Conversation – 15
Welcome to conversation – 15. This is number 15 of this thread.
We are in TAY. This Thread is three years old.
I hope you enjoy this as it covers music, fashion and most of all
Heidi Daus. I am an Avid Collector. ♥ my focus is fashion being a former
fashion model. As a singer I cover lots of old school music and popular and
show tunes. Movies are a must. We talk about a lot of things in Conversation.
Please remember this is TAY! I am still learning the new system so bear with me.
Blessings to you all. ♥ Happy Holidays ♥
I have a feeling Negan is going to take over one way or another and I am not ok with that.
I turned the heat off after hubby left for work this morning. The house was cold last night
and some of my flowers are damaged. I just can’t believe we were in the 20’s last night.
We don’t get that until next month and then maybe December. Oh well go figure.
How are the kids doing in school? I have enough Perlier to last another year I went
crazy buying the gallon jugs. ♥ I also have the matching creams and powder. I also use
1802. I take care of my body. I am all wrapped up again today. The sun is out and that
works for me. ♥ Beautiful sunny day but still crisp. Enjoy this Cherie. -
I know this is a busy season for all of us. This is my little break from things in my life.
I am hoping all is well with you. I get a little concern when I don’t hear from people.
So Blessings to you, the kitties and your family. 🙂 -
Enjoy this with your husband. Chilly morning here.
Did you enjoy the shows in Vegas? 🙂
Thank you for our lovely drinks. Have one yourself.
We saw O which is water and Ray Romano. Both shows were excellent. However, we went to the 10 PM of Ray Romano. We hardly stayed awake. At 66 and 72 and coming from the east coast; we were tired sleepers.
Do you get any great entertainers where you are in Oz. I must tell you there was a post on our community Facebook page showing Dorothy’s ruby red slippers and part of her with a view of the Emerald City. It depicts that living here is like a dream come true. I immediately thought of you in Oz!
An Instant Dose of Festive Style!
Full of depth in both tone and dimension, our Trevor Turkey Crystal & Enamel Pin features a robustly elegant turkey done up in topaz, hyacinth, ruby, light Siam and white opal crystal pave, beautifully offset by pearlized red enamel, gold glitter enamel, and pearlized brown enamel. You’ll want to wear this celebratory pin all season long! Love Heidi Daus. ♥
Cool Micheal “show”, Great Words, and We are LOVING your Halloween Pics and story Sheba! Can’t believe it is soo cold in your parts already! It’s still a cooker from 10 to 4p.m. but nights and mornings are getting cooler. So funny MOUSE likes TWD too …. Hubby agrees with Maggie and wants Negan GONE yesterday. He knows Rick is carrying Carl’s (Bummer he’s gone) ideas too far. Hubby is done with the Saviors and the loss of that guys arm is on RICK! As for Cherie …. It would just seem too obvious if Negan took out Rick …. Right? Kind of like … we all thought the Crocodile Hunter would be taken by a Crocodile and it was a totally different and VERY sad end. Did you stock up … Stock up with Perlier like Cherie has??? Coming soon will be 1802. Prayers for your Auntie and Mcpoopoo … they are missed. How did the Broom work out for ya Sheba♥ ……. Shout OUT …. TACI, LOAF, KITTENGIRL, … EVERYONE!
4 Cherie Kids and Loaf’s Grandkids. Just a little Halloween Treat. Also it’s for the kid
in all of us. 🙂The King of the Cats
by Ernest Rhys Fairy-GoldOnce upon a time there were two brothers who lived in a lonely house in a very lonely part of Scotland. An old woman used to do the cooking, and there was no one else, unless we count her cat and their own dogs, within miles of them.
One autumn afternoon the elder of the two, whom we will call Elshender, said he would not go out – so the younger one, Fergus, went alone to follow the path where they had been shooting the day before, far across the mountains.
He meant to return home before the early sunset – however, he did not do so, and Elshender became very uneasy as he watched and waited in vain till long after their usual suppertime. At last Fergus returned, wet and exhausted, nor did he explain why he was so late.
But after supper when the two brothers were seated before the fire, on which the peat crackled cheerfully, the dogs lying at their feet, and the old woman’s black cat sitting gravely with half-shut eyes on the hearth between them, Fergus recovered himself and began to tell his adventures.
“You must be wondering,” said he, “what made me so late. I have had a very, very strange adventure to-day. I hardly know what to say about it. I went, as I told you I should, along our yesterday’s track. A mountain fog came on just as I was about to turn homewards, and I completely lost my way. I wandered about for a long time not knowing where I was, till at last I saw a light, and made for it, hoping to get help.
“As I came near it, it disappeared, and I found myself close to an old oak tree. I climbed into the branches the better to look for the light, and, behold! there it was right beneath me, inside the hollow trunk of the tree. I seemed to be looking down into a church, where a funeral was taking place. I heard singing, and saw a coffin surrounded by torches, all carried by–But I know you won’t believe me, Elshender, if I tell you!”
His brother eagerly begged him to go on, and threw a dry peat on the fire to encourage him. The dogs were sleeping quietly, but the cat was sitting up, and seemed to be listening just as carefully and cannily as Elshender himself. Both brothers, indeed, turned their eyes on the cat as Fergus took up his story.
“Yes,” he continued, “it is as true as I sit here. The coffin and the torches were both carried by CATS, and upon the coffin were marked a crown and a scepter!”
He got no farther, for the black cat started up, shrieking:–
“My stars! old Peter’s dead, and I’m the King o’ the Cats!”–Then rushed up the chimney, and was seen no more.
Well we are almost at 29 degrees tonight. The heat is on I cannot believe it is this
cold so soon. My kids live near Atlanta and they are saying they are hot. My Mom and
Siblings live in Colorado and they are cold. Go figure.This is on in my house. I am going to take an 1802 and Perlier Bath. Yes I use all
Perlier Products and I have enjoyed Skip and Amanda. ♥Cherie I am missing my Aunt and Mcpoopoo I can’t help it.
Oh, that looks great. Thank you. Yes, the storm was tragically destructive. The horror is beyond belief. I hope the contributions made can help with material but there is no fix for the loss of life.
Stay well and hope the changing leaves.
Enjoy this crisp and beautiful time of year. I hope you enjoy your view on your trails. ♥
Drink this all today. 🙂
Putting Power in Perspective
You create better energy when you are FOR something, rather than AGAINST something.
As human beings, we cannot help but be subject to our preferences. However, we do have control over the manner in which these manifest themselves in our lives. Every value we hold dear is an expression of either support or opposition, and it is our perspective that determines whether we are for something or against it. As an example of a situation we are all familiar with at this time: We can direct our energy and intentions into activities that promote peace rather than using our resources to speak out in opposition of war. On the surface, these appear to be two interchangeable methods of expressing one virtue, yet being for something is a vastly more potent means of inspiring change because it carries with it the power of constructive intent.
When you support a cause, whether your support is active or passive, you contribute to the optimism that fuels all affirmative change. Optimistic thoughts energize people, giving them hope and inspiring them to work diligently on behalf of what they believe in. Being for something creates a positive shift in the universe, which means that neither you nor those who share your vision will have any trouble believing that transformation on a grand scale is indeed possible. To be against something is typically easy, as you need only speak out in opposition to it. Standing up for something is often more challenging, because you may be introducing an idea to people that may scare them on a soul level.
Throughout your life, you have likely been told that the actions of one person will seldom have a measurable impact on the world. Yet your willingness to stand up for what you believe in instead of decrying what you oppose can turn the tides of fate. The thoughts you project when you choose to adopt a positive perspective will provide you with a means to actively promote your values and, eventually, foster lasting change.
Hope you are having a great Monday. We are chilly here in the Midwest. Prayers to the
people of Florida Panhandle and other States affected by Michael. I know you are not
affected I just hope everyone is able to rebuild. This is for you and hubby. ♥ -
That sounds intense what happened with the weather. I bet the kids thought it was cool.
Today’s kids have no fear. LOL! I try not to do a lot of gory pictures because I know sometimes
kids will see things. 🙂 Yes I got my TWD fix last night. I know your hubby is happy. But….I have
some questions. I will keep watching. Good season so far.We are a tad chilly today but it’s alright the sun is out. My flowers survived the below freezing
temps as long as the sun is out they may last until the end of the month. ♥ Cherie enjoy your
day. ♥ -
I sure do watch TTD Chris Hardwicke is from my native state. There were a lot of surprises
last night. Maggie is evolving with the baby and Glenn’s death. I want Negan gone!!!
The actor is just too darn good at playing that hateful character. I will miss Andrew Lincoln
I felt once Carl was gone that would push him in a different direction. I miss Carl. Did you
know the actor who played Herschel Maggie’s Father died? May he RIP I liked Hershel.
Right now the only one I want done with is NEGAN!Hey have a great day and stay safe we already had a lot of rain for days. Have a terrific
Monday. This is for you. -
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
24,421 Replies
01.01.70 12:00 AM
49 Participants