Anyone Get Notification About Evine…
Evine sent out a notification that they are changing their name to, Shop HQ. This is odd. Are they hoping people will mistake them for HSN/QVC? This may sound far fetch to some but struggling companies do sneaky things.
I read the name Evine failed to connect with the public/shoppers so they decided to go back to the name they had before, ShopHQ. They were ShopHQ for a long time so it isn’t new, just being reused. They felt Evine did not evoke a shopping experience for those who may not know it’s a shopping channel.
I took the name to mean “Shop Headquarters” too.
It’s not any different to me as the 2 hamburger places – Burger King & Burger Chef (now out of business).
I started watching & shopping at Evine this year, since Nicky Butler went there. I really like it!
Unfortunately I have been watching HSN less & less. I haven’t liked it as much lately.
They have been going down hill for years. They use to be Shop HQ before and ShopNBC as well. There charging privileges are extremely steict. There was a value pay due and I thought that it was pad. Within 5 days I went to pay it and attempted to purchase something on value pay and was told that my charging privileges had been cancelled. I tried to pay for it outright and was told that I couldn’t. Both QVC and HSN would work with you. In order to remain in this business with the millions of consumers you have to be willing to work with them especially because that was the first time.
Tricie1470, has the post office ever lost a package? Yikes! The hoops they make you jump through is ridiculous. Filling out forms swearing on a stack of Bibles in order to get your money back. It made me feel like I did something wrong. I canceled all my future Serious Skincare auto-ships and haven’t ordered anything else.
Yes, I had a return lost in the mail and luckily for me it had processed far enough to have a record. I had to wait for them to file a claim, get reimbursed and then reimburse me. It was several years ago. Hence the reason I don’t shop there often.
Also, they have high shipping fee’s.
Hope they do what’s needed to turn things around.
WOW! They really closed at 0.43? How long have they been so down in the dumps? I definitely see why they are changing their name to HQ and why they are doing it now. Of course people will associate that name with Hsn/Qvc. Clever. Not sure if it will save them but interesting to see.
@kittengirl, they’ve been below $1for about a year and delisted from the DOW. It’s standard to give a company 30 days to get your stock above $1 and there’s dropped. All the changes were not enough to keep the investors happy. Looks like the door is open for someone to purchase them and try to make an good honest go of it.
I had no idea they were so low for that long, but I don’t watch Evine either. I don’t pay attention to the stocks on any companies except what I have stock in or if I’m considering something else after my son suggests it to me. He isn’t a stock broker (chemical engineer) but he has been spot on about stocks since Jr. high. I am curious now how HSN is doing.
Hi Kittengirl, if you like over designed garments, high low hems with sharkbite, lace on sleeves, keyhole in the back with a bow you would love them. They don’t know how to be on trend without being trendy. Yes, I know many people love their fashion but it’s revealing that their fashion line is the least profitable. They have a brand called “One World” and they have somehow managed to make most of the items look all the same. Most of their denim is boxy and lay right below the navel…not a good look unless you’re twenty. I always thought their fashion was off. With so many women being shoppers you would think fashion would be a profitable area for them but it’s not.
NO, definitely does not sound like me. I detest sharkbite hems and I like my necklines simple because I hoard jewelry! I know you are not surprised. Lol. I basically have 3 looks. Classic (pencil skirts (or trousers) with nice silk blouses or cashmere sweaters, wrap dresses, jeans with nice sweaters or blouses), boho/western (flowy simple dresses or skirts, jeans and flowy blouses, long duster sweaters), or my at home chillin’ with the kitties look ( yoga or jogger pants and tees or slouchy sweaters). That’s it, nothing complicated. If Evine only offers sharkbite hems or overdone tops then they need to change it up a bit to include styles most of us wear.
Do you think someone will buy them or do you think they will fold? -
My look is totally similar Kittengirl. I think AngieP raises a good point…to see someone like Joy Magnano and I’m adding Iman, purchase them. Wow, that would be something to watch. Iman definitely knows how to stay on trend without being “trendy.” I find when you’re too trendy your clothes end up looking dated quicker. When you have a more trend forward, classic look you can keep your clothes longer.
Hi skingirl!
I totally agree! I think it would be fair revenge for Joy to buy them and hire Mindy Grossman away from Oprah! I’m not into revenge at all but just sayin”…
Any of those women would do a great job building an empire on shopping channels. I hope one of them does it. I’d even be happy to see Barry Diller buy it and make it the way HSN used to be when all the great fashion vendors used to be here. I’d love to see him come back to HSN with Mindy Grossman. WHEN is Iman coming back? It will be September soon! Sigh…Oh, I forgot to mention I hoard shoes, purses, scarves and hats too! But I think you knew that too, right? Lol. I blame it on fall. I have been cleaning out and purging my closet and drawers so it is much more manageable now. I am a maximalist trying to become a minimalist. I dream of having a more streamlined closet but it takes time for habits to die. I am making much progress though! 😀
Ha-ha…hoard is right Kittengirl. But I’m getting better. No more owing HSN, mortgage payments. I had to almost sit on my hands after the recent Marla Wynne visit. I didn’t care too much for the dress…didn’t think it was for me but boy I had a few shaky moments with other items. I’m going to wait until we’re way into the fall fashion reveal and I’ll add a few pieces. Waiting for a nice tall boot for sure.
Hi skingirl,
Yeah, sitting on my hands is what I am resorting to it seems. So many things I have in my faves are now on clearance and I’m trying to be strong! Lol! I did buy (waitlisted) the Marla dress. I wasn’t sure but they said the black ones were almost gone so I went ahead and got it. It looked so cute on Marlo Smith and I imagined wearing it with boots and then I saw Amy later on wearing it belted and I gave in. I will let you know how it works out. I have been on a quest for a perfect black dress. What items tempted you?
I am waiting for tall boots too. I want some rich dark brown ones. I got the Steve Madden chocolate suede ones last year that are now full price again. I got them as the TS. I want some leather ones now with some snake embossed texture or a slouchy suede. I love boots. 😀 -
@Kiitengirl, my tempted items are her kimonos although I already have a couple along with her flatter fit pants. I know when they roll out the serious fall fashion I will find items I truly love. I’m trying to stick with my, “only purchase 3-4 new items per season” rule. Buying clearance doesn’t fit into that. If I opt to buy clearance I will purchase without using flex. This helps keep me disciplined. I love Marla’s kimono’s. They really do upgrade whatever you’re wearing. I heard her say over the summer how she was coming out with a velvet kimono for fall…can’t wait. As far as boots, I’m looking for suede this season. Tall and a bootie. So that’s already 2 out of my 4 max allowance. Between my shopping and my traveling something has to give. Also, consuming/purchasing so much is starting to feel yucky.
3-4 pieces is going to be tough but if clearance doesn’t count then it’s possible. 😀
Marla’s kimonos are very nice and I will be looking for that velvet one for sure. Velvet is yummy!
I agree, flex pays make it too easy to buy too much and that is a good rule for clearance. I used to never use flex but I use it all the time now and that is one reason I am not buying as much – I overspend and buy extra because it is so easy to do. I hope we are both successful in staying within our budgets/plans this year! I have always enjoyed a challenge, how about you? 😀 Have a good one! 😀
Here’s adding a little spice that would make for good fiction. What if Joy M took the path of Oprah W and bought them right out. Now that would make a good read. Makes you think how the home shopping network industry would change… or would it change at all?
They are going through a rebranding and company restructuring. Their stock prices closed at $0.43 for the week meaning they are truly a penny stock company. The changes are coming from the Board so don’t be surprised when more drastic changes start happening which may be a good thing. When companies start merging or joining under one umbrella the competition has an opportunity to stand out and potentially change the industry. It will be interesting to watch what unfolds in the home shopping world.
Yes AngieP, I saw that about the stocks and I agree it will be interesting to see what happens.
Skingirl, i have received a few e-mails about the name change. Mostly as reminders. It’s interesting how people see things (or don’t see things). Very interesting Hsn/ Qvc thought!
I didn’t think too much about the name change but like how you noticed.
The Shop NBC or Evine name doesn’t seen the best way to id a shopping network but i seemed to have found it (although I rarely shop there).-
Thanks Taci for your understanding. I wasn’t trying to be flippant but as I’ve said before on another post, I tend to look at things different from most.
From 2013-2015 they were ShopHQ I have no idea why they are gong back to that name.
From 2000 to 2013 they were known as ShopNBC.
Hi PattyF, yes I did see a article after I posted from their new CEO, stating they were going back to Shop HQ. The article stated that they loss 21 million last quarter. It also stated that their fashion and home line were their least profitable and that they will br focusing on their top producers, Invicta, jewelry and health wellness which includes beauty.
What’s the big deal in Evine changing their name? They have great products and I shop there just like I shop here.
HQ is also an abbreviation for head quarters..I think that’s the angle they are trying to play, not trying to be sneaky. Evine doesn’t have to compete they have many many great brands that can compete with the big guys 😊
If you say so. However, a recent Forbes article described them as “struggling.” Here is the article if you’re interested: https://www.forbes.com/sites/pamdanziger/2019/04/30/evine-seeks-a-lifeline-as-sales-shrink-and-brands-abandon-ship/
Yes I know. But them using HQ is strikingly similar to HsnQvc. This reminds me of the Chinese brands that appear on Amazon. They copy famous brands-handbags and coats and give the items American sounding names.
They used to be ShopNBC.
Before that they were Value Vision
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
31 Replies
08.30.19 5:50 PM
12 Participants