Clean Boss Canceled
I just received notice that my autoship for Clean Boss by Joy Mangano has been discontinued. They cannot fulfill my autoship. Does anyone know why???
Is joy gone again? I notice her Saturday night show is replaced with Giuliana. I know many dont care for joy but her products were really good. I had my little streamer, hangers, handbags etc. I haven’t seen her lately.
Thank you Krissy, I hope Clean Boss comes back soon ~ we love Joy M.
Have a great day 🙂 -
Hi @tippy7981 & @bonnabc, I took a look at the item and sadly it looks like there was an issue of customers receiving leaking bottles when they received the item. Sadly, at this time, this item will not be fulfilled.
Tippy7981 Hi, I would really like to know why they canceled Clean Boss – all my notice said was it’s no longer available.
I really like that product.-
krissi just posted that customers were recieving leaking bottles so hsn discontinued clean boss.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6 Replies
03.19.23 5:36 PM
5 Participants