. I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread.
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Good evening to you in Oz. I hope your headache is gone and you are feeling normal, like you said, whatever that is these days.🙄 Did some running around and have a few places to go tomorrow.
I hope Oodie got some good news today. My stepfather had pneumonia at least three times along with COPD and he recovered. My husband had traces of covid pneumonia on his chest x-ray and he is doing fine. I hope all our prayers will blow this away from Mr. Oodie.🙏
Love and hugs to you, Poppy, Jake and Sheba.💗🤗
Oodie, still sending prayers and love your way. Wishing you good news today.🙏💗🙏
Oodie, thinking of you and your husband today.
Hello Sheba! Always wanted to get to Savannah but certainly not the way Oodie and her husband did. I am thinking about them both and hoping for the best and sending lots of well wishes.
Doing a few tasks involving the medical aspect. Trying to review some records and then I will know more.
Yes, your Dad was too young and I am sorry about that, hard to believe it’s been almost a year. And what a year.
Guessing two weeks and 3 days… counting down to CO 🙂
Sent the necklace back today. It just wasn’t for me.
Have you played the game of the week? Laughing here at me because I have never scored over 6200, and i think that is great, really. LOL. Never really played this game before so all is good. -
I kinda like these. Almost bought some at another website and they wanted $8.00 shipping and no way will that happen.
@ Sheba, Thank you for the information. I am in Lakeland, FL about one hour from Orlando. And about five and one half to six hours from Savannah, Georgia. I sure do hope all will alright with them. And hopefully their family can help in some way.
Why We Lash Out
It is human nature to sometimes lash out at others, but we can learn to navigate our feelings without losing our center.
Each one of us has experienced situations where we’ve found ourselves lashing out at someone without meaning to. We later berate ourselves for losing control and feel guilty for treating the other person badly. And while it is human nature that our emotions and moods will get the better of us from time to time, we can learn to navigate our feelings and negotiate difficult situations without losing our center.
Often, when we lash out, it is because we are having a difficult time containing the emotions that are coming up inside of us. We may be feeling overwhelmed, afraid, frustrated, stressed out, or angry. Having these feelings boiling up inside of us can be very uncomfortable, and it is natural to want to release them. But when we release our feelings from our body by directing them outward and toward someone else, they inevitably impact the “innocent bystander” to whom we are directing this energy. They not only get the brunt of our anger, frustration, or stress, but also they can actually experience this energy as a physical force hitting their bodies.
When you find yourself in a situation where you are about to lash out at the person in front of you, try to center yourself by breathing slowly and deeply. A few slow inhales and exhales can help dissipate the intensity of your feelings before they escape you. Later, when you find yourself in a more reflective state, sit down for a moment; recall the feelings in your body just before and during your outburst; note where you feel sensations coming up in your body; and ask yourself if they are connected to any core issue or experience from your life. If nothing comes to mind, then revisit the situation again, exaggerating the details of what happened by indulging in outlandish “what if” fantasies. Exaggerating events after the fact can help expose the unconscious subtext behind your heated response. Understanding the motivation behind your reactions can help you avoid lashing out again when a similar situation comes up. In learning to navigate around your emotions, you are giving yourself the tools to feel better the next time your emotions start to boil. In doing so, you will be taking care of yourself by alleviating your own uncomfortable feelings while respecting and protecting those around you. AMEN 😎 Think about it. 😘
Morning in California wishing you a safe and cool day. Kitten thinking of you and your
grandson I hope you have been spending time with him. Give the cats a nice warm OZ
pet. 🌹 -
Good morning in S. California enjoy your summer with your three children miss ya. 😘😎
Here is a nice smoothie that you and your husband enjoy every morning. 😘🌹💕
Good day they do not have children but they do have family. 💕🌹 I don’t like the fact
Oodie is alone. I saw your question they are in Savannah.Oodie will check in later on this thread and maybe the Trivia Thread I am keeping track
of everything she post she is awaiting the results of her husband tests.Xango are you in Florida or California? Keep those prayers up. 😘
Good day in the beautiful ‘burgh. 💕😘How are you doing today? Are your projects done
for now? When we finished one project another jumps up. Shizzle never a break in OZ. 🤣Just rest and stay cool. Keep Jake close to your heart. 😘💕🌹 Poppy is wagging his tail
at you. 😘I am very concerned about about both Oddie and her husband I hate she is alone.
That is how my father started with a stroke several mini strokes so this is close to home
for me. 🌹Enjoy the day I am fighting a sinus headache.
I am trying to stay as normal as possible I wonder if that is possible. 😎
Good Afternoon Sheba, I hope this day 8s going well for you and your family. I did read Oodiebom’s post. I am hoping the two of them will soon be able to leave the hospital. I don’t know if they have children and or other family members that could come down to lend a hand. I am sending lots of prayers to all.
Just be safe and cool in Texas or New Mexico send a warm OZ pet to the fur babies. 🌹
Good morning in S. California make it a good one. Taci I did read your post from last night.
Sorry about your necklace. Taci I too hope it is not pneumonia that Mr. Oodie have.Taci how are you doing? I know your mother is still on your mind. In a few short weeks it
will be a year since I lost my father so these days are tender to me. 🌹My father was only 79 when he passed and that is way too soon. I miss him every single
day. 😘💕I know you miss your mother too. 💕🌹 Life is precious. 🌹 -
Good day in Georgia we are all here praying for you and hubby how are you today?
I don’t want you to worry have you contacted any of your family?I feel helpless I went to sleep praying for you both. Please let us know how things are
today I did read your post from last night. 💕😘🌹 Make sure you eat well and get some
much needed rest I just hate you are alone in this.Here is some Ice Tea no sugar with Manuka Honey. 😘💕
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
15,174 Replies
11.19.21 4:04 AM
27 Participants