Conversation – 15
Welcome to conversation – 15. This is number 15 of this thread.
We are in TAY. This Thread is three years old.
I hope you enjoy this as it covers music, fashion and most of all
Heidi Daus. I am an Avid Collector. ♥ my focus is fashion being a former
fashion model. As a singer I cover lots of old school music and popular and
show tunes. Movies are a must. We talk about a lot of things in Conversation.
Please remember this is TAY! I am still learning the new system so bear with me.
Blessings to you all. ♥ Happy Holidays ♥
Draped in Deco
I have this in Canary Yellow. ♥ -
Moving Our Body
Human bodies love flow and movement and respond in kind when used in this way.
Our bodies love movement. When we stretch or dance, our bodies adjust, realign and start to become fluid with the rhythm of life. Our mood lifts and we feel more connected with the world around us. If you are feeling stuck, ready to release old energy, or eager to feel more alive, try moving your body. By giving your muscles a chance to do what they were created for, you may find that all areas of your body and your life benefit as well.
Many times we can be so busy that we forget moving our body is even an option. Some of us remain seated at our computer for hours every day or rush from task to task with robotic precision. When we are caught up in crossing items off our to-do lists, we tend to neglect all the opportunities there are to enjoy our bodies in the process of living. If this is true for you, begin looking for opportunities to move. You might try dancing or moving about freely as you clean your home, tend your garden or care for your children. If you are able to devote a set amount of time to self-care, practices such as yoga, dance, tai chi and walking are all great ways to keep your body in motion.
Imagine how freeing it would feel to trust your body’s movements completely, knowing it has a perfect strength and rhythm of its own. See if you can sense your bones providing graceful support, your muscles and tendons expanding and contracting in just the right measure, your lungs changing pace to fill deeply with fresh air. Movement is a vital celebration of life. It is a way to proclaim your own existence and relish in the joy of being alive. Today, and into the future, give yourself the gift of your body in motion. ♥
Top of the morning to you in Cali and I know your hands are full. I did get my nativity scene
put up safely. ♥ Go at your on pace. How is Jonney and I hope I am spelling her name correct.
Very cold day after a few mild days. ♥ I will take it.This is the Cali Life. ♥
I am going too fast in posting I do that sometimes. I meant to say little Ari. ♥
Top of the morning to you. I have noticed you cannot correct mistakes unless you
catch it within 10-15 minutes as far as editing goes. Sorry about that.Beach Life ♥
Simply Ming Air Fryer Healthy and Simple Cookbook
527-919Get back to the simple joy of cooking! Because Ming Tsai believes life is complicated enough – in and out of the kitchen – he’s built his career around simple, delicious approaches to everyday cooking for family and friends. He applies his background in engineering to his Simply Ming Kitchen Collection to bring you cookware and tools that are carefully crafted and efficient by design.
Looks like Chef Ming will be on Monday. 🙂 This is the Cookbook I am getting that goes with
the Air Fryer made by him. 🙂 -
My Air Fryer is in Tenn. right now I should have it soon. I am looking forward to it.
Maybe we can share recipes. 🙂 I can not do without my slow cooker. 🙂 How are
you today. I know little Air has his training today and I hope that goes well.You have set goals for yourself and you can do it. ♥ I wish I were in Florida. ♥
This is exactly what I order and I may get the Cookbook too.:)
Simply Ming 5qt Jumbo Air Fryer w/Touchscreen and 1750 Watts of Power
625-137 -
Cherie and girls I hope you see this I will have this today. 🙂 I swear by this. I ran out and have
been waiting for this. Andrew had it on sale last week with free shipping I am so glad I went
for it. Happy Camper here. 🙂 -
Good Morning I will be up on the night that happens I may post I don’t know sometimes
just waiting and watching is so great! We have a big super moon one night and all the
neighbors were out with me watching. Now the Blood Moon it looks something out of
a SyFy Movie. Really different from anything you may have seen. I watch the Science Channel
a lot and I watch Nasa and anything to do with the Planets. I read a lot too. 🙂Cherie she is having the surgery she still needs. My sister pain level was bad many days
I was on the phone with her. I am going to see her when she has the surgery. The pain is
in the muscle near her breast area. I want her to have it and get it over with. My cousins
who lost their mother and 2 siblings have needed a shoulder to lean on too. They ask why?
I still have not told my father about my cousin passing. Not yet. See why I do this thread?
I am on a break now oh the Air Fryer Cherie that is just work work work for me. I know my
hubby and son will love it. I have to see more of things you can do in it. I did watch the
presentation I will show it again. I am also going to get a cookbook just for Air Fryers.
Well almost the weekend for you and your family have fun. 🙂 This cold is almost out the
door. Thank god! Some snow for us the weekend. -
Slinky® Brand 3/4-Sleeve Boucle Jacket w/Fringe Detail
649-198 -
Slinky® Brand Elastic Belt with Toggle Closure
645-762 -
Slinky® Brand 3-piece Printed Jacket and Tank with Solid Pant
644-099 -
So, after I got my Air Fryer; my SIL got the latest contraption. It is the all in one gizmo and she swears my it. Mazel Tov! I have a pressure cooker, air fryer, slow cooker, Vitamix, induction range top and fifty pounds to lose.
One more gadget…..i do not have one of those gigantic pantries. The Air Fryer ranks right behind my slow cooker. Yummy. QVC sells the Blue Jean Chef cookbook. Great recipes but it boils down to the Sweet Potato Fries. Worth the admission price for that alone.
Hi Ya Sheba ….Cherie would Love to see this Blood Moon. Love your Words and Great Gallery … I thought that was a picture or 2 of you! Meatballs …. Do-Tell how they turned out, we have just gotten the fries the perfect size and cooking time and they are PERFECTLY DELICIOUS! Sheba, more surgery for your Sister or still pending surgery? Sheba♥ …. look to the West and you’ll see me waving … SHOUT OUT to ALL!
Awe, @kittengirl … I feel for Jonnie … I sure hope they used dissolving stitches. Cherie & family are hooked on “healthy Food” we all feel so much better! Prayers from S. Cali.
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
24,421 Replies
01.01.70 12:00 AM
49 Participants