Conversation – 15
Welcome to conversation – 15. This is number 15 of this thread.
We are in TAY. This Thread is three years old.
I hope you enjoy this as it covers music, fashion and most of all
Heidi Daus. I am an Avid Collector. ♥ my focus is fashion being a former
fashion model. As a singer I cover lots of old school music and popular and
show tunes. Movies are a must. We talk about a lot of things in Conversation.
Please remember this is TAY! I am still learning the new system so bear with me.
Blessings to you all. ♥ Happy Holidays ♥
Thank you so much for the post. I hope you are warm on the East Coast.
Enjoy this time with your family. ♥ -
I LOVE Micheal Buble! Yes, I heard that about his son and thought that must be why he hasn’t been back to HSN. He’s the reason I bought that Colleen Lopez jacket – Colleen said it was her “MIchael Buble jacket”. Lol. I hinted to my husband that I want more Michael Buble cd’s for Christmas. I hope he comes back to HSN. I am so happy his son is well now and cancer free. I cannot imagine how hard that must be to have a small child with cancer. I love MB’s character, style and sense of humor.
Thanks for mentioning the boots and jacket. I love the southwestern look Jay King does too. I’ve been collecting turquoise since a little girl. It all started when my dad bought me my first piece when he was away on a hiking trip with buddies. I miss him so much. It will be 7 years on December 8th. Still cry. You are in my prayers for all you are dealing with regarding your father and sister. How is your cousin? -
Michael Buble
“It’s A Beautiful Day”I don’t know why
You think that you could hold me
When you couldn’t get by
By yourself
And I don’t know who would ever want to tear the seam
Of someone’s dreamBaby, it’s fine,
You said that we should just be friends
Well, I came up with that line
And I’m sure that it’s for the best
If you ever change your mind,
Don’t hold your breath‘Cause you may not believe,
That, baby, I’m relieved,
When you said goodbye,
My whole world shinedIt’s a beautiful day and I can’t stop myself from smiling
If we’re drinking, then I’m buying
And I know there’s no denyingIt’s a beautiful day, the sun is up, the music’s playing
And even if it started raining
You won’t hear this boy complaining
‘Cause I’m glad that you’re the one who got away
It’s a beautiful dayIt’s my turn to fly,
So, girls, get in line
‘Cause I’m easy, no playing this guy like a fool
Now I’m alright
Might’ve had me caged before, but not tonightAnd you may not believe,
That, baby, I’m relieved
This fire inside: it burns too bright
I don’t wanna say “so long”,
I just wanna to say “goodbye”It’s a beautiful day and I can’t stop myself from smiling
If we’re drinking, then I’m buying
And I know there’s no denyingThat it’s a beautiful day, the sun is up, and the music’s playing
And even if it started raining
You won’t hear this boy complaining
‘Cause I’m glad that you’re the one who got away,‘Cause if you ever think I’ll take up
My time with thinking of our break-up
Then you’ve got another thing coming your way
‘Cause it’s a beautiful day,Beautiful day,
Oh, baby, any day
That you’re gone away
It’s a beautiful day -
Thanks for understanding. I am fine. The clothes I did with Jay King were from another
store. I think Macy’s. I like adding little touches to that beautiful Southwestern Look Jay
King does so well. Oh you mention Michael Buble he will be touring next year. Michael
was an HSN Vendor then his 4 year son was diagnosed with Cancer and he said he would
not tour again until his son was cured. I love his music. ♥ I am so glad he is back. ♥ -
Practicing humility in life is important – while you may have a greater understanding in some areas, others will always be able to teach you something in other areas.
The notion of humility as a virtue brings numerous images to mind. We tend to envision those rare individuals who humbly bear life’s struggles while downplaying their own strengths. Yet humility is also associated with people whose insecurities compel them to judge themselves unfavorably as a matter of course. The true definition of humility, however, does not correspond precisely with either of these images. Humility is not passivity. Rather, it is an utter lack of self-importance. The individuals who embody the concept of humility appreciate that each human being on the planet occupies a unique place on an infinite spectrum of development. Though they can take pride in their own accomplishments, they also understand that the people they interact with each day are as valuable and have as much to offer the world as they themselves do.
To be humble is to accept that while there will always be individuals more and less advanced than yourself, those on all parts of the spectrum of development can provide you with insights that further your personal evolution. Recognizing these insights is a matter of opening yourself to the fact that not only do others think and feel differently than you, but their life experiences have shaped them in a very different way than yours have shaped you. This means that while you may have a greater understanding in some areas, others will always be able to teach you something. When you cultivate a genuine yearning to know what skills and talents those you encounter have been blessed with, you cannot help but learn humility. You instinctively understand that emotions like envy breed resistance that prevents you from growing, and that being flexible in your interactions with others will help you connect with unexpected mentors.
When you practice humility, you want to become as accomplished and evolved as you can possibly be, yet you are willing to submit to the expertise of others to do so. You understand the scope of your aptitudes yet you choose to eradicate arrogance from your attitude, and you can distinguish the value you possess as an individual while still acting in the interests of your fellow human beings. Humility, simply put, is a form of balance in which you can celebrate your own worth while sincerely believing that every other person on the planet is just as worthy as you.
You have a lot on your plate and I think we all understand. I know I do. I love how you keep it positive here, that is why I first starting posting here and what made me want to get to know all the girls here… everything was positive and there was a concern for each other and friendship between the girls. I look forward everyday to reading what everyone is up to and even say things to my husband about everyone. Like yesterday, we were cleaning (yes, still… and still not done…) and listening to music (Michael Jackson, Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Michel Buble) and a song came up by Elvis and I remembered Faire posting that song so I said to him Faire likes this song… Anyway, I digress… The point is, the ladies who post here and some others are nice ladies to get to know. Again, I digress…
Losing that many loved ones in a short time span is very difficult. I have been there. I know this thread is an outlet for you and I appreciate it. I’m glad you have the attitude of moving on. That is the way it has to be to be healthy physically, mentally and spiritually. So keep it moving… 😀 -
HSN Host Valerie and the Beekman Boys. 🙂
Beekman 1802 6-piece Men’s Grooming Gift Set
634-180 -
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Enjoy the new home and have a ball.
I don’t know if you will see this but I am doing it anyway. 🙂 A special Shout Out to all
the girls from the great Jewel Thread. ♥ -
I am thinking of you this time of year. I hope you are not in much pain. I know where your
heart is. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Enjoy your cat. ♥ I hope you are wearing
Heidi Daus I will be. I have missed you and I am wishing you all the best. 🙂Tamrick I know you are East Coast so this is for you. Happy Thanksgiving.
Please don’t change the way you post. I don’t have a problem with it. I think like you do
remember we are LEOS. I wonder if I missed someone’s post. I know this is a fast moving
thread and I know a lot of people are sick but I leave them anyway. I have been doing this
thread which is number 15 for years. I do not have a problem with anyone. I am just doing
what I like and trying to get through a difficult time. Everybody will not understand this
thread and I am ok with that. Most do get it. I don’t bother anyone. I keep this thread
positive and support those that need support as so many have done for me.
This time of year I am thinking of family I have lost in the pass 12 months 5 Blood Relatives.
The first started on Christmas Day then we lost Mcpoopoo. I am looking at my father and hoping
he can make it another year. My sister is in pain and need more surgery I can go on and on.
I do not do petty to anyone. But you are right posts do get lost. I am just saying if it is on me
I am sorry moving forward. 🙂
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
24,421 Replies
01.01.70 12:00 AM
49 Participants