Conversation – 15
Welcome to conversation – 15. This is number 15 of this thread.
We are in TAY. This Thread is three years old.
I hope you enjoy this as it covers music, fashion and most of all
Heidi Daus. I am an Avid Collector. ♥ my focus is fashion being a former
fashion model. As a singer I cover lots of old school music and popular and
show tunes. Movies are a must. We talk about a lot of things in Conversation.
Please remember this is TAY! I am still learning the new system so bear with me.
Blessings to you all. ♥ Happy Holidays ♥
Heidi Daus “Pride of the Jungle” Crystal-Accented Hoop Earrings
647-150 -
Yes I got the exact one I posted above in Black. I have slow cookers, crock pots, etc.
I know I don’t have to turn the stove on with Air Fryer so I can’t wait to get it. This was the
only thing my sister wanted for Christmas and I got it for her. The one above is mine. I should
have it in a few days.Have fun getting ready for your trip Heidi Daus has new things every where. I will keep an
eye on Marla Wynne. I hope little Ari trainer will help him a lot. -
Heidi Daus “Pride of the Jungle” Crystal-Accented Cuff Bracelet
647-155Brand new from Heidi Daus.
Congrats on your air fryer. Last year I got one for my niece, my 3 DILs and me. I gave them color choices. Mine is black. QVC. And…..
I love it. Alexia Brand has all these French Fry items. Sweet Potato and all else. The best. Turkey bacon. Anything with fat becomes much less fatty. Good investment although it is some thing else for the kitchen…..
Tomorrow is Ari’s first lesson. The trainer thinks he will need two. That might mean three. My little man will be a graduate.
I see there is a Marla Wynne TS in early February. I hope I can make an outfit out f something. I have begun to put things in the guest room closet. Seems like a black and navy collection. Maybe a little white for lightening and I will try to figure a couple of colors with scarves. We will be gone for eleven days with two for travel. Would like to pack light. And of course………Heidi!
The new TS😍 -
It kills me too! Hubby took her in and I just went under the covers and sobbed! I HATE this! Most of our kitties go into the cage fine but there are some that fight it but NEVER have I had one fight like Jonnie. I feel so sad that she was traumatized. It has wiped me out. I can’t wait to get her home. I’m still crying about it. Going to have some tea now. I will post again later to everyone.
Thanks for the lemon tea and all the cute pics you’ve sent! 😀
That is what I was concerned about putting them in the cage which they do not like.
I have been there and to hear them cry just does something to me. I will talk to you
later please take care. Thank you for the update. -
I’m sorry if you have been concerned! We finally got her in and she will be having the surgery soon. Yesterday it went so smooth until the door on the cage didn’t close and she got out! It took her almost all day for her to trust us again and then this morning she knew… It was traumatic for her which is what I have been trying to avoid. She hissed and growled and clawed. But she is there and soon my baby will be home. She will be mad at us but she will forgive.
I have to vacuum and clean out litter boxes before she gets home so I will post later when she gets back and get caught up with everyone. I’m worn out, so stressful and emotional! Poor baby. I will give her kisses from everyone when she gets home! 😀 Be back later this afternoon. Have a really great day! 😀 -
Time to Reboot. ♥
Craft Day. 🙂
Moody Blues Lyrics
“The AfternoonTuesday, afternoon,
I’m just beginning to see,
Now I’m on my way,
It doesn’t matter to me,
Chasing the clouds away.Something, calls to me,
The trees are drawing me near,
I’ve got to find out why
Those gentle voices I hear
Explain it all with a sigh.I’m looking at myself, reflections of my mind,
It’s just the kind of day to leave myself behind,
So gently swaying thru the fairy-land of love,
If you’ll just come with me and see the beauty ofTuesday afternoon.
Tuesday afternoon.Tuesday, afternoon,
I’m just beginning to see,
Now I’m on my way,
It doesn’t matter to me,
Chasing the clouds away.Something, calls to me,
The trees are drawing me near,
I’ve got to find out why
Those gentle voices I hear
Explain it all with a sigh. -
Hope you are having a wonderful day. ♥ I am on a break from doing things. Happy Trails. ♥
MEOW! Taci I think he is looking for Loaf or Kittengirl. 🙂
These are perfect for 9 to 9! Not bad for 19.99. ♥
A Little Luck Never Hurt Anyone!Did you know that an elephant with the trunk pointed up is a symbol of good luck? Who doesn’t need a little luck in their life….especially when it’s this beautiful!
Have Fun and Save the Planet
Eating locally produced food as often as possible is best for your body, as its life force is stronger because it is fresh.
We all know that our planet needs our help right now, but we often feel unsure about what to do, where to make an effort, and what will really help. The good news is that we can heal the planet on a daily basis simply by buying and eating food that is grown locally. Food that has been transported long distances doesn’t contain much life force by the time it gets to your kitchen. Making a commitment to shop, buy, and eat locally is not only a very important part of creating positive change, it can also be delicious fun.
One of the best places to begin the adventure of eating locally is a farmer’s market. Stalls brim with fresh fruits and vegetables grown on nearby farms. Not only is this good for the environment, it’s good for the farmers since they benefit from selling directly to the consumer. The consumer benefits, too, from the intimate experience of buying food from the hand of the person who grew it. In addition, the food is fresher and more diverse. In supermarkets, particular varieties of fruits and vegetables are favored due to their ability to survive transport to a far destination. Alternately, at a farmer’s market, you will find versions of the fruits and vegetables you know that will surprise and delight your senses–green striped heirloom tomatoes, purple cauliflower, white carrots, and edible flowers, just to name a few.
Make an effort to buy as much of your food as possible directly from local farmers. You will become one of a growing number of people eating delicious food to save the planet and having fun doing it.
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
24,421 Replies
01.01.70 12:00 AM
49 Participants