are bearpaws good on ice and snow?
@74 nervous if they might be slippery
I live in Michigan and have worn my bearpaws out in the snow several times with no issue. But, that me.
Thanks to everyone for input. Update on my furry friendly bearpaw boots. I purchased 2 of the furry ones on clearance. The pink & gray thinking because they had some tread they would be ok. I decided to be safe & order the attachable track thingys, but of course would be an issue attempting to get them on to the fur, so will use on other boots. Well, with circulation issues & keepin temp in house down my feet are always freezing. These bearpaws have natural wool lining & removable inserts so feet dont perspire as with regular slippers, & I now use them as slippers. How wonderful they are for that purpose. With warm feet the rest of my body is warmer as well & even able to lower temp in house another 2 degrees.
NO! Bearpaws are honestly horrible on ice and snow. Very slippery! I love Bearpaw boots but never wear them on ice or anywhere slippery. I have had to literally crawl on my hands and knees trying to walk in my Bearpaws on an icy sidewalk. There is no traction to them, and you just slide around. I have taken several falls in my Bearpaws. They are cute and keep your feet warm. But not suitable for icy conditions. If they added traction to the bottom of them then they would be perfect.
Rachel I agree with you, Bear paws are a nice boot, but not to be worn in snow and icy conditions. I took a fall and fractured my back several years ago while wearing mine. I too wear Yak tracks on the bottom of my boots for the best traction and grip in bad weather.
nothing grips ice quite like the product that allows you to attach a snow-tack bottom to any shoe. Mine were purchased from QVC years ago and called Yaks, they gripped securely on icy conditions.
Those things grip ice, beyond that – ice is no friend of any shoe bottom.Bearpaws get wet in snow – and tho they are treated for water repellency – there is really no guaranty they won’t allow your feet to get soaked and your boots to get trashed.
I own 6 pr and would not wear them in ice/snow.-
Thanks Karen for your response. Mom had purchased yaks from qvc for me many, many years ago, but when I moved I tossed them. Ah the ignorance of youth, huh? lol
@sherryrose, from the look of the soles on the TSV they should give good traction.
Thanks MaryMary-@74 took a big fall last winter so was concerned. I am hopeful as the soles do look good, however, had a pair of supposed ice boots with hearty looking soles that were simply awful on snow/ice. Guess I will give them a test run 🙂
@sherryrose, I haven’t worn bearpaws, but I wear Minnetonka and with similar soles have had no issues in the snow. Good luck!
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Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
10 Replies
2 weeks ago
6 Participants