Conversation – 16
Hello Peeps time for a new Conversation Thread. This is
number 16 out of the series. I created and started this thread nearly 7 years
ago. I will change it often from now on. This is just a knock around
thread about things in life. My life and others. I am an avid Heidi
Daus Collector, former singer, model and so on. I do this thread because
I enjoy what I do. I love fashion and music and HSN is a little of both.
I cover a lot of music and fashion on this thread.
I am going to wish Happy Holidays to all the Peeps out there and please
stay safe.
Thank you, Sheba!😘
Now – Go outside and look at the moon eclipse.
Everyone go outside & look at the moon right now!! None of us will be alive for the next slow eclipse like this one tonight!!
🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘🌙🌚🌛🌜 -
Yes, I will be taking my images and photos to the new thread. 😎✨All those are
part of my life including my father’s playlist. ✨😘I’ll be seeing you daddy. 💕
I’ll Be Seeing You
Song by Billie HolidayI’ll be seeing you
In all the old familiar places
That this heart of mine embraces
All day through
In that small cafe
The park across the way
The children’s carousel
The chestnut tree
The wishing well
I’ll be seeing you
In every lovely summer’s day
In everything that’s right and
I’ll always think of you that way
I’ll find you in the morning sun
And when the night is new
I’ll be looking at the moon
But I’ll be seeing you
I’ll be seeing you
In every lovely summer’s day
In everything that’s light and
I’ll always think of you that way
I’ll find you in the morning sun
And when the night is new
I’ll be looking at the moon
But I’ll be seeing you -
Good evening ole friend we have been through a lot in this year alone so much has
happened good and sad. That’s life let’s drink to that. ✨✨The things we lost this year and here is to a better year in 2022. ✨😘😎
To Life. 😘
Peace Out Peeps! ✨✨ Stay safe and warm. Girls I will see you on Conversation 17.
I cannot believe I will be going into my 8th year of doing this thread. ✨
Hi Oodie, congrats on the new floors. I know exactly what you’re going through. When I changed my bedrooms and family room about a year and a half ago, mattresses and furniture were everywhere along with shoes from all the closets. You could hardly see my living room. But it all gets put back just like it came out – take your time. What kind of floors did you get?
The floors are gorgeous. The men did a wonderful job. I boxed what I could with some of the ones I saved for the North. There are tons of things scattered throughout the house. It is one huge cluttered mess that resembles what you see on TLC and LIFE/Discovery Health. The work that was done now looks as if nothing was accomplished by me in the last few months. Since hubby cannot always help, I will do a little each day. Thankfully, the kitchen is in good shape. I cannot complain. The floors are stunning and our shelving is now safe and secure and they will not go “bump” in the night. I will work on one room at a time and declutter as I go.
For some reason, when the men were redoing the floors in the MB, they put most chairs and furniture on my side of the bed. Consequently, I had to sleep on the love seat in our den. Unfortunately , our couches are loaded with items from the closets. Hubby was able to get to his side of the bed by pushing everything towards the dresser. I awoke that night with leg cramps and a beaut of a backache. Hubby was making a trip to the “library” at 3am and I was able to get a few hours of sleep before the men arrived between 7:30 and 8 am. They were able to accomplish everything in two days where others would have taken at least one or two weeks.
It is cloudy in Florida. Rain/showers is expected today. Yes, another cold front. But again, our cold front still means we can wear our spring or summer clothing. Oh forgot to mention, our A/C went down. We had the men checking on it and guess we need new duct work. At least I will not complain since the cooler temps would mean no A/C anyway. They will be back after Thanksgiving. At least that will give me time to put our closets back to order. Our clothes are now in the living room and that includes whatever was on the top shelves. The shelving was not part of the deal. It all started with the ones in the hallway. A shelf did come down and hit me on the head. At that point, they looked at everything. Best part, it was a freebie. We gave them something extra at the end. They also cleared their debris as well.
Tomorrow hubby has his physical therapy. It is in the afternoon. Depending how far the car is from the main entrance will determine whether I read in the car or in the waiting area. For me,
complete relaxation for an hour.Yeah, tomorrow is Trivia. This week has flown by too quickly. Seems your garbage and recycling day is the same as yours. I was able to get everything together and hubby brought it up to the curb. He likes helping when able. But the load was huge. Hate when he takes on something that is not a good idea. I am now going to rest and then start on the projects one room at a time or one closet at a time. Have a great evening. Glad you are both feeling OK.
Good Afternoon to you, did Poppy enjoy playing with the leaves as you gathered them? I imagine you and Poppy just having a great time in your yard.
It is a cloudy day and the house is dark enough to turn on lights. Hopefully we will get some rain.
Some how this month is just flying by. This week makes three years we have closed on this house, time is just going to fast.
Our DVR box no longer functions and had to have it replaced. I had so much in it, about 32 Martha Stewart Bakes recipes. Lots of Columbo movies, I enjoy watching. And so much other recipes and programs. I almost cried having lost all that.
I now have to acquire the ones I can, Martha Stewart Bakes is no longer being aired on Create TV. YouTube has some of it though, which allows me to save it to my list on YouTube.
Have a great Thursday Sheba, and take care. -
Waiting for Someday
All the joy and passion you can envision can be yours right now, rather than in a future point in time.
The time we are blessed with is limited and tends to be used up all too quickly. How we utilize that time is consequently one of the most important decisions we make. Yet it is far too easy to put off until tomorrow what we are dreaming of today. The hectic pace of modern existence affords us an easy out; we shelve our aspirations so we can cope more effectively with the challenges of the present, ostensibly to have more time and leisure to realize our purpose in the future. Or we tell ourselves that we will chase our dreams someday once we have accomplished other lesser goals. In truth, it is our fear that keeps us from seeking fulfillment in the here and now — because we view failure as a possibility, our reasons for delaying our inevitable success seem sound and rational. If we ask ourselves what we are really waiting for, however, we discover that there is no truly compelling reason why we should put off the pursuit of the dreams that sustain us.
When regarded as a question, “Why not now?” drains us of our power to realize our ambitions. We are so concerned with the notion that we are somehow undeserving of happiness that we cannot see that there is much we can do in the present to begin courting it. Yet when we look decisively at our existence and state, “Why not now, indeed!” we are empowered to begin changing our lives this very moment. We procrastinate for many reasons, from a perceived lack of time to a legitimate lack of self-belief, but the truth of the matter is that there is no time like the present and no time but the present. Whatever we aim to accomplish, we will achieve it more quickly and with a greater degree of efficiency when we seize the day and make the most of the resources we have at our disposal presently.
All the joy, passion, and contentment you can envision can be yours right now, rather than in some far-flung point in time. You need only remind yourself that there is nothing standing between you and fulfillment. If you decide that today is the day you will take your destiny into your hands, you will soon discover that you hold the keys of fate. AMEN! ✨✨
Good morning in Cali and happy holidays. I am thinking of you and I hope you
and yours are doing well. ✨Give all your kitties a nice OZ hug. 😘Pineapple Lime Margarita 🍍🍈🍹✨✨
Good day in the ‘burgh. ✨Oz had a cold night but the morning brought out the Sun. 😎
I hope your husband have a good time with his friend. No colds please.I am keeping busy so I can enjoy turkey 🦃 day next week. 😜I have a lot to do so no
problem there.Here is a little something to keep you warm. 😎✨😘Blowing a kiss to Jake’s Canvas😘
Howdy in Texas or New Mexico just want to wish you and hubby a nice Holiday. ✨😘
Give Jewell and Little D a nice OZ pet. 😘✨
is The Great Pumpkin! 🎃
For the Pumpkin-Infused Scotch:
-1 sugar pumpkin
-1 750ml bottle Scotch whisky
-pinch of saltFor the Great Pumpkin cocktail:
-1 ounce pumpkin-infused scotch
-1 ounce ginger liqueur
-1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice
-1/2 ounce maple syrup
-ground cinnamon for garnishI thought of all this when my fingers hit the keyboard I like being creative. ✨✨
When I log on I have no clue what I will do and I don’t copy from others in Twitter verse.
That is a given. 😎😜 -
Good morning in S. California. I have had a busy morning for sure. ✨😎
I know my endorphins kicked in because it was not too bad to do the leaves
and then some. 😜 I keep Poppy inside the door he had a full view of me.This is from HSN Marlo Smith it is called the Poinsettia Holiday Cocktail! 🌺 🥂
Cheers! ✨😎
Happy Trails to you. 🎶🎶
Good afternoon on the Gulf Coast. ✨✨ I did read your post from last night.
I am so glad your floors are done. YAY! I do realize you have to put everything back.
Please take your time I hope all you and your husband’s labs are good. 😎😘I know you are tired who would not be after moving so much stuff. Oodie hard to believe
Trivia is tomorrow I do hope you rest up.This is just pure Chocolate Float. I think you deserve one. 😜
Good afternoon in sunny Florida. ✨😎😜 I just had to do a couple more lawn bags for
pick up this afternoon I have energy and the sun is out I think I blew all the neighbors
mind the way I did it so fast. Hey I left enough for hubby to do this weekend. 😜Here is to a great weekend HSN has nice little incentive to buy. 😎
This drink is from HSN Marlo Smith it is called Oliveto 🍸.
2 oz. gin
5/6 oz. lemon juice
1/3 oz. rich simple syrup (2:1 ratio of sugar:water)
1/3 oz. Licor 43
1/2 oz. extra virgin olive oil
1 egg white
In a cocktail shaker, combine all ingredients with three ice cubes.
Shake until the cubes are nearly dissolved.
Strain into a glass.
Enjoy! 🍸
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
15,174 Replies
11.19.21 4:04 AM
27 Participants