winner questions
how often can a person win the sweepstakes in the arcade sweepstakes?
actually i got a reply from an HSN person, who told me after researching the rules her/him self, came up with there is no rules about how often or how many sweepstakes (prizes) you can win. I won something last week but haven’t heard from hsn at all, i wonder how long it takes for them to send you the form to sign before shipping it to you?
I also won a prize & haven’t heard anything at all from HSN. My sister won a Moreno hair treatment last year & never received the prize, nor any type of communication from HSN. Very disappointing.
If you are talking about the “game of the week” you can go back & look at the list of weekly winners. I noticed there was one person who won TWICE and just a few wks apart. Surprising!
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
4 Replies
06.30.20 6:16 AM
3 Participants