Amy Morrison Hair
Just wondering if Amy wears a wig?
Yes, most women on TV do wear wigs but I love them. They allow you to try different styles & colors without ruining your natural hair. Teri Toner was wearing a long red wig the other day and I thought it looked really good on her.
I don’t think it’s a wig, I think she has her hair dyed at the hairline and it’s not uncommon from what I have heard. Aside from that, her latest style of parting her hair in the middle with bangs at the sides is uber flattering. Much more so than the extra wide part at the side and flipped over. Never liked that lopsided look on her. She is a beauty that’s for sure.
I agree it’s not a wig! She has said so many times that it’s all her own hair! And if it is a wig, then that’s her 😊 i love the middle part too! But you’re right she’s beautiful and looks good in any style! Seems so sweet too😚
I don’t think Amy wears a wig, but some other hosts do.
Someone who wears a wig all the time toid me long ago that most people on TV wear a wig. I do not know if that is true but the defining tip was a line at the hair line that she told was a a ” lace” liner. I have seen the lace on other TV persons but I think that line at her hair line is the wig. It is the best wig I have seen
It sure looks like a different color in the last few months. She isn’t as blonde as before, which was quite attractive.
Nah, tho I too see the banded hairline, I’d put my money on it being HER actual hair. What I noticed lately is that she is skinnier than ever. She’s as tiny as Giuliana. And yea, I’m envious!
Her whole face is altered
I never noticed that black band, but it would seem like that is holding a wig, very tightly!!
I do believe she wears a wig. There’s a black band at the top of her forehead securing it to her head.
I would say no because she often demonstrates various hair products as she is applying them, while shaking her head. I think this would be difficult if she were wearing a wig. I think her hair is lovely, wish mine were as pretty!!
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Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
12 Replies
1 month ago
11 Participants