Conversation – 15
Welcome to conversation – 15. This is number 15 of this thread.
We are in TAY. This Thread is three years old.
I hope you enjoy this as it covers music, fashion and most of all
Heidi Daus. I am an Avid Collector. ♥ my focus is fashion being a former
fashion model. As a singer I cover lots of old school music and popular and
show tunes. Movies are a must. We talk about a lot of things in Conversation.
Please remember this is TAY! I am still learning the new system so bear with me.
Blessings to you all. ♥ Happy Holidays ♥
Come on Easy Rider.
This is one of the paintings. I love this look.
I hope you have a blessed day too! I loved the pic of my son returning home on the plane! I miss him so much! His fiance surprised him with a nice Christmas meal, and presents under the tree so he had a nice time with her before heading to work. Yes, it is hard seeing the plane and knowing my son is up there and leaving. It makes me cry but I wave to him and pray and wish him well with a safe flight. He plans to be here for my heart surgery. Your mom reminds me of me sometimes – the way she looks for your plane, the way she would tell you there is always going to be someone smarter, prettier, taller. I told my daughter the same thing before auditions but instead of taller, it was better. I didn’t want her to be crushed or put undue pressure on herself but she always did well! She was first in the whole state of California and that’s a lot of auditions! I’m sure your mom is as proud of you as I am of my kids! 😀
That is cool about your Mele Napoli and yes, you should post a pic! I have a lot of beautiful art, including my fave painting by my mom and photographs by my son and brother. My brother has had a few gallery showings and I am hoping my son will put together a portfolio of his work and pursue meeting with people who might help him have a showing. When I get the studio space set up I am going to begin in oils. I’ve worked in pastels and watercolors but never in oils and I’ve always wanted to give a try at impressionistic style oils. My brother and mom both worked in oils, both very talented. My mom had a wonderful understanding of light. I’m not good at sketching so we have commissioned a series of portraits to be done of all our kitties. So far we have Jonnie and Cuddles done. The artist is a friend. I love photography and doing creative photos. I did one of me looking at the moon. It has the back of my head and shoulders looking at a full moon. I’m telling you this because of your avatar and how much you like the moon. 😀
Grandson loved the Velveteen Rabbit book and movie! He loved everything! He is such a sweetheart! I do not have him today because daughter is on winter break. I am still so tired from getting ready for Christmas! I know everyone is! And some of the ladies, including you, are sick or still not fully recovered! I really hope everyone is better soon!
So happy to hear your hubby gave you the roaring lion jewelry! You lucky girl! So happy for you! 😀 I hope your family had a great Christmas! Hey, I loved the pics posted of the girl with the horse! Post a blonde curly haired girl on a horse and then I can join you on that horseback ride! 😀@Cherie, @loaf, @taci, @bichon18, @velvet, @mightymouse,
Hope you all had a very merry Christmas and are getting your rest now! Hugs to all! 😀 -
Love Jay King! I have Suzanne’s necklace too! With the matching ring and earrings. Love it! 😀
Enjoy the season. ♥
OMG! Amy you sound like me. I am going to have some soup later. I am trying to stay
hydrated. Try to stay in if you can. Little Ari will help out. 🙂 Congrats on reaching
part of your goal. Way To Go. ♥ -
Family Meditation
Meditating in groups is powerful, meditation with your family members is beautiful.
Once we have discovered all that meditation can do for us in our lives, we have the opportunity to share that knowledge with our children. Since a child’s first experiences take place in the home, what they learn there provides a foundation of knowledge and then becomes their basis for comparison as they move out into the world. Even if we may not feel that we are qualified to teach, we can plant the seeds that will give them a basic understanding of the peace and power that lie within them.
There are many ways we can instill the value of meditation. Since children tend to learn just as much, if not more, by observation and imitation, rather than by instruction, we can teach by example. By following our practice, we show them that meditation is part of daily life. Even if they appear to resist, they will come to understand meditation’s importance in maintaining their inner health if you treat it as something that is as important and as essential as eating well and keeping proper hygiene. Little children are not the only ones that can benefit by learning meditation; preteens and teenagers can also benefit from learning the skills necessary to calm their minds and spend quality family time meditating together.
We may be able to introduce them to the concept of closing their eyes and taking inner journeys by listening to visualization CDs/downloads, or you may comfortable enough to guide them through a visualization of your own. Creating a time of quiet listening in the middle of guided imagery helps them know that they can be silent and go within whenever they choose. You might want to sit together and hold hands, creating a deep bonding ritual that may become everyone’s favorite part of the day. By discussing afterward, you can discover how your child experiences his or her inner world. By teaching children how to create with their minds and how to access the stillness within them, you are giving them tools that will help them create the best lives possible.
Hi Sheba;
Oh, what a mess I am. Sneezing, hacking, that raw feeling around noise and the crazy sounds of whistle wheezes but more lying down. Get this out of me already. Jerry picked up chicken soup for me but I feel a little down in the dumps from this. I have an appointment to see my doctor tomorrow just to be safe. This is just going to have to run its course.
So many visitors are down here now that the best bet is to lay low. How are you doing? I hope you are enjoying your presents and feel great about the presents you gave.
I am trying to figure our if any of the Marla clearance will soon me. I am talking about the ones that really dropped in price. There is a crescent sweater that looks interesting. I have to read the reviews.
Enjoy your tea.
BTW, down 6 pounds. A little bit could be illness but not all. I am working very hard.
Wishing you a great day and how is your MIL? I hope she had a very special Christmas.
Did your granddaughter enjoy her new Holiday Barbie? How about the grandson is he
feeling better? Loaf how are you feeling? -
Enjoy your shopping and I hope you slept well. I am still a wee bit under the weather.
It will not let up so I am dealing with issues. BLAH!Have fun out there with the other shoppers I shop all year but I am going to do some
after Xmas shopping maybe later in the day.I had a great Christmas and now New Year’s Day is on the way where did the year go?
Kisses for your Mom. ♥ This New Year’s Wish is for her too. 🙂
I am wishing you a blessed day. I hope you had a nice dinner with your daughter and I think
you may have your grandson today being Wednesday. ♥ I hope he loved the Velveteen Rabbit
Movie and Book you got for him for Christmas. I love watching that movie. ♥I posted below yesterday showing your dear son returning home on a plane. 🙂
Take care and relax and enjoy this season. I will make some Lemonade. I hope your
studio will be ready in the near future I would like to hear more about your painting I can
in possession of two one is a Mele Napoli and is about the Rue in Paris. I may post a picture.
Take it easy now. 🙂 -
Good Morning and I hope you are feeling somewhat better today. I still have some
issues with the sinus and and slight wheezing. Bah Humbug indeed. I am drinking some
warm tea. I hope that helps you and me. Kisses to Lille Ari. ♥ I hope Jerry and you have
a terrific day as best you can. 🙂Hang in there and enjoy some great movies. 🙂
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
24,421 Replies
01.01.70 12:00 AM
49 Participants