Beekman NOT Cruelty Free
C’mon HSN stop selling the Beekman products. Goat milk comes from female goats who need to feed their babies.
It’s a well-known fact that male goats are discarded, as in killed, and females are impregnated artficially to keep producing milk.
Continuing to promote animal cruelty and insult the intelligence of your customers needs to end.
I would be interested in hearing what Beekman do with the male baby goats, I have thought about this in the past when purchasing their products. I don’t want to jump to any conclusions though without knowing the truth. They seem to love their goats very much. I was upset a couple years ago when in one of their magazines or on their website they had printed a personal recipe for lamb . I thought wow if they eat lambs then maybe they do sell the male goats for meat, I would love for them to address these questions but I doubt they ever well, which itself is not a good sign. I would think if they didn’t do this then they would be proud of the fact and make it public because they always focus on and talk about spreading kindness and loving the animals and how wonderful the treatment is of them. So how bout it Josh and Brent? What happens to old goats, females that aren’t producing milk abundantly, male goats and any goats that you don’t keep??????
Beekman “Neighbor Services Team” said they “bottle serve” their baby goats because “it’s healthier for them”. What?!!! They went on to say that they do this to “free up” the milk to make Beekman products. In my opinion, that is just plain exploitation of the goats. Beekman said that they also sell their goats to local farmers who “want to increase their herd”. They went on to tell me that they are certified, inspected, and have visitors but that, in my opinion, does not necessarily mean that they are the bucolic farm that they claim to be. A quick internet search will show many animal welfare groups that have filmed what really goes on with many so-called organic, cruelty-free farms.
LondonMiss, the same is practiced in the Dairy Industry as well. I’m not saying it is ok.
Yes, I am aware of the cruel practices in the dairy industry. See my response to jazzy333 about the reply to my email from Beekman.
Thanks for posting this. The milk and egg industry is incredibly cruel. Goat milk is for baby goats!
You’re welcome. I think it’s important to question advertising and look behind the curtain. See my latest post in answer to jazzy333 about how the baby goats are fed.
The term cruelty-free typically means that a product has not been directly tested on animals; therefore, there is no animal cruelty involved in the finished product. When you see this label, you can feel confident that the lipstick, concealer, lotion, cleanser, or other product you use has not been directly tested on animals in a laboratory setting.
This is not always 100% true. For example, “ethically sourced” down simply means that the bird is not plucked while alive. That’s a pretty low bar if you ask me. I would not consider that to be “cruelty-free” yet many companies will get the approval and label to say just that.
A recipe for Lamb??? WOW, that sure changes the way I’ve looked at their products. Thanks for this interesting info on the plight of goats in this industry. Beekman Bros. should clarify what they do with these animals. On another related subject, I am a Prai customer and have been for years. Cathy Kangas products are not tested on animals. I am pleased with the results and will stick with Prai knowing no animal has been harmed.
See my reply to jazzy333 regarding the response I got from Beekman.
I love eating lamb.
Of course they are exploiting the goats. This is a big scale operation no matter what they say. How do you think they are able to continue to sell thousands of products through HSN, QVC, and their own website?
yes yes and yes
NOT cruelty free, nor is it CLEAN BEAUTY. -
A lot of chemicals in their products. I can find natural soaps that do not use all the chemicals. I like oils not chemicals but that is me. And I switched to soaps with honey instead of goat milk and they are very gentle. And Beekman overly scents their products, gives me a headache. Many people do love their products. And yes, the baby goats being hand fed the mother’s milk is a terrible practice and is animal cruelty.
I also don’t like the way they exploit the baby goats by bringing them to the HSN segments and place them on the table while trying to sell their products. It’s not cute, it’s abusive and wrong.
I deeply resent being lied to Won’t buy their products or even watch them. There are many other companies to choose from that don’t exploit and abuse animals for money
Thank you… I do not or will not use their products…. I am sick of them and making it out their products are fantastic… No they aren’t !! There are better products on the market… that are all natural, vegan and cruelty free.
Same with Josie Maran… My goodness her products are awful. -
I hate the happy, little story the Beekman reps present. There is only one way to get goatmilk and that is to rip babies from their mothers and steal their milk. Mothers wail sadly for days when their babies are stolen, it’s heartbreaking! The Beekman’s story cannot be any prettier or kinder than the atrocities in the dairy industry. Females are bred constantly via artificial insemination and the majority of the males are killed.
THANK YOU!!!!! A gift of kindness???? I’m trying to understand how backwards and olden day this all sounds…..Everything being said is un education and certainly not researched! I’m still in shock…thank you so much for saying something ❤️
I guess I never really thought about it from this level. I thought by buying their products, I was supporting a “kind” company. I see it differently now through all your insight. No more Beekman for me!
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Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
27 Replies
5 days ago
20 Participants