Conversation – 15
Welcome to conversation – 15. This is number 15 of this thread.
We are in TAY. This Thread is three years old.
I hope you enjoy this as it covers music, fashion and most of all
Heidi Daus. I am an Avid Collector. ♥ my focus is fashion being a former
fashion model. As a singer I cover lots of old school music and popular and
show tunes. Movies are a must. We talk about a lot of things in Conversation.
Please remember this is TAY! I am still learning the new system so bear with me.
Blessings to you all. ♥ Happy Holidays ♥
Just send you a reply down below. We actually had pizza. Ate one whole piece and played with the second. Tonight…..Japanese followed by in every night till Wednesday. Very nice company and then home.
You are correct. I am a little despondent but time will work at it. Chloe here for a while. Now, I am in the living room near my mother’s portrait. Have my holiday list out. Check off as I go along…..you notice teenagers love gift cards. Check. Buying for dogs. Easy..check and many more.
Thank Goodness for Cyber Shopping.
Hi Sheba;
It sounds like you had the busiest day ever! I may be a little befuddled. You saw the accident, correct? These days the distractions are all over the place. Driving is a skill requiring full attention. That poor young lady.
Your decorations sound like a winter wonderland. I love the way houses smell at the holidays. The spices, apples, vanilla….yum.
Now, do not get your hopes up and I will not either. We might be meeting a Ragamuffin who was a stray down in a Miami. A Rescue group got him out of a kill shelter. Did I tell you this already? Anyway, the lady who runs the group will probably make a visit to our house late in the week. The little man was terribly matted with lots of growth. Shorn down, he is white furred and perhaps curly. He will be having his dental on Thursday or maybe sooner.
We shall see.
Meanwhile, Heidi is sending out so many tempting goods to look at. Help!
I did see your post below. I hope this post and this day finds you in good spirits.
Our temps are alright for now but snow is coming and soon. Oh well I will enjoy this
day while it lasts. ♥ Wishing you and Jerry a great day how was the Italian Restaurant?
I love Italian Food. ♥ I will be going to my favorite one sometimes next week after all
the doctor’s appt. Here some tea to enjoy. This is for you and Jerry to enjoy. Thank you
for the Thanksgiving Toast.I think that was so sweet of you. I toasted you and Jerry too.
Loving What You Hate
Hatred cannot help but be transformed in the presence of love.
Hatred can be irrational, and it has a greater impact on the individual who hates than the person or object being hated. Yet overcoming hatred is difficult because hatred reinforces itself and causes greater enmity to come into being. The most powerful tool one can use to combat hatred is love. Deciding to love what you hate, whether this is a person, situation, or a part of yourself, can create a profound change in your feelings and your experience. There is little room for anger, dislike, bitterness, or resentment when you are busy loving what you hate. The practice of loving what you hate can transform and shift your emotions from hatred to love because there is no room for hatred in a space occupied by love.
Granted, it is difficult to forgo judging someone, but you can love your enemy, and seek the good in situations that seem orchestrated to cause you pain or anger. In deciding to love what you hate, you become one less person adding negativity to the universe. On a simple level, loving what you hate can help you enjoy your life more. On a more complex level, loving what you hate sets you free because you disengage yourself from the hatred that can weigh down the soul. Responding with love to people radiating hatred transmutes their negative energy. You also empower yourself by not letting their negativity enter your personal space. Rather than lowering yourself to the level of their hatred, you give the other person an opportunity to rise above their feelings and meet you on the field of love.
Gandhi once said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Loving what you hate sends a positive, beautiful energy to people while spreading peace and harmony throughout the planet. Instead of reinforcing hatred, you become an advocate for love. Hatred responds to hate by causing anguish, but hatred cannot help but be transformed in the presence of love.
Oh Aimee my hearts goes out to you. I wish I could hug you. So I am sending hugs to you.
I can read between the lines and I pray you get a baby soon. ♥ This hug is for you. ♥ -
Good Morning Cherie,
I am still at it working on the outside first. Then the inside will be done by evening and it
will look so pretty. I have brought Winter Lane from HSN and that goes on the outside.
I brought a high end tree from Macy’s last year at a steal of a price. I have my Waterford
Ornaments ready every thing is good to go. I still have things to do in between then I can
relax for the season.I had a little excitement happen on my walk today. A young woman had an accident near
me and she totaled her brand new SUV. Problem she was not paying attention because she
had two large dogs in the car. Oh she knocked into a large pole that the entire area have
for our internet and cable. The company had to put up a new box in the pole. Long story
short she is fine but shaken. OMG she was red as a beet with red hair. I stayed with her
until the police and fire department came and they were real quick. The girl told me
her air bag went off and her chest hurt she call her parents who also live in the area
and they took the dogs home. This happened up the street in front of my neighbor’s house
I had to check on her because she has 2 very large dogs she is gated. Everyone is fine and
the young lady did not have to go in the ambulance. I can tell you I have some medical background and she kept holding her chest and said her chest hurt due to the airbags.
I told her if that keeps up she needs to go to Urgent Care. I will say she was upset! I would
be too. While we waited she told me she had just brought her SUV and made her first
payment. It was totalled too bad I did not have my camera. If you are going to drive pay
attention especially with large pets in the car she admitted she was not paying attention.
I am glad I was not walking there and I never will again. I wish her well and she left with her
parents The Cable Company repaired the box this is the second time in two years this has
happened. I am just glad she is safe and sound. I am sure her car can be replaced because it
was all over the street. This is a very lucky lady because this is Saturday and no traffic on
that street.. I hope she will be alright.Cherie you are a super woman I can’t wait to finish but I have help. By the time it is dark I
will see all the work it took and be very happy. ♥
I hope your kids are having a great time. Kiss your mom♥Cherie this is for your mom. ♥ Just because.
When Avi was getting married; we booked a Bachelor Party weekend for him in Key West at a wonderful B & B two short streets from Duval Street. His best man was in the room next door. The rooms were both on the ground floor which was quick access to the patio and pool.
We decided to take a tour bus as our friends had never been to Key West. Halfway through the tour my phone rings. They were worried about the dog in room 106. He wouldn’t stop barking. It was a little bark; but a bark nonetheless. I left Jerry and the other couple on the bus and ran to relieve my fur baby. He was fine. He just heard people walking by. The clerk at the Inn said he would have walked him but I assure you; once back in the room he would bark.
My nephew teaches at a nearby school. When we go away; he puppy sits. We have an angel who walks Chloe twice a day. When we go away (which isn’t that much) she walked Avi and now she will walk ?
Time will tell; just not too much time.
Great Words and Gallery Sheba! Cherie hopes You and @mightymouse (Great inside thoughts on TWD) are feeling better. We got our light-up Christmas village ALL set up on our loft that runs through out the Living room and kitchen …. it just looks so cool when we turn off all the lights. Tree is up and lit, tomorrow we have our tree decorating party …. GREAT way to get the left overs Gone!! How is the air quality in your area @kittengirl & @taci? Here where we are, our eyes are still itchy from the smoke, our sky was a little clearer. Gotta run Sheba♥ …. Shout out to @loaf … Hi Everyone!
Gentle rain for Cali.
Oh Cherie waving….
4 Loaf’s grandkids, Cherie Kids, Kittengirl grandson and Bichon18 and hubby.
Shout to Taci and all.Be safe.
Sleigh Ride
Andy WilliamsJust hear those sleigh bells jing-a-ling-ring-ting-a-ding-a-ling-ding,
Come on it’s lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you,
Outside the snow is falling and friends are calling you,
Come on it’s lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you,
Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy, and cozy are we,
Let’s snuggle up together like birds of a feather would be,
Let’s take the road before us and sing a chorus or two,
Come on it’s lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you,
Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy, and cozy are we,
Let’s snuggle up together like birds of a feather would be,
Lets take the road before us and sing a chorus or two,
Come on it’s lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you,
Ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ding-dong-ding -
I really enjoyed the Invictus Move. I watched the Wizard of Oz as always on Thanksgiving
Night. I can’t leave my dog for long we both get anxious. I understand Fur-babies.If I go out of town I have to take my baby with me. I can’t wait for you to get your baby. You are a very interesting
woman. Interesting family too.
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
24,421 Replies
01.01.70 12:00 AM
49 Participants