Conversation – 15
Welcome to conversation – 15. This is number 15 of this thread.
We are in TAY. This Thread is three years old.
I hope you enjoy this as it covers music, fashion and most of all
Heidi Daus. I am an Avid Collector. ♥ my focus is fashion being a former
fashion model. As a singer I cover lots of old school music and popular and
show tunes. Movies are a must. We talk about a lot of things in Conversation.
Please remember this is TAY! I am still learning the new system so bear with me.
Blessings to you all. ♥ Happy Holidays ♥
So glad to know you and the family are on the mend! Take your time getting over this nasty bug so it doesn’t come back and bite you! I don’t know if it is still raining down there but stay warm! It’s not raining here anymore but lots of snow on the mountains and it’s so pretty! 😀 Get your rest! 😀
OOoop @bichon18 … Looks like Cherie missed a Birthday and “cameo appearance” from your Hubby. Wishing Your Hubby a Very HAPPY Belated Birthday … Cherie is sure you’re probably still celebrating … Enjoy your day Jerry! Shout out to Lil Ari
Hi Ya Sheba …. First, Thank You for Your Well wishes and notes for our family, Sheba you are one of a kind … Thank You. Wow a week of this stuff feeling like a Zombie! …. How did you manage week after week of this? Cherie and Family are finally feeling like we’re back among the living. Busy trying to catch up for Monday, shopping … Homework …. Looks like you and @kittengirl and Ladies got a Heidi Fix. See ya later … You Know, Cherie time Sheba♥ Shout out to @kittengirl (Thank You for your Prayers for our Healing), @taci, @loaf, @bichon18!
Good morning! Hope you are staying warm! I was watching the weather channel and boy, i do not wish the weather headed your way on anyone! Southernlights will be getting it before you. I hope no one loses their power! Maybe you should head out somewhere warm for a week for vacay? I like cooler weather but that is ridiculous!
I’m watching and recording Heidi right now. I will be having withdrawals too – always do! I find recording her shows helps. Lol. I record Iman too. OMG! I LOVE that butterfly necklace Heidi is wearing! It’s going on my faves list. Gorgeous! Wowza! 😀
I’m glad you found your coupon. Have you bought anything yet? I imagine you getting the butterfly set because it is the swarovsky crystals and you are tall enough to carry off the long earrings and the necklace. I would have to wear the necklace with smaller earrings, or wear the earrings without the necklace. Beautiful set!
BTW, I loved the doggie cuddling the teddybear under the blanket you sent to bichon! So cute!
Stay warm. Thank you for thinking of and praying for Chewey. He got his meds without a problem. He is sleeping. We are keeping the house very warm for him until he puts some weight back on. He is a doll!
Enjoy Heidi! 😀
Stay warm, cozy and safe!@Cherie,
I’m getting concerned too! I hope you are doing ok and the family too. Prayers being sent your way. If you can, just let us know you are ok. I miss you! Sending you some nice hot chamomile tea to soothe you and help you rest. Hugs…
Glad you got some Heidi goodies and I hope you enjoy them! 😀 Thank you for the kind words and wishes for Chewey. He got his meds fine. He is sleeping a lot so we were able to sneak up on him both last night and this morning and it was so much less traumatic for him. His intestinal tract seems to be responding and feeling better. He is eating a special food to gain weight along with the prednisone. He hates the prednisone! Unfortunately I think some of my other kitties will be gaining weight because he won’t eat unless with the rest of his family. The only thing we sprinkle in his food is a pro-biotic (prescription with extra nutrients) so it’s ok for him to share his food because all the kitties get that. They are just going to get more calories. Oh well, we will deal with that later, Chewey needs this now.
Stay warm and make sure you take a break from work! Enjoy watching Heidi! 😀@southernlights,
Yes, it does hurt to see our fur babies hurting. Thank you for your kind words and prayers. I am hoping he will pull through this. Chewey is a very special boy. We are cuddling him and keeping him warm, as are his sister and brother (Tina and Gizmo). Prayer is very powerful and I thoroughly believe that! 😀
Glad you loved your heart necklaces and I hope you enjoy your new goodies from this visit when they get there! Have fun getting caught up!
As I was saying to Sheba, the weather you have been having (and is still due to come) sounds wretched! I hope you can get out of there to somewhere warm for a week. I hope your sons are doing better and over that bug. Please stay warm and cozy and safe!I know you are enjoying Heidi right now. 😀 I hope you enjoy all you bought. You are going to love the Dazzling Delight in Montana blue. It is so pretty worn with denim and a blouse or sweater, a cool jacket. It is a very versatile piece! Good choice! I know I love mine!
So, is Jerry feeling any older or wiser this day? I certainly hope not older, and we all know he is plenty wise because he treats you well and even watches Heidi with you! I couldn’t get my hubby to watch with me if it were the only thing on TV! Unless it’s history, politics, a western, football or news, forget it! It’s a good thing I like all of those programs but I can never get him to watch PBS or HSN. He actually enjoys Fixer Upper because he loves Chip! Lol!
enjoy this Heidi day (what is left of it). Kisses to Ari! 😀Shout outs @velvet and @mightymouse! Stay warm and healthy! 😀 Hugs to all! 😀
Awwww…so sweet. My little man has a soccer ball.
Yes, last visit and I either need to use my coupon or get a credit on something already bought. You know, something will show up. I wore my Lion necklace from SFA Off Fifth last night. The compliments flowed. Today, the Global necklace from Heidi arrives. Right now I should be filling in blanks.
So be it. Jerry is out in the garage working on a new bike rack device/gadget of some kind that he bought from me for his birthday. I am packing a box for the rescue group and going over dress codes for our club house.
Heidi comes on at three. It is being recorded. Want to watch it live.
Stay warm, cuddle and collect.
Enjoy this day this is Heidi’s last show for the Visit. ♥ How is your son doing?
This reminds me of him below. I did see your post below too. You are a busy
woman. Enjoy your hike today. -
Now I am very concerned how is the family doing? Just write one line to let me know
you all are alright or will be. Thinking of you. ♥ -
Bundle up and stay warm. This is Heidi Daus last day of the visit.
I hope your family is doing well and all the bugs are gone! Stay nice and warm
and enjoy the snow. 🙂 -
Mazel Tov to you and Jerry on his birthday celebration. 🙂
I hope little Ari got a kick out of it. This is Heidi Daus final show for the visit.
I will miss her. 🙂 I have withdrawal problems when she leaves. LOL!Yeah I have it bad. Enjoy your day. 🙂
Have a great day and enjoy Heidi Daus last day for the visit. ♥
How is your furbaby doing? Cuddle up to him today. Thinking of Chewy. 🙂 -
Yeah it’s cold.
@Sheba, it’s so cold in Oz. I know you have watched Ms. Heidi today and that you already have something on the way, and wow it’s impressive!i tried to watch a bit when I could but was pretty busy with work. No hike today, ended up working late. I will make up for it tomorrow.
Purchased the “I’ll Lopp you in” necklace in burgundy. Plus I have the crystal heart locket from the website on the way to😀
I also have a Cheryl Crow gray jacket, with the flag on the back, on the way.Nice pictures as usual, the dog with the stuffed animal is adorable.
Southern, had a good laugh about the doggie diaper. Sorry you lost internet access. That’s isnt fun. Your Tuesday Treasures shipped very fast, glad you love them.
@kittengirl, sorry to hear Chewy doesn’t feel well. You are so dedicated, taking all that time to give him mess too. Hope hefeels better soon. Thanks for the shout outs.
@Cherie, certainly hope you didn’t catch anything from the kids. Hope everyone is starting to feel better.
Shout out to all!
@Sheba, really beautiful tribute to McPoopoo. She is still part of this thread.
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
24,421 Replies
01.01.70 12:00 AM
49 Participants