Bobbi Ray Carter
I like Bobbi but what on earth has she done to her face? Her cheeks looked like they were packed full of food & she sounded like she was speaking with something in her mouth.
When Bobbi was presenting with Curtis Stone the other day, she stood too close for comfort next to him & touched his arm every chance she got. I have noticed this behavior with other female hosts too. Yes, Curtis is attractive but come on, control yourselves! If this was done the other way and an attractive female brand ambassador was touched by a male show host, I’m sure he would be fired. Remember what happened to Martino. At the end of Sharif’s visit Bobbi wrapped her arms around him & gave him a kiss. Seriously?
Totally agree with what you are saying about boundaries but in all honesty I would probably try to touch Curtis’ arm too
Good answer!
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It’s kinda sad that they aren’t keeping keep her around even for remote work once in a while. She was their very first host ever on air. Pretty impressive.
Does anyone know what sweater Bobbi Ray is wearing?
if you’re going to fill your face with fillers, don’t forget the neck. It’s a dead giveaway!!!
I don’t think her mentioning Bobbi Rae’s change in looks was mean spirited at all. It was just something that was obvious and Knowles pointed it out. That’s it.
Jeesh if ur gonna have plastic surgery dont lie about it! I just wish thesecwomen could age gracefully and accept it…its a gift…why feel the need to do all this stuff? If it makes u feel better and u can afford it, have at it but admit it! And DONT try to sell us all these wrinkle creams..if they worked you would have used them! Please stop Amy Morrison too before its too late
Shewbashew, I would go along with what Bobbie Ray Carter mentioned. An allergy to a cosmetic. She may have had a procedure that she had used prior without a problem. However, sometimes a manufacturer will change an ingredient and thus the result could be devastating. I am a person who suffers from food allergies. Consequently I need to read all labels. Something that I could eat suddenly causes my face to swell or to feel nauseous or both. The swelling to go down could take anywhere from 24 hours to a week. This is an item I could always eat without a problem. Why read the labels when you know it causes no harm. This is annoying not only to me, but the public as well who thinks my husband is abusing me. I cannot tell you how many times a policeman came to my door and arrested my husband without knowing all the facts. Unfortunately, for me, my food allergy also carries over to things I wear, soaps I use, shampoos and conditioners, cosmetics, and, yes, even towels and linens, all bedding as well. So stop bashing people when you do not know the cause. One change in an ingredient could be the cause of all evil.
Not meaning your post KNOWLES3105
, but, as for some of the replies…. Bobbi is an HSN legend who has given soooo many yrs. After all these yrs, I’m sure she’s not doing it still because she needs the money but because she truly loves her job. I think she deserves more respect and kindness than to be dissected & ridiculed. No matter what she has or hasn’t had done, shes still a person with real feelings. From what I’ve seen, she’s never been anything but kind. But that’s just my feeling on it
Cosmetic? A reaction to a “cosmetic” procedure. LOL
Yes I noticed it also. But what I saw was a smooth out face, but a wrinkled neck.
I was thinking the exact same thing. This seems to be more prevalent on HSN. Amy, Dimitri……all distorting their faces.
I thought it was just “me” that noticed her “Face”! She either had “Cheek Implants”, or “Botox”. She is getting to look like a “Mannequin”! She is attractive, so why ruin your face by constantly overdoing it? It is “distracting” to see her this way!
She may have gotten dental implants that don’t fit properly. I also have noticed something odd about the way her mouth looks when she is talking. I have nothing against trying to look younger, but too many procedures can make a person look kind of strange & unnatural.
My post certainly wasn’t thinking the worst. I clearly stated I like Bobbi. I watched her for two days but never heard her state she had an allergic reaction. I wouldn’t have posted the question if I did. She has always looked very natural to me.
Bobbi just said she had an allergic reaction to some cosmetic.
It’s sad that everyone thinks the worst.-
She’s lucky the swelling wasn’t worse. Hopefully they put her on Prednisone, poor thing. I had an allergic reaction to my blood pressure medicine some years ago and my face swelled up to the point that I was totally disfigured and unrecognizable. I have a very thin face and it took days for it to get back to normal, even on Prednisone.
So I feel for her. I hope she feels ok, too, allergies can put you through the wringer. -
Agree with you ennui!!
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Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
24 Replies
4 weeks ago
18 Participants