Yesterday, I again posted to the Customer Service Thread and as of this minute there has been no response. I assume there will probably not be a regular game and sometimes wonder if we will ever see six questions. For now, I do have patience. But what bothers me more is no response from the MODS. I also have noticed that when someone enters their comments within the same area, there is also nothing from the MODS. I will keep after them, no matter what. We actually do need to know what is happening to our games. For now……
I hope you are ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂
Good evening Oodiebom and all Trivia players.
Hi Sanibel. Good evening to you. I see spring training is still the question of the half hour.
So cute FBN………
Maybe, Superman can take trivia back in time, when it was working.
I was hoping…lol
Good Evening Oodiebom and all Trivia Players. ✨😎
Good Evening everyone, happy Friday to all. Shout out to Oodiebom, Sanibelsheller, fbn135, Sheba, Rosatowwen.
Sheba, love the picture.
Thank you how are you this evening? I do hope we get a question. ✨
Hi Sheba. I’m OK. Just feeling a bit tired. Took a nap this afternoon. ubby has an appointment Wednesday with an Orthopedist. I hope to have some answers.
Hello Sheba, thank you for this beautiful picture. Hard to believe Autumn is in the 22nd, its been so hot. I do miss the fall up North, the colors and the cool temperatures. But, not the snow lol, back in the 1970’s when I lived in Washington, D.C. There was a blizzard and everything shutdown, I had to walk to work. Well, back then I was young and has the energy.
xango, I remember that blizzard. I awoke that morning to sunshine and thought the weatherman was wet behind the ears for getting that forecast all wrong. Went to work that morning with temps in the low 40s and thought for sure we would have sun all day. However, the winds picked up around noon and the temp started to drop and around 1 pm our cars were blanketed in snow. Luckily I had a change of clothes in the car just in case and changed to warmer things along with boots. Cleared the car and proceeded to drive the 18 miles to the house. On the way in I saw the “Golden Arches” and decided to make a detour. Bought lunch for everyone and at that time it included my husband and I along with my mother in law and her housekeeper. The lunch included sodas, water, hamburgers and ice cream. I dropped everything off and stayed five minutes and then drove to our apartment which had a real straight up incline. My car made it without a problem. Made it home and then could not get out for the next three or four days. Guess the weatherman was right after all.
Hi xango. Well, the rain that you saw this afternoon didn’t make it to the Gulf. However, I am hearing thunder in the distance, but so far, no lightning. I am sure we will see something soon and at that point may have to close down.
Hello Oodiebom, we have been getting some rain through out the day. Nothing in bucketful but, enough to get everything a good drink. This weekend we are celebrating our 35th anniversary. Yesterday I received a Bonsai tree, today a box of chocolates wonder what’s coming tomorrow.
xango, I hope you have a very special day on your 35th. May you and Mr. xango enjoy many more and may they be special full of love, good health and good cheer.
Oodiebom, Thank you. I had to postpone our celebration trip. Before the pandemic we had plan to go abroad for this one.
I understand how you feel. We cancelled our trip this year for our 50th I rather be safe than sorry later. I'[m positive that both of us will celebrate when the time comes and it will be the best ever.
Sheba, the cake is delicious, I made some Chamomile tea to go with it.
Sheba, that’s a wonderful card, thank you. You are so sweet and kind.
Good evening to you, Xango. Hope we get a new question
Hi Sanibelsheller, I don’t know if a new question will happen, fingers crossed for a new one.
It would be nice if HSN had someone to fix this.
Spring Training is so old news, when you look at the calendar. 🤬😤🤯
The big thing in Minneapolis/St Paul, besides school children being shot & killed, is middle school kids trashing their school bathrooms. It’s gotten so bad in some schools, they have locked the bathrooms. I hate listening to the news.
Oodiebom, thinking about that blizzard brought back lots of memories. My mother and I lived at 2700 Connecticut Avenue N.W. We had a corner appartment on the 5th floor that faced Connecticut Avenue and Woodley Rd. My bedroom faced Woodley Rd and the Sheraton Park Hotel. In the summer we would get a pass to use the Hotel’s pool because my mother worked for the Hotel. They offered pool passes for those that worked and lived near the Hotel. While attending high school, I too worked at the Hotel after class. I worked answering calls for room service taking orders.
Good night all, hope you all have a safe and pleasant week ahead. Fingers crossed that next week we get a couple fun Trivias
All that spring training for the last 6 months has tired me out. I think I will call it a night. Please stay safe, wear your masks when away from home and practice social distancing as well. Oh yes, keep those hands nice and clean. Until next week, pleasant dreams. Good night.
They just posted a trivia question on HSN live and then said to search trivia. The question isn’t here. Very strange, HSN must think their Trivia game is working
Thank you for hosting and goodnight. ✨😘Goodnight to all Trivia Players maybe next
week will be better. ✨ -
Oodiebom, thank you for hosting, and thank you everyone for wishing me well on our celebration this weekend. Be careful out there and stay safe. Rosatowwen you were missed.
Good night everyone. -
Hello Oodiebom and everyone, Glad to see everyone is well and in such good spirits. I’ve been following along from afar. but I am usually not home till after 6 PM, 4 hrs. behind your time zone. Like the white rabbit, that makes me always late. However, I do go and keep up with y’all as much as I can. I almost never get news from outside! So …… I cleaned out the apt. over my garage last week and came across an old Cash Cab Trivia game, with about 600 questions & answers in it. I would be glad to donate it or just rattle off questions for fun or even write them out to you to use? Up to you, I believe it is past it copyright by now. Let me know. Have a wonderful week EVERYONE.
Zbdiz, what a great idea. We could give it a try next week. Even one or two questions would bring a smile to everyone’s face. Besides, it will keep the ole brain functioning.
Zbdiz, I forgot to mention that the Cab Trivia is still being played. I’m not sure if I saw it recently on PBS or another channel. It’s fun to watch.
I sent an email to HSN CS about the Friday Night Trivia Promo on HSN TV Friday night. They posted a question about Yellowstone Park and then directed you to go to Arcade to answer.
Here is the response:
I completely understand and share your disappointment. It’s never our goal to pour salt into a wound and I know this has been a sore spot over the last few months. I wish I had an update at this time, but I can say that we are working with the Arcade Team to straighten this out. I’ll be sure to loop in the broadcast team, so they can better understandWe truly appreciate your patience and thank you for your feedback.
HSN Social and Community Support-
It would seem the TV programmers were not aware that the Trivia Game is broken….
Very interesting…I wonder if the people in the supervisory chain are aware? It is hard to belive they could not fix this in all this time isn’t it?
Hi FBN and Sanibel. I thank you both for helping out. I posted to notes to the customer service thread and the last time I checked there were no responses. I also noted that there has been no trivia game in the real sense of the word for six months. I was told in March that the games would begin working again by June 21st of this year. At that time the games would be up and running with new games added and some taken away. I am surprised to learn that the programmers were unaware that the game has been down when some of us have voiced our concerns over the last six months. It seems someone isn’t doing their job or so it seems. Someone has been sleeping at the wheel…….
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
41 Replies
09.19.21 4:22 AM
6 Participants