What about Existing Points
What is going to happen with the existing points earned when the new year / new program is implemented? Are the rewards going to be able to be applied in next year or will they just disappear? I understand that you can still use them, but what about when the new system is implemented?
From what I'[ve read, it sounds like your points will disappear after the first of the year.
Why I don’t get any point even when I wine the game ?
It is my understanding that you had to be logged in when you played in order for you to earn points. I have played sometimes and did not earn any points because I was not logged into my account. When you are logged into your account, you points after playing a game will be posted in the upper right hand corner. After you play a game, it tells you how many points you earned.
Now, it has that you are to play the game of week and are required to get a minimum score to be entered into the winning a prize; however, I have reached and/or exceeded that score, but have not received any notification if I have been entered to win that prize. I believe it is $250.00 gift card to HSN.
Best wishes in your playing!
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
4 Replies
10.23.23 7:23 PM
3 Participants