Conversation – 15
Welcome to conversation – 15. This is number 15 of this thread.
We are in TAY. This Thread is three years old.
I hope you enjoy this as it covers music, fashion and most of all
Heidi Daus. I am an Avid Collector. ♥ my focus is fashion being a former
fashion model. As a singer I cover lots of old school music and popular and
show tunes. Movies are a must. We talk about a lot of things in Conversation.
Please remember this is TAY! I am still learning the new system so bear with me.
Blessings to you all. ♥ Happy Holidays ♥
Good Morning in Cali. Enjoy the hike today if you can. We have cool weather here too.
I still get my walks in. Good luck to your son and his summer job. 🙂 -
Taking Time for Yourself
Making time for the activities that contribute to your spiritual growth has little to do with being selfish.
Modern life compels us to rush. Because we feel pressured to make the most of our time each day, the activities that sustain us, rejuvenate us, and help us evolve are often the first to be sacrificed when we are in a hurry or faced with a new obligation. It is important we remember that there is more to life than achieving success, making money, and even caring for others. Your spiritual needs should occupy an important spot on your list of priorities. Each task you undertake and each relationship you nurture draws from the wellspring of your spiritual vitality. Taking the time to engage in spiritually fulfilling activities replenishes that well and readies you to face another day. Making time for the activities that contribute to your spiritual growth has little to do with being selfish and everything to do with your well-being. Regularly taking the time to focus on your soul’s needs ensures that you are able to nurture yourself, spend time with your thoughts, experience tranquility, and expand your spiritual boundaries.
It is easy to avoid using our free moments for spiritual enrichment. There is always something seemingly more pressing that needs to be done. Many people feel guilty when they use their free time to engage in pursuits where they are focusing on themselves because they feel as if they are neglecting their family or their work. To make time for yourself, it may be necessary to say no to people’s requests or refuse to take on extra responsibilities. Scheduling fifteen or thirty minutes of time each day for your spiritual needs can make you feel tranquil, give you more energy and allows you to feel more in touch with the universe. Writing in a journal, meditating, studying the words of wise women and men, and engaging in other spiritual practices can help you make the most of this time.
Making time to nurture your spirit may require that you sacrifice other, less vital activities. The more time you commit to soul-nurturing activities, the happier and more relaxed you will become. The time you devote to enriching your spirit will rejuvenate you and help you create a more restful life.
Good Morning Cherie,
I am well rested just a little annoyed right now. This too shall pass. I am sure Captain
has the Movie on Speed Dial. LOL! I love those movies my kids grew up on them.Thank you Cherie for your concerns and prayers I appreciate it so much.
Mcpoopoo’s date is coming up and next month will be a year. I truly miss her. ♥
Guess what Memorial Day is coming up I cannot believe this month is almost over.Any plans for that day? I know you kids will be happy school’s out for summer in June.
Here you will need this. ♥ Cherie you and Captain have a great day. 🙂
Sorry about your toe OUCH! I did reply at your post below. Enjoy your breakfast.
That is a great deal on the Bike. I walk and I do my bike. Amy I don’t need to rest I am
not ill I feel just fine. I am more annoyed more then anything. LOL!Hey if you look on the Heidi Daus Thread there is a gif you can click on and see
the necklace. One of our Heidi Girls posted it. At least you can see it but it is not
listed yet on HSN. I am watching we shall see what comes up meantime Heidi has
a lot to fill anyone’s plate. ♥ Amy enjoy your day. Be careful. -
You are a breath of fresh air. I love you too. Amy you are so funny. 🙂 I need to laugh and
you gave me a good one. ♥ I am sorry about your toe. OUCH! Give it a few and you will
be fine.Amy right now the sun is shining but rain will be going on all weekend. This is OZ. I have
to say this it beats the snow my sister and nephew helped my mom shovel yesterday in
Colorado and they have more Snow coming. Amy I am well rested I am not ill.What I do on this thread has been going on for 5 years and I have never had a big thread
with people. I do enjoy the people who do post like you and I am so glad we have met online.Amy thank you for understanding what I am going through. I appreciate you keep those
stories about the bike. Amy I ride mine standing up. 🙂 I just like to stay firm my weight is fine.
Have fun and I hope your toe is better. ♥ -
Things that make you laugh. 🙂
Keegan-Michael Key is an American actor, comedian, writer and producer. He starred in the Comedy Central sketch series Key & Peele and co-starred in the USA Network comedy series Playing House he will also be in the Lion King and Toy Story 4.
Love this Skit on TV. ♥
While a hairdresser rattles off a bunch of complex hairstyle terms, his client looks increasingly confused with each word. But Keegan-Michael Key makes it simple by explaining that the hairdresser is going to add some hair clips, give his client a bob cut and then retire to Boca Raton. Next, a realtor talks about offers on the table while a couple looks confused. Keegan-Michael shows up to clarify the realtor is just saying there are a lot of offers on the house. His explanations were a lot simpler. Keegan-Michael explains to the couple that but don’t worry
you got this. 🙂 -
Caya Costa Printed UV 40 Protection Sun Wrap
654-358 -
I know what you mean… I keep a lot to myself too. I hope things get better for you.
I don’t know why people are leaving the threads either but I think it is illness for many. I know Deek found it to just be too much for her to keep at it. I miss hearing from her and the ladies that used to be on her thread. I was really excited to see her post yesterday. She is a very kind woman.
I have been wondering where mightymouse is, and bassetbabe… and boots. Once in a while pookie posts. Where the heck is pamlou? Last I heard she was trying to not spend so much but I am concerned because I know she has had a hard time after losing her daughter. I can’t imagine anything worse. I hope she is ok and will post one of these days. Pammy, if you are reading this, please let us know how you are.
Get your rest, I know you have your hands full.
Good Morning Cherie!
What a darling picture of the kitty! I am thinking it must look like Simba as a baby. The picture reminds me of when we used to put Walker’s teddybear in the box with Bull (after he lost all his siblings). When he wasn’t in our arms, he was cuddling that bear. I can’t believe Bull will be a year old next month! 😀
I have no doubt that when the time is right that you will open up your home to another fur baby (or babies) to love and spoil! It has been so much fun to see the kittens playing in the backyard, and of course, to cuddle and snuggle baby Tamera. Tamera is a dark calico and she has the most unique coloring with a red dot on her forehead and a tiny white strip just above the bridge of her nose. She really has some lungs on her! Lol! She can’t run yet but hops. She will be running any day now. She is very tiny and weighed only 1.75 lbs. when we took her to the vet last week.
The mommies are being extremely protective and won’t let us near the babies but bring them up to the patio. They are so precious.Cherie, just curious… Have you or the captain ever flown the Concorde? I was watching old footage and I would’ve loved to have flown that! There is an engineering firm working on bringing it back and is scheduled for it’s first flight in 2023. Can you imagine just taking 3 hours to fly from New York to London? The flights on the new planes will be much cheaper too! I’m pretty sure my son will book a flight when it’s operational. He wanted to be an Air Force pilot and fly the SR71 but followed a different path. The Concorde looks so much like the SR71. I love watching it take off. Call me weird and cat obsessed but it reminds me of a cat standing on it’s back legs just before it’s airborne. Such a beautiful, sleek plane!
Well, thank you for the prayers for a better day today! I hope you have a great day too! Enjoy the kids! And here’s to hoping… 😀
No worries! Kitten I am grieving right now and only a few people understand what I am gong
through. The people who posts on this thread have been here for years. A lot of people
don’t post on my Thread they just like to read and look this I have been told.Some people just like to drop in and say hi no one has to be here everyday I have had some
lonely days on this Thread. I come through just fine.I still have 2 very sick people in my family my Dad and Sister to add to the stress of the
recent deaths I have not told my dad. Nor will I. I made this thread just to get away from
things and I don’t want to be stress while I am on it. Kitten I find you to be a very smart and
caring woman. I was really concerned about your ordeal. Glad you are seeing your doctor.I will be alright in a few days. I just need some time I too have a lot going on. I am also
working on the Heidi Daus Thread. I don’t know why everyone is leaving the Community.
I do know a lot of people are ill. I am concerned for many. Anyway this too shall pass.
Just responding to your post. Have a good day. Enjoy the kitties. -
The toilet paper holder fell on my toe this morning…so I will give it a half hour to behave and then…..the bike. If I could get in shape I wouldn’t be half bad. Plus, the sleep derived from exercise if worth everything.
Sheba, you have had some tragic losses of late. This can wipe one out. Walking outside in open air is so important. Ari knows this and so does Poppy. They take us on daily walks.
I joined Heidi Daus on Facebook. I don’t answer but look at the photos. So hoping they post the TS. I want the clear since it has citrine in it.
In the meantime I am checking where the Trader Joe’s are in Oz so I can look at the weather maps and worry about you. Stay away from flooded streets. Don’t come out of your dressing room.
Love you and I’ve never even seen you!
Auntie Aim
If Jerry saw me dressed in this……he would ask me where I was hiding my whip!
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Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
24,421 Replies
01.01.70 12:00 AM
49 Participants