Conversation – 15
Welcome to conversation – 15. This is number 15 of this thread.
We are in TAY. This Thread is three years old.
I hope you enjoy this as it covers music, fashion and most of all
Heidi Daus. I am an Avid Collector. ♥ my focus is fashion being a former
fashion model. As a singer I cover lots of old school music and popular and
show tunes. Movies are a must. We talk about a lot of things in Conversation.
Please remember this is TAY! I am still learning the new system so bear with me.
Blessings to you all. ♥ Happy Holidays ♥
Honoring All Experiences
It is important when pain comes our way to honor the experience, as it is usually a great teacher.
Honoring the experiences we have in our lives is an invaluable way to communicate with life, our greatest teacher. We do this when we take time at night to say what we are thankful for about our day and also when we write in a journal. Both of these acts involve consciously acknowledging the events of our lives so that they deepen our relationship to our experiences. This is important because it brings us into closer connection with life, and with the moment. Only when we acknowledge what’s happening to us can we truly benefit from life’s teachings.
It is especially important when pain comes our way to honor the experience, because our natural tendency is to push it away and move past it as quickly as possible. We tend to want to brush it under the rug. Yet, if we don’t, it reveals itself to be a great friend and teacher. As counterintuitive as it seems, we can honor pain by thanking it and by welcoming it into the space of our lives. We all know that often the more we resist something, the longer it persists. When we honor our pain, we do just the opposite of resisting it, and as a result, we create a world in which we can own the fullness of what life has to offer.
We can honor a painful experience by marking it in some way, bringing ourselves into a more conscious relationship with it. We might mark it by creating a work of art, performing a ritual, or undertaking some other significant act. Sometimes all we need to do is light a candle in honor of what we’ve gone through and what we’ve learned. No matter how small the gesture, it will be big enough to mark the ways in which our pain has transformed us, and to remind us to recognize and value all that comes our way in this life. ♥
I am on pins and needles about Rick’s last two episodes. I hope they don’t just eat him.
I hope what was up in the air takes him. Maybe he can come back when the show ends.
Oh well it was a great ride and I bet your hubby will tell you that I had a great ride with this
show. I a little bit of Carole, Maggie and Machonne when it comes to fighting. Mess with my
family game over.On Carole’s character I watch her lose her daughter and it was heartbreaking
and her husband beat her. Carol became a warrior. Everyone especially the women have lost
loved ones. I believe that is what gives them their power. I hope you like your Iman. ♥
Headache did take a hike. Tis the season with extreme weather and all. I am feeling a little better today.Oh next week is the Firemen’s station with baked goodies. You go Cherie. ♥ Happy Halloween.
Be sure to let everyone taste a sample. ♥
Here this should make your day. Hope you had a good walk. I hope I did not miss a post.
If I did let me know please. Happy trails to you. -
How are you and Jerry doing today? How is Avi I know you were concerned about him.
I would be so nervous if it were me. I can handle me being knocked out but not my
fur-baby. Here is to a wonderful day. -
Tis the time of year for candy apples I love then. ♥ Looked at the Celine Bags and they
are lovely. Good to see you Loaf this time of year I am thinking about Mcpoopoo.Enjoy this crisp fall day.
@loaf, Hi loaf, How have you been? How is your friend doing? That duster sounds so pretty! I love velvet, it’s so soft (like kitties, lol). What color did you get? The purse you got from Iman is really nice, you got black, right? I really enjoyed her shows. I missed a couple but recorded them so have been watching the ones I missed. I just love when she visits and can’t wait until her next visit in November. I hope she brings those berets the models wore in the pics. I am about to leave on my morning walk but wanted to say hi. Have a great day!
Yep, busy with fur baby things!Your new Iman goodies are very nice! You have dark hair, right? They will suit your coloring very well and look so pretty!
How nice that you have been able to see Joyce! I would LOVE to see her in person! She is one great teacher! I just love her! Like I said, I don’t start my day without her and Joel Osteen. They are so uplifting!
I don’t like gore or sorcery programs either and I don’t watch much ghost stuff either. It depends on how it is presented though because it does exist. If it is factual it doesn’t bother me but otherwise I can’t watch because I’m highly sensitive to that kind of thing because I have dealt with that before and not going to say much more than that on a public forum. Both my daughter and I are highly sensitive. This was all many many years ago. I only had one cat at the time but she was aware of it too, I guess we all had no choice but to be aware. I’m not going into detail but it was something else! Our church came in finally and everything was taken care of. These things are real and I don’t take them lightly, but greater is God…
No, I don’t dress up any kitties, they wouldn’t let me! LOL! I always wanted to put Ernie in a hard hat and tool belt when our house was being renovated but could never find one that was cat sized. He had a special relationship with our contractor (who remains a family friend). Ernie would follow him everywhere and “help”. Oh kitties… they are just so adorable!
I am about to go on my morning walk. Have a great day! -
Bless your Heart @kittengirl … Sounds like you have your hands & calendar FULL with Fur-Baby chores and appointments. I SPY with my little eye Faire tonight, haven’t seen the others. Cherie ordered Leggings in black, Jeweled top in Sangria, and My flutter top in Black and I love that top! You nailed some of my faves on TBN! Cherie LOVES Joyce, we see her EVERY time she comes to Long Beach, she is an awesome Lady. I don’t really “watch” t.v. series so much …. Cherie mostly “LISTENS” to t.v.. I’m Terrible at the Movies … I just can’t sit still too long like that, always something to do or get done. Cherie does enjoy “spooky”, Not gore, horror, or sorcery . I’ve found a channel that has things like Ghost Adventures etc. So I’m enjoying their Halloween October month called “Ghostober” off and on. Do you dress up any of your Kitties …. BOO!
Sheba Dear …. I hope that sniffle and headache take an EXIT stage Left soon. Great words to think about as usual Sheba. Yup … All the decorations are up so we still have PLENTY of time to bake next weekend! Yes … Lots of candy, that is why Cherie came up with the idea to put out tons of other stuff besides candy. Cherie is well aware of kids with medical conditions and they ALL can come to my House and We have special “treats” for them too. Hubby thinks maybe Rick will “go out” by trying to save someone else …. Hubby is also curious about some Helicopter …. we’ll see. Glad you saw the Celine D. collection. One month at a time for Cherie. Cherie is waving … Feel Better Sheba♥ …. Hello to Everyone!
Good night! I hope you are feeling better tomorrow. I’m feeling a headache coming on. Soup was great! Yep, your hearing is very good – hubby sleeping! LOL! That is great you heard Sinatra in person! I would have loved to have heard him. I posted to you way down on the page by Chad, don’t think you saw it. Anyway, sleep well!
Shout out to Cherie, loaf, Taci and Velvet. Has anyone heard from mooncat or faire? JJ? Diva? I hope everyone has a good night! Sweet dreams everyone!Cherie, I will tell you another Jonnie story very soon!
Peace Out Peeps! Just having a little halloween fun.
I hope I did not scare anyone
yeah I did not think so.Goodnight Bichon18 I enjoyed you so much today. ♥ Cherie you are always fun. Love
your Halloween Outfit hey look up yeah I am waving…..
Kittengirl it was great talking to you too. I hope you have a nice evening how did the chicken
soup turn out? Wait for it …I hear your hubby going to sleep.Shout out to Loaf, Taci and all.
Everyone have fun and be safe. I am a wee bit under the weather.
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
24,421 Replies
01.01.70 12:00 AM
49 Participants