Conversation – 15
Welcome to conversation – 15. This is number 15 of this thread.
We are in TAY. This Thread is three years old.
I hope you enjoy this as it covers music, fashion and most of all
Heidi Daus. I am an Avid Collector. ♥ my focus is fashion being a former
fashion model. As a singer I cover lots of old school music and popular and
show tunes. Movies are a must. We talk about a lot of things in Conversation.
Please remember this is TAY! I am still learning the new system so bear with me.
Blessings to you all. ♥ Happy Holidays ♥
Hi Sheba;
Glad you went out. Cigarette smoke…NOT! I smoked in college and not since. Awful and it is very expensive nowadays. The skin, the smells…no. It was very relaxing. That I remember. No road rage. Traffic Jam. No problems..light up and inhale. After I gave up smokin I turned to Snickers bars for traffic jams. Not a good idea.
We were home around 9:45. I ate intelligently.
Today, we left Chloe with Ari and went out to lunch. We sat at lunch with Jerry’s phone wTching them the whole time. I started to get an upset stomach from this. The doggies did great. I am going to get Ari a crate or I mean den. We will take the door off of it and fashion a little room for him with a comfy bed, toys and lavender scent. Have I lost my mind. Yes!
This malady we have is a real pain. Yesterday, I excused myself from the table to do blow my nose. There I was sitting in the commode laughing. Why, I though my head would shrink from blowing my nose so much. Real glamorous😷
Tonight is Gilda followed by sleep. My 20% coupon is not yet spent. Heidi is posting some beautiful new items. I think I will look at Andrew Lessman for ideas. Is there a law that I have to use this coupon. No….not at all. Oy Vey!
Hug Poppie
LOL! 4 all the good peeps in Cali and Florida. 🙂
@Cherie, so nice you have Mom to help! Hope you and husband enjoyed the night out.
Will try to take your suggestion and make every day a best day – love it!Happy New Year to You and family.
Sheba, A very Happy Healthy New Year to you too! 💚
I posted below to you.Yesterday we hiked, it an area with lots of hills so basically it’s up and down hills more than relaxed walking. There are Mtn Bikers on the trails as well. And the occasional snake. You would love it. Come’on over and join me!
And wow Kittengirl, you are impressive!
I hope round 2 is a winner too. I have nasal Spray this time and it does open me up.
I do have a facial and I keep a steam facial on hand. Thanks for the heads up it is in
my bathroom closet. I am about to steam things up a bit. Great idea. ♥Taci you enjoy yourself today. I hope this year is great for you and your family.
Hubby goes back to work tomorrow and son goes back to school next week.
Taci I hope I did not sound cranky it’s just that I do not like Ciggie Smoke! I have
never been a smoker and the smell makes me sick. The fresh air made me feel cold
but good. 🙂 It was a swanky party too. We do this every year.Happy New Year. 🙂
Happy New ‘Year and I hope you and Jerry had a great time last night. How was the
family gathering? Was little Ari upset you left? I was gone for a few and my dog had a fit.Poppy is sitting here staring me down. LOL! I wore one of my Heidi Jackets and jewels
last night. It was very short. That’s how I wanted it. This happens every single year with
my neighbor two doors down. I can’t stand ciggie smoke. I just got the new meds yesterday.
I have to spray my sinus I am sure you know the routine. Lovely! I saw something this
morning that I have never seen on TZ. Rod outdid himself on an episode. The kids all
called and wished me and their father Happy New Year they knew what I was watching
and so were they. It’s a tradition in the family on New Year’s Day. 🙂 Rod is one of the few
people I would have loved to have a cup of coffee with. Gilda comes on tonight. I need
to laugh her story is not funny but the laughter she gave to people sure is. ♥
We are very cold here and the lights all over the area have a power surge. Happy New Year! -
Happy New Year Sheba! Oh no a smoker, darn, and in the house too. My house, and car are for non smokers. Once I drove a colleague to an office about an hour and a half away and he asked to smoke in my car, um, let me think about it- No.
But I grew up with my Dad smoking a pack a day, once he decided to quit that was it, cold turkey and done.It must have been fun to dress up and visit, however brief.
Wanted to let you know that last year my husband got sick and had good luck with keeping my facial steamer next to him on the bed stand. It’s small and directed the steam right to him. Just a thought if you have one.
Yes, I have read back and seen your posts – thanks so much! I love the bird in a glass and reindeer and all your wonderful pictures and music and stories.
Kool and the Gang celebration sums up a great New Years song.Here to hoping you come out the winner in round 2.
No fun being like this but I made the best of it. 🙂 I hope your night/morning went well.
The things you can do Cali. ♥ Day 2 of the new regimen soon this will clear up.Toasting the New Year and you. Here is to your Mom. 🙂
This is for Mom. Yay Mom Happy New Year! 🙂
I think you crack the code on Heidi Daus TS Sherlock. 🙂 I posted the pics on the Heidi Daus
Thread. Happy New Year. 🙂 Yes it’s cold outside. -
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
24,421 Replies
01.01.70 12:00 AM
49 Participants