Conversation – 15
Welcome to conversation – 15. This is number 15 of this thread.
We are in TAY. This Thread is three years old.
I hope you enjoy this as it covers music, fashion and most of all
Heidi Daus. I am an Avid Collector. ♥ my focus is fashion being a former
fashion model. As a singer I cover lots of old school music and popular and
show tunes. Movies are a must. We talk about a lot of things in Conversation.
Please remember this is TAY! I am still learning the new system so bear with me.
Blessings to you all. ♥ Happy Holidays ♥
LOAF …. Cherie hopes your Mom In Law is over the worst of it and is on the mend …. Congrats to your Grandson LOAF!
Hi Sheba, Cherie has been “Poofed” once too many times. Now with all the trouble it takes to post, I make sure before posting …. I copy it first. Enjoyed the Mini Gallery, Never was impressed with Meyer products, & I can’t wait for the Boys & the Baby Goats. Interesting dream Sheba, was the person a male … If you care to divulge, if not it’s Cool. We were Total Beach Bums today! Take care Sheba♥ … HI ALL.
Happy Birthday HSN. ♥
Johnny Mathis
“Misty”Look at me
I’m as helpless as a kitten up a tree
And I feel like I’m clinging to a cloud
I can’t understand
I get misty, just holding your handWalk my way
And a thousand violins begin to play
Or it might be the sound of your hello
That music I hear
I get misty the moment you’re nearYou can say that you’re leading me on
But it’s just what I want you to do
Don’t you notice how hopelessly I’m lost
That’s why I’m following youOn my own
Would I wander through this wonderland alone
Never knowing my right foot from my left
My hat from my glove
I’m too misty and too much in loveLook at me
Peace Out Peeps! Enjoy your evening and shopping and playing in the Arcade.
Shout out to all. 🙂 -
Just a short little night gallery. ♥
Luna, the goddess of the moon, has three phases of her life in full, crescent and new moon. At the moment, she is taking a short nap in her new moon phase before another cycle of her life begins.
At times, even if we are aware that time will never stop and there are always things waiting for us to accomplish. Yet It is worthwhile to take a break and catch our breath before the next journey.
I want to tell you what happened today. I was sick of what was on the Telly. It was hot and
I had a slight headache. I took something for it and I sat calmly with my dog. During the
time I must have doze for a moment I had a short dream. I dreamed someone brought me
some flowers and they were so beautiful I don’t think I ever seen anything like it. I felt someone
and I called that person’s name. I will not say the name but something was happening.
I am going to try to find the flower they brought me it was like they were saying goodbye
and thank you. I woke up at peace. This is has never happened before just one of those things
I suppose. 🙂 Loaf I was praying about you and your family too. Be well friend. ♥ -
Beekman 1802 Apricot and Honey Tea 4-piece Set
617-117 -
I am sending prayers you take care. We all love you Loaf. ♥
The Baby loves you too Loaf. ♥
Wrote a long post to you and it went poof. So I will try this again. I know you are right
about Mcpoopoo I just don’t want her to be alone. So I will keep her in my prayers.
Funny how a little knock around thread like this can weave in and out of lives.Cherie enjoy your day with the kids and family. I love watching Andrew do his presenations
with Colleen and they both look great. ♥Have fun in that warm Cali Sun. 🙂
Cherie and kids enjoy. ♥
Editing Your Life
You have the choice to accept your life script you’ve written thus far, or edit it so you can create a life that fulfills you.
Our lives can be compared to an ongoing movie script over which we have complete creative control. Within us lies the power to examine what works or isn’t working in our lives and make “edits” to our life’s script, accordingly. Choosing to actively edit your life can be incredibly empowering. As you evolve, you have the choice to accept the script you’ve written thus far or edit it so you can create a life that fulfills you. You can cut out from your life’s script what is no longer working for you. Acknowledging that you are responsible for the experience you create gives you the ability to create the life you’ve always longed for.
Granted, editing your real life isn’t always as easy as erasing a line of text. If you’ve carried emotional baggage or held on to an unhealthy relationship for a long time, these may be difficult to edit out. But when you do cut out what isn’t working from your life, you’ll feel lighter and more alive. Editing out activities that you find stressful, disassociating yourself from people that drain your energy, and letting go of your emotional baggage are all beneficial cuts you can make. In the empty spaces that are left behind, you can add in anything you like. Just as you have the power to edit out negative situations or beliefs that you no longer wish to have as part of your life, you can now include the kinds of positive experiences, people, and beliefs that you would like to fill your life with. The manifestation of these thoughts and images as realities in your life will inevitably follow. As you make changes to your life, you can also add in the bits where you choose more intimate, healthier relationships, seek out adventure over tedium, and are no longer negatively impacted by old experiences.
To begin editing your life, simply think about your positive and negative experiences. When you determine what parts of your life are no longer serving you, make the commitment to remove them – though, it is important to remember that there is no proper timing or way to do this, and patience and compassion for yourself are always important during this process. Then, ask yourself what has brought you profound bliss and consider how you can make those experiences and beliefs part of your life now. With a little editing, you’ll be able to clear out what is no longer serving you and make room in your life for more happiness, love, and wisdom.
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
24,421 Replies
01.01.70 12:00 AM
49 Participants