Conversation – 15
Welcome to conversation – 15. This is number 15 of this thread.
We are in TAY. This Thread is three years old.
I hope you enjoy this as it covers music, fashion and most of all
Heidi Daus. I am an Avid Collector. ♥ my focus is fashion being a former
fashion model. As a singer I cover lots of old school music and popular and
show tunes. Movies are a must. We talk about a lot of things in Conversation.
Please remember this is TAY! I am still learning the new system so bear with me.
Blessings to you all. ♥ Happy Holidays ♥
P.S. the green earrings are nice. A little larger than I thought but it is quite alright.
Hi Sheba;
I bet your dad’s eyes light up when you walk into the room. My suspicion is you put yourself together beautifully when you see him. Daddy’s beautiful tall little girl.
As for Heidi; I have some items on my wish list and perhaps she will deliver even more as the week progresses. Those artist-palette earrings are very special. Maybe, maybe not.
I had some errands to run and just got home. Jerry out with guys tonight and I plan to attack my closet. In the meantime; my selection of the day is The King’s Speech. My mother used to tell me I was an Anglophile. This movie is enthralling to me. Favorite or should one say favourite scene is when Lionel’s wife returns from bridge and finds the Queen having tea in her dining room.
The perfect table manners are wonderful to me.
Back to Heidi….what looks buyable to you.
Oh yes, Beach Boys “California Girls”! LOL! What a trip down Memory Lane this morning! 😀
Yeah, maybe I would want to be back here in a week or two…at least until summer hits, or as we affectionately call “H*LL” (Hsn won’t let me say the word) around here. Lol!
Have fun on your vacation warming your toes! Happy shopping too! 😀
Hi Kittengirl:
The Enchante necklace…..if I like it; it will come home. If it doesn’t meet the mark; I can return it. Heidi has many new items on HSN. So much to buy.
So, I ventured back into the consignment shop and I ventured right back out. Too much stuff. Not for me. Okay, that’s done. Going to tackle a rung in my closet tonight. Bye bye clothes. I put a heart on the Colleen Jacket. Maybe I will be down another ten plus pounds by the time it goes on sale.
Enjoy the oranges. So good.
The Mango Lover.
I hope you and your family are getting better and feel so much better too! That’s a lot of work to take care of a sick family! I hope your mom hasn’t caught the bug and that she is feeling well. Prayers coming your way! Oranges too if it will help! 😀 Get better! I miss you! -
Hi Kittengirl,
Oh yes, hair blowing in the wind with The Beach Boys blaring. Good times! Cherry, good memory!Trust me, after a few days of below zero temps and you’ll be thankful for your climate, lol! We are heading to Florida in a couple weeks for 10 days. Just need to warm up the blood so we can make through the rest of winter. I am hoping to visit a couple of the HSN outlets. I visited QVC’s outlets last year and found amazing deals.
Heidi will sure miss Suzie. She was her right hand gal. She knew her customers well and always provided first class service. We will miss her. Thanks for posting the picture of the Tuesday Treasure. I’ll say it again. I love the long cord. I’ve had a thing for long necklaces lately. I think because I am wearing a lot of turtlenecks, thick tunics and sweaters. Can’t go wrong with a long necklace. However, today I am in Cuddl Duds. My favorite stay home clothing. I’ve been known to wear my Heidi bling with my Cuddl Duds, 😁
Son #1 I had round two of this bug, this is ridiculous. One gets better and someone else gets sick. I am thinking we should all be on an antibiotic at the same time.
Sunday night’s moon was amazing. It was peak here around 12:15 am Monday morning. We were well below zero temps so all of us were outside dressed in down coats, boots, hats, scarves and gloves. It was worth getting all bundled up. Also, the stars were extra bright and twinkling. My friend who lives in Georgia posted pictures of her Moon party. They sat outside in lawn chairs and watched God’s amazing show. Yes, I was jealous of her warm temperatures. A moon party is a fun idea.
OH I love that pin! So pretty! 😀
Lol! The Camero! Those were some fun days! I loved that car! It was “cherry”! Do they still use that expression? I remember driving with the windows down, blowing my hair all over! The car sure got the boy’s attention! Lol! Oh, to be young again! 😀
I hope you stay warm in that frozen tundra. I wish I could have that kind of weather sometimes – as long as there is power and I am toasty warm inside. I guess we want what we don’t have sometimes, right?
I love that long corded heart necklace! I’m going to have to give it a look! Enjoy it, I bet it looks great on you! Stay warm! 😀
My niece lives there and have for years. The Zoo is legend. 🙂 It’s been years since I have
been to LA that experience is something you never forget. ♥ We have a little connection.
Marilyn was gone too soon too. Yeah I see Oranges and I love lemons too I don’t blame
your neighbor for asking to pick up some lemons they are very expensive here. Kitten
you are sitting on a goldmine. 🙂 Thanks for the Oranges. ♥ -
Doing Our Best
Your best is always good enough, because it comes from you, and you are always good enough.
We often come into contact with the idea that our best isn’t good enough, as if this were actually possible. If you examine this notion, you will begin to see that it doesn’t make much sense. Your best is always good enough, because it comes from you, and you are always good enough. You may not be able to deliver someone else’s idea of the best, but the good news is that’s not your burden. You only need to fulfill your own potential, and as long as you remain true to that calling, and always do your best to fulfill your purpose, you don’t need to expect anything more from yourself.
It’s easy to get tangled up with the idea of trying to be the best–the best parent, the best employee, the best child, or best friend. If we try to be the best, we run the risk of short-circuiting our originality because we are striving to fit into someone else’s vision of success. In addition, if everyone is striving for the same outcome, we lose out on creativity, diversity, and visionary alternatives to the way things are done. On another note, there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve, but examining where this feeling comes from is important because wanting to be better than others is our ego coming into play. 🙂
Letting go of the tendency to hold ourselves up to other people’s standards, and letting go of the belief that we need to compete and win, doesn’t mean we don’t believe in doing the best job we can. We always strive to do our best, because when we do we create a life free of regret, knowing we have performed to the best of our ability. This allows us to feel great personal satisfaction in all of our efforts, regardless of how others perceive the outcome.
The oranges are like candy, they are so sweet, juicy and delicious! I’m sending you some… do you see them? Enjoy! The giant lemons have been falling off the tree, Neighbor behind us asked if she could oick the ones on her side of the fence. We told her “anytime”! She was so happy and excited! 😀
Wow! I’ve lived down there almost my whole life and I have never been to her grave site! I am going to have to put that on my list. When you live there, you don’t think of it, it’s just the way it is down there, you don’t get star struck. I have always had a place for Marilyn, Fred Astaire and Cary Grant so I should go see their resting places. I’ve never been to Ronald Reagan Library either and it was just up the road from the home I grew up in so I have to see it too. OH! And Taci was right, the zoo down in her neck of the woods is THE BEST! If you ever get down there, you have to go and also the wild safari park! If you ever go to Pheonix they have a nice zoo too. 😀
I hope you and your family are feeling better keep doing what you are doing.
Know that I am thinking of you and I have been in your shoes many times. Hang in
there. ♥ Having internet issues today and it is very annoying. LOL! Such is life! -
Good morning to you! Oh I feel for you. I have to stay organized too because I don’t live in a big house with big closets. I’ve had my closet done too and you are right, there is less room now to hang things! It is more organized but less room for hanging! Why is that? Oh well, I do what I have to do and that is purge twice a year or just not buy anything. Well, HELLO…like that’s going to happen! Lol!
I try to think about purchases but like Sheba, I also buy what I really like when I find it! I know myself well enough to know that I go on sensory overload when shopping so that’s why I try to remain focused and having a list of things I really need helps reel me in and keep me focused. I hate wasting money and making purchases I regret I just love fashion and I am one that believes shopping is a sport and should be in the Olympics! Lol!
I need a home for all my jewelry too. It is everywhere. I won’t be buying the Heidi TS either because it’s magnetic. A pacemaker may be in my future so I’m just not going to buy anything I may have to get rid of. If I buy the Enchante set in the green/blue/red colorway, I have a lovely emerald eternity band that will be beautiful with it. I’m waiting for her shows and I will decide then what makes sense for me. I saw the reviews too. That’s one person’s opinion. How do you like the green earrings you bought?
Hugs to the little man. I am sure he smells and looks great! Kitties send hugs too! 😀 -
Frozen here too. Hey did you know that Suzie Walter retired from Heidi Daus this month?
I was surprised and I wish her luck in her new ventures.I am waiting to watch Heidi do her presentations as I always say. I like to see the
actual pieces during the show. ♥ I already have something coming from Heidi Daus
this week. ♥Hope everyone in your home is feeling much better. Yeah there is a bug going around.
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
24,421 Replies
01.01.70 12:00 AM
49 Participants