are bearpaws good on ice and snow?
@74 nervous if they might be slippery
nothing grips ice quite like the product that allows you to attach a snow-tack bottom to any shoe. Mine were purchased from QVC years ago and called Yaks, they gripped securely on icy conditions.
Those things grip ice, beyond that – ice is no friend of any shoe bottom.Bearpaws get wet in snow – and tho they are treated for water repellency – there is really no guaranty they won’t allow your feet to get soaked and your boots to get trashed.
I own 6 pr and would not wear them in ice/snow.-
Thanks Karen for your response. Mom had purchased yaks from qvc for me many, many years ago, but when I moved I tossed them. Ah the ignorance of youth, huh? lol
@sherryrose, from the look of the soles on the TSV they should give good traction.
Thanks MaryMary-@74 took a big fall last winter so was concerned. I am hopeful as the soles do look good, however, had a pair of supposed ice boots with hearty looking soles that were simply awful on snow/ice. Guess I will give them a test run 🙂
@sherryrose, I haven’t worn bearpaws, but I wear Minnetonka and with similar soles have had no issues in the snow. Good luck!
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Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6 Replies
2 weeks ago
3 Participants